God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2002: Bury the barbarian gods, find fault with the barbarian gods, protect the way with the

"A life-and-death battle, you demand this and that, are you a giant baby?"

Ye Que snorted coldly, performing 90 billion supernatural powers with six hands, and smashed down crazily, like pieces of endless sea, falling continuously, even the fish in the sea would be bombarded to death by the force of falling.

The most worrying thing about this kind of output is the consumption of divine power.

Thanks to the many physiques of this guy, his divine power is several times that of those arrogances, not to mention that he has two forms of one body, so he has more divine power stored.

Although it only recovered 30%, it was enough to output for eight or nine seconds.

The eyelids of the world twitched, and even those Yuanshen's faces changed color.

This is the real peerless ruthless man.

The supernatural powers like the vast ocean smashed down without taking a breath.

The legs of all the demon gods looked weak, especially the tree **** Heihuang, who was almost smashed to death by 60 billion magical powers, but only suffered a wave.

They are all peak mid-level Yuanzun, in terms of life expectancy and strength accumulation, they are stronger than barbarian gods.

If the current Mantian God hadn't combined the perfect domineering body and the Manly God's finger, it would be difficult to beat the demon god.

But these are foreign things after all, the life essence of the barbarian **** is almost the same as that of the demon god, and even the black barren tree **** almost died after eating 60 billion magical powers.

Not to mention the continuous output of 90 billion damage per second.

The bang bang bang smashed down, even the sky and the earth were submerged, and everyone only saw the vast sea of ​​supernatural powers, and that madman-like Ye Gushen.

At this time, everyone couldn't hear Mantian God's voice, let alone feel the slightest fluctuation of Mantian God's divine power, as if they were being whipped to death by Ye Gushen, and they were already completely chilled.

Suddenly, a blue light shot up into the sky, it was the Sao. Baoshuiyue mirror.

"Jiang Wanyue, fight with this old man!"

Shuiyuejing incarnates as an old man with old yellow teeth. He used to be in Jiusang Shenshan and claimed to be the killer of the mysterious Yintian Temple.

As soon as he appeared, he displayed the prestige of a high-ranking Yuanzun, and Jiang Wanyue was led into the sky when he was in a daze.

This is unreasonable.

One is void and immortal, and the other is a high-level Yuan Zun.

how to spell?

When things go wrong, there must be a demon. Ye Que noticed it immediately, and directly turned the Eye of Casting the World, and landed on Shuiyuejing, knowing that this guy must have a deep meaning in doing so.

"Cover the sky with one hand!"

Shui Yuejing reached out to Jiang Wanyue with one hand. This move was a small secret technique that he had taught Ye Que to forcefully penetrate into other people's bodies.

Jiang Wanyue couldn't move, she was a little dazed, she didn't know what the old man was going to do, but she believed that the old man would not harm her, so she let it go, but there was still a reaction in her heart.

If Zunzhu Ye did this, she wouldn't move, instead, she would take the initiative by herself.

"The hands of the ancient gods! Squeeze the source with your hands, and search for things!"

Shui Yuejing's hand had already grabbed Jiang Wanyue's head, and special runes appeared all over her body, shaking like stars in the sky.

Ye Que saw it in his eyes, felt familiar, and then realized, isn't this the principle of Shuiyue Magic Sky that Shuiyuejing said?

Master Pei was joking at the beginning to teach him "Shuiyue Magic Sky", and after waking up, he used it on purpose. Ye Que thought that this guy was fooling him, so he didn't learn much, but he remembered those runes in his heart.

"No matter how many treasures are hidden in your body, you have to take them out for me!"

Shuiyue mirror drank loudly, and the runes all over her body bloomed with purple light, turning into another ancient rune.

And his words made the world react.

"Damn, this old thing is teaching Ye Gushen to catch treasure!"

"Absolutely! The battle between Man Tianshen and Ye Gushen is a battle witnessed by heaven and earth, and no one can intervene. This guy is fighting by the side, but he is actually teaching people something!"

"Man Tianshen has the Eternal Law in his body, as well as the obscure Kaitian Zhiyao, hahaha, it's so bad, killing people and stealing treasures!"

"This is an ancient secret technique of the Mystic Temple. The ancient gods can capture it no matter how many treasures are hidden in the body, but the price is very high. The soul of the captured person will immediately perish, which is extremely cruel."

Many people reacted, exclaimed, and then followed suit.

But as soon as he learned it, his seven orifices bleed, and his soul trembled, as if it was about to disintegrate on its own. People who wanted to master it were so frightened that they stopped, and they didn't even dare to memorize the runes.

"Don't learn it. This is the top-level secret art of the Mystic Temple. Only special characters in the Mystic Temple can learn it. Ye Gushen, the child of the Mystic God, has a special physique, and only he can learn it!"

If you have the power, stop it quickly.

On the other hand, Ye Que's ninety billion magical powers have stopped, and his whole body is covered with purple light. This is the mysterious divine body temporarily dominating the position, with six hands swimming, performing the original fighting eternal method, and his talent is transcendentally activated, performing the ancient god's hand.

He discovered that this ancient god's hand is the final version of the one-handed god, and it fits with the mysterious **** body. In other words, it is impossible to master the ancient god's hand without the special skills of the mysterious **** body or the mysterious temple.

buzz buzz —

He has the eternal method of the original fighting and the talent of supernatural acceleration, and he quickly mastered the ancient god's hand. After all, it is a simple version to cover the sky with one hand. He wants to learn the final version of the ancient god's hand, and he has laid the foundation early and is easy to master.

I saw Ye Que's six hands blooming with a purple-blue divine light, surrounded by special runes. Watching the timing, when the supernatural powers of the sea are blown up, they will accurately penetrate into the head of the unidentified barbarian god, and grab the source out.

Man Tianshen let out a scream, and his dilapidated body twitched violently. He was so angry that he was caught out of his original source, and died on the spot.

But this guy is also a tough guy. Before he died, he returned to his light, and he counterattacked fiercely, punching Ye Que with a fierce look in his eyes: "I'm not willing, I want you to die together!"

Ye Que's face changed slightly, but luckily he was well prepared.

One divine pestle broke Man Tianshen's hand, and one divine stick smashed Man Tianshen's body, and the chain shook, containing the power of imprisoning God, restricting Man Tianshen.

However, there is still a gap.

A force of seizing the house swept across his body along his hand.

"Forging the world to separate!"

Ye Que was startled, and hurriedly used the Eye of Casting the World to strip the power of seizing the body from the body of the barbarian god, so as to restrain it.

Then, he pulled his hand, and a chaotic black origin appeared in front of him.

Without hesitation, he directly put in a storage ring and cast a special prohibition method to seal it.

In this way, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's so dangerous, I almost died. This ancient god's skill was too hasty and too risky."

Only after mastering the hand of Gu Tianshen did he realize that this thing is extremely dangerous.

It can only be used when the opponent is unable to resist and is dying, otherwise the opponent's original resistance or backlash will be easily taken away by the opponent.

It is difficult for Yuan Zun to kill Yuan Yuan.

The ancient gods grasp the origin with their hands, and those who are caught will die. It seems to be a unique method of killing, but it violates the rule of being hard to kill in the same realm, and it is doomed to be dangerous to use it.

If it wasn't for Ye Que's eye for casting the world, he would have been almost eaten back by the origin of the Mantian God. If he had been taken away, this battle would have been in vain.

"Benyuan has hidden treasures, this battle was not in vain!"

Hearing the notification sound, the inner demon has disappeared. He knows that he has won this battle, and he has won a complete victory.

It's just that as soon as he stood up, he felt a boundless killing intent behind him.

Turning around suddenly, he saw that the world had turned into darkness, and there was only a terrifying figure left in the darkness, with the sky above his head and his feet on the ground, and an invincible killing power that surpassed ordinary source gods surged out of it.

That killing power is too terrifying, destroying everything around in an instant, ten thousand times stronger than the finger of the barbarian god.

Ye Que's face changed drastically. If all the killing power rushed over, he would be instantly killed.

"The battle between you and my disciple is over. Man Tianshen is dead. Although he is overconfident, he deserves to die, but the teacher must avenge his murder!"

That terrifying figure was the Man God. As he spoke, he pointed his finger at Ye Que, and the killing power instantly condensed on his fingertips, turning into a black long knife, and went straight to Ye Que at such a speed that even Kai Tian couldn't make it in time.

Ye Que's face was gloomy, this old man's idea was good enough.

In today's battle, if he was killed, Man Shen would naturally smile and never do anything.

But if the Mantian God is killed, the Mantian God will definitely annihilate him for the purpose of revenge.

At this critical moment, a blizzard that was about to freeze Longhuang came, and instantly froze the world where the barbarian **** was.

Ye Que narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw a beautiful and icy slender figure appearing in front of him. The snowy hair of the figure attracted attention.

"Man God, the guards in my Ice Emperor's domain are the ones you can kill if you want?"

The slender figure drank coldly, with a golden tower hanging on the left side and a magic pot hanging on the right side. The silver-purple divine light was blooming all over his body, cutting the world.

Ye Que looked at the shocking scene of freezing the world, everything was still, and guessed that this must be the Ice Emperor's glory of opening the sky, "Ice Realm Abyss".

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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