God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2000: This time, it's your turn to run

"No, he has consumed too much divine power, and the barbarian god's destructive attack is coming, he can't stop it!"

Some people also shifted their attention from Man God's finger to Man Tian God. That guy swung Fang Tian's painted halberd, and the waves of magic light carried the thunder of a thousand calamities, trying to drown Ye Que.

Man Tianshen sneered: "No matter which side you are defending, you will die!"

He was shocked, but expected.

For this battle, he and his master have been speculating about Ye Que's Sky-opening Glory, thinking that the opponent has the ability to open cracks.

And this finger of the barbarian is to make the other party use the Sky Opening Crack.

The purpose is also to completely consume the opponent's divine power.

But now, Ye Que's supernatural power had really bottomed out, his hair turned white, and wrinkles appeared on his face.

For this blow, he consumed a lot of his lifespan and origin.

"Cough cough cough!"

Ye Que spattered blood, cast the eternal speed method, and narrowly escaped the opponent's attack.

However, he consumed too much divine power, and his speed was also slowed down, and he was wounded by the barbarian **** many times.

"I want you to die!"

Mantian God was running in the void, shaking the sky and the earth, the mountains and rivers were in ruins, and the void was cracking. Fang Tian's halberd waved, arousing the power of the divine thunder of the eternal law, and his random shots contained the top-level destructive power of a perfect hegemony.

Ye Que took a deep breath and continued to use the Eternal Speed ​​Method to barely evade the opponent's attack. At the same time, he devoured training resources to make up for his lack of divine power.

In the void, the two sides dodged and moved, turning into the figures of gods and demons, and any remaining power could crush the heavens.

"Are you just running?"

Man Tianshen was furious, gritted his teeth, and had a hideous face. He had a perfect domineering body, and every blow contained terrifying power, but he couldn't hit Ye Que, so he felt jealous and angry.

Ye Que remained silent, and kept dodging, turning into streamers of purple light, moving all over the sky.

"Ye Gushen, if you really have the guts, fight me head-on!"

Man Tianshen cast the Green Leaf Tribulation Light, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand turned into a green leaf. It was the condensed thunder of ten thousand calamities. As soon as it appeared, he trembled and slashed at Ye Que with a bang.

Ye Que coughed up blood, with a tense face, using the Eternal Speed ​​Method to the extreme, narrowly dodging Qingye, but was still injured by Qingye's residual power, a wound with visible bones appeared on his chest, Zhan Lianjin Blood flowed out, burning the sky and the earth.

"Where's your guts? Where's your fighting spirit? If you don't dare to fight me, are you worthy of being called an ancient god?"

Man Tianshen took great strides, trembling the void, shaking the earth violently, every punch he swung out could carry perfect arrogance and shake the world.

Ye Que remained silent and kept dodging.

"Bereaved dog, I have sworn that I will never die with you. Since you are fighting, you only dare to run away, ancient god? I think you are a cowardly god!"

Man Tianshen was furious, his fists shook the sky and the earth, oscillating ten thousand dharma, forcing Ye Que to keep running.

The world was furious.

"This guy is as hypocritical as his master!"

"If it weren't for the purpose of defusing the Man God's Finger, with Ye Gushen's super powerful form, he could easily crush him!"

"This son of a **** is too arrogant, I want to mess with him!"

"Taking advantage of others' prestige, arrogant and arrogant, villain, villain!"

Many people who are not popular, even those who were once hostile to Ye Que, were conquered by Ye Que with the finger of the Man God, and they are all cursing the Man God at the moment.

But no one can make a move, because this is a battle that the two sides have made an oath, and if they help each other, it will only harm Ye Gushen.

"Ye Gushen, weren't you very strong back then? You dared to **** Kaitian Zhiyao in the Longhuang Sea, dared to fight with me, how can you only run now?"

Mantian God shouted angrily, and stepped out of the dark sea, which turned into a giant sky-swallowing beast, and swallowed Ye Que. Ye Que tried to dodge, but was chopped off by the attacking Qingye Jieguang, and a wound appeared on his back. The spine can be seen, and the blood is flowing continuously.

"I think you are born to run away, you will only run away when you see anyone!"

The thunderbolt turned into all kinds of weapons, and suppressed Ye Que like a torrential rain. Ye Que had nowhere to hide, so he had to hold on. In the end, his body was covered in scars and blood was spilled in the sky.

"You are not worthy to fight with me, you untouchable ants in the lower realm, I, the Heavenly God, will kill you myself!"

The Mantian God swung the Overlord's Fist, and the Thunder of Myriad Tribulations triggered a thunderstorm, and the giant beasts that devoured the sky galloped across the earth, and they all fell towards Ye Que.

boom! boom! boom!

The earth has been destroyed, the core battlefield has been turned into ruins, the sky is swallowed by magic light, and the barbarian **** seems to shake the eternity, exerting all his strength with every move.

Ye Que was swallowed by the giant beast, wounded and collapsed, flying out covered in blood, but was beheaded by Qingye again, with another wound on his chest, almost cut in half.

Man Tianshen laughed mockingly: "You are nothing more than that!"


He flew towards Ye Que again, ready to kill the ancient **** forcefully.

Everyone's face flushed red with anger, and they clenched their fists tightly, wishing they could personally kill the barbarian god.

Man Tianshen strode towards Ye Que again, Qingye forced him, the giant beast came again, Wan Lei suppressed, Ye Que dodged both, but he couldn't escape the opponent's Overlord Emperor Fist.

boom! !

Man Tianshen punched Ye Que down to the ground, causing smoke and dust to fill the sky.

"Ye Que!!"

Jiang Wanyue cried out.

"Ancient God, a lowly being in the lower realm, this barbarian god, killed you today, this is your supreme glory!"

Man Tianshen glanced at Jiang Wanyue's direction, smiled disdainfully, Gao Gaozai read out coldly, and then wanted to kill again.

At this moment, Ye Que's voice came up, making him pause.

This was the first time Ye Que spoke after dispelling Man God's finger.

"Little Wanwan, I heard what you said, don't worry about me, I swallowed a lot of cultivation resources, although only 30% has recovered, but it is enough!"

In the smoke and dust, Ye Que slowly lifted into the air. Although his whole body was covered in blood, he was no longer tired. Instead, the blood of Zhan Lian flowed all over his body, blending with Zhan Lian's fire pattern, adding a bit of blood and arrogance.

That blood is the golden blood of Zhanlian, boiling and burning, and finally turned into doomsday embers, surrounding Kaitian Zhanlianfa God Body.

At this moment, Ye Que took a breath, looked at Man Tianshen with his three eyes, stretched out his hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled coldly: "This time, it's you who runs!"

Man Tianshen sneered: "Just because of you, a homeless dog who was chased up and down by me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned.

Because Ye Que in front of him disappeared, or in other words, he was blocked by overwhelming magical powers.

"This is…"

He couldn't help taking a step back.

"This is 60 billion supernatural powers!"

The Golden Ant God shouted.

"Yes, yes, I am familiar with this trick! I am the most familiar!"

The Black Desolate Tree God shouted, extremely excited.

Seeing the ancient **** fight back, his aggrieved heart suddenly became more open-minded.

"No...not 60 billion!"

"It's... about... about 90 billion..."

The Desolate Sea Cow Demon said hesitantly, his tone full of shock.

"How can there be 90 billion?"

The demon gods frowned.

"Have you forgotten that he has entered the body with sky marks? Every sky mark entering the body is a transformation of leap in strength! Sixty billion magical powers have become history!"

The wild sea cow demon sneered, staring at Man Tianshen with unfriendly eyes, thinking that you boy will have good fruit to eat next!

Without Manshen's finger, his divine power recovered a lot, and Ye Gushen's infinite firepower was about to be fully fired.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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