God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1691: vomited

"Could it be poisonous?"

Ye Que said in surprise.

In this weird place, no matter what you do or eat, you still have to be cautious.

If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes. This sentence is quite practical at certain times.

"Aren't you tired of crooked?"

A group of people looked at Ye Que with distaste, this thing can also be eaten, take it.

"That's okay, I like to be tired."

Ye Que was overjoyed. Although these strange beasts looked ordinary, they contained the power of origin, which was not easy.

Even if it is tasteless, he will eat it, as long as it is not poisonous.

clap clap.

A group of old men clapped their hands, gnawed their bones, and leisurely went to the depths of the mainland, looking like a second uncle visiting a kiln.

Ye Que was curious about the identities of these guys, but thinking about the long days and the need to meet them later, he held back and asked after eating the meat.

One mouthful after another.

It's really unpalatable.

If there is no salt in the noodles, you will feel nauseous after eating a few more mouthfuls.

"For the power of Yuanxu, fight!"

Ye Que gnawed heavily, and wisps of Yuanxu's power merged into his body, continuously enhancing the life levels of his soul and body.

Booming, roaring in the body, that is the blood is boiling, and the strength is skyrocketing.

The terrifying coercion cannot be suppressed, and it is spreading.


Ye Que burped and scanned the data.

【Unyielding Ancient Divine Body】

[Boundary: High-level Yuanxu (Small Success)]

[Breakthrough progress line: initial entry, small success, consolidation, major success, and completion]

It was still a beginner before, but now it is a small one.


This guy imitated the old man's example, gnawed the bones, and rubbed his strength up again.

Clapping his hands, Ye Que took the stick and went into the deep mountain.

Let's not talk about the others for the time being, let's talk about improving the strength first.

Among the mountains, there are many mountains, green, peaceful and quiet.

There are no ferocious beasts here, only gentle and strange beasts, most of them look like sheep but not sheep, or foxes but not foxes, very strange.

Suddenly, a gray deer appeared in front of him, eating the mushrooms on the ground.

Ye Que did not hide it, teleported behind him in two or three steps, and killed the gray deer with a stick.

"The strength of those old men is no wonder they are void and immortal. It is probably because of eating these meats."

Ye Que carried the gray deer on his shoulders. When walking back, he suddenly saw a fruit on a tree. After thinking about it, he summoned a star sea worm and asked him to try one.

The star sea worm really bites whatever it sees, and after one bite, there is nothing unusual about its body, and its realm has not improved.

"Only the body of the alien beast has the power of origin?"

Ye Que was a little disappointed, hesitated, and swallowed the fruit, but it didn't taste like anything, let alone improve his strength.

But he decided to try anyway.

With this in mind, he let the star sea worms eat the soil again.

no response.

Gnawing mountains, rocks, mushrooms, and plants, nothing happened.

This time, he finally confirmed that only the body of the strange beast has the power of origin.

"That's enough. This continent is boundless. I don't know how many strange beasts exist. If I can go out, I will definitely bring them back."

Abandoned chaos in this time and space, can't get out, but it doesn't mean he can't do anything.

He has the form of a time-space wandering god, so he might be able to go out.

Of course, this is a follow-up.

He has to improve his strength first, this is a rare opportunity.

So, his excitement came again.

Carrying the deer, he lit a fire, poured oil and sprinkled seasoning on the pot. Although it was tasteless, the seasoning he brought had a taste and was not unpalatable.

Another deer was eaten, and his strength improved again.

"Run more this time."

Ye Que carried a stick and ran all over the sky, hitting strange beasts whenever he saw them.

This guy has become a professional hunter, acting arrogantly.

Finally, one day, he was severely beaten.


A giant dragon flew out from the deep mountain and roared at him. Its coercion was comparable to that of the peak Yuanxu, and its sound wave shook Ye Que until he vomited blood.

This didn't stop, the giant dragon breathed out its breath, trying to evaporate Ye Que.

"Grass, kicked the iron plate."

Ye Que ran away.

The anger in the dragon's eyes did not dissipate, and it flew up, flicking the dragon's tail, making a rumbling sound.

The main reason was that when Ye Que saw a dragon, his eyes glowed green, and he gave him a slap when he went up, but he didn't know that the dragon was a big boss.


A fierce battle broke out.

Ye Que was forced to fight, the iron rod was thrown upwards in a daze, one wave after another of secret techniques.

"That's right, this kid is resistant to beating!"

"Back then, I accidentally gnawed on that dragon's tail and was almost swallowed alive!"

"It's been a long time since I saw a fighting scene."

A group of old men stroked their beards, savoring with relish.

This battle lasted three days and three nights.

Ye Que suffered losses many times, and finally got angry and turned into a giant tortoise, like a piece of brown sugar, and began to feel disgusted by the dragon.


The giant dragon was disgusted, the turtle shell couldn't be broken, and it would fight back. The key point was that the giant turtle was still coming up, and it couldn't hide.

The dragon faltered, turned around and ran away.

"Didn't I just give you a stick in the head, as for fighting so hard? Just wait, when I become the peak source, I will eat you first!"

Ye Que was cursing, he had already remembered the dragon in his heart.

After this episode, he restrained his temper and carefully searched for animals in the mountains and forests.

If there are dragons of the peak Yuanxu level, it means that there are also Void Immortal level dragons, so be careful.

He didn't want to run into an elder by chance and accidentally risk his life on it.

Ye Que went to catch strange beasts every day, roasted them and ate them every day, his strength became more and more profound and powerful.

But problems gradually emerged.

"The more you eat, the less power you will get. Just like medicine, the more you eat, the weaker the effect."

Ye Que was helpless, but there was nothing he could do. Anyway, he had already reached the high-level Yuanxu, so eat more and survive to the peak, and he no longer needed the power of Yuanxu.

"No, you guys come too."

Occasionally, Ye Que would let Hanhan eat meat to improve their realm.

"Eat in a low voice, if those old men find out, you will be miserable."

With the foodie attributes of those old men, if they found the existence of star sea worms, they would definitely eat them alive.

Hanhan, who had reached the pinnacle of creating techniques, responded to Ye Que with a sneer.

Time passed bit by bit.

Ye Que lived here for five years.

In the beginning, when he ate a strange beast, he had a ray of power from the source.

But now, he has to eat tens of thousands of heads to have a small ray of Yuanxu power, and his strength has improved slightly, pay attention, it is only a little bit.

Today, he feels like vomiting when he sees a strange beast.

Strange beasts have no taste, dry ones have nothing at all, it’s okay to eat a little at first, but you’ll be scared if you eat too much.

"Young man, do you know it's hard?"

The one-eyed old man rubbed his toes and smiled.

Ye Que looked hopeless, and finally knew how the elders felt.

Scan the data.

[Advanced Yuanxu (Dacheng)]

[Breakthrough progress line: initial entry, small success, consolidation, major success, and completion]

It took five years to reach the Dacheng state, but it has just entered the Dacheng stage. Facing the completion stage, the power of the origin is even greater, and I don't know when it will be reached.

"Slow down and eat later."

Ye Que didn't dare to eat it, so he decided to take it easy.

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