God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1690: Forsaken by time and space

"Is this stuff edible?"

"I think it can, it's golden, it must be oily when roasted, sip~"

"Gudong... I'm hungry, let's divide it up."

A bunch of miscellaneous voices entered Ye Que's ears, the contents were terrifying.

This is to eat him.

He quickly stood up, and saw a group of old men, dressed in rags, with a bad smell on their bodies, staring at him with their big yellow teeth drooling.

That way, the more you look at it, the more terrifying it is.

"Yo, it's still alive."

"Live well and be fresh!"

"Hahaha, yes, yes, the meat is fresh!"

Messed-up old men, with green eyes, rolled up their sleeves and wanted to divide him up.

"I want to eat, I have it."

Ye Que quickly explored the world inside his body, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the contents inside were still there.

He immediately threw out the corpses of some giant beasts and monsters.

This is all thanks to the blessings of Di Xiwei and Yue Sangcan.

At the beginning, it was not a problem for the wife and the little **** to be in the inner world all the time, so he caught a lot of monsters with good meat, put them in the inner world, and let them cook in various ways.

Now it comes in handy.


"Nice lad!"

"It's lucky to be able to survive in the deserted void, but it also shows that you have some skills!"

The attention of a group of elders was immediately attracted by a group of monsters and giant beasts. Some couldn't wait, and they were hungry for hundreds of millions of years, so they gnawed raw.

Ye Que secretly checked their strength, but couldn't see through...

Take a deep breath.

This hell, could it be that it is empty and immortal?

He turned his head and looked around.

Behind is darkness and nothingness, and the fine sand of time and space floats.

There is a boundless land in front of it, just like the ordinary world, there are mountains and waters, the sun in the sky, and occasionally there are strange beasts coming and going from the mountains, and there is a weirdness everywhere.

If there are strange beasts, there must be meat. Why do these people seem to have never eaten meat in hundreds of millions of years?

Too strange.

"Seniors... this is... where?"

He didn't know where this place was, so he didn't dare to act rashly, so he had to find out the situation before talking.

A group of people ignored him, and all their attention was on the corpse of the monster beast. Some gnawed, some stroked, some smelled it, and none of them were serious.

Ye Que rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I have some seasonings here, I know how to roast them, how about I help you?"

That's right.

A group of old men's eyes lit up, and they all gave him appreciative glances.


Ye Que stepped into this strange continent.

Along the way, he asked this and that.

"Seniors, where is this place?"

He came to a flat ground and lit a fire on the spot.

"Young man, this is called the land of time and space."

A white-haired old man squatted in front of a dragon, looking very intoxicated.

"A land of time and space?"

Ye Que was puzzled, he understood the general meaning, but the specifics were vague.

"The time and space here is chaotic, it has been abandoned by time and space, no life knows this place, and no life wants to come here."

A one-eyed old man, sitting on the giant rhinoceros, rubbed his fingers between his toes, and said very plain words.

Ye Que understood.

Life is under the trajectory of time and space, constantly developing towards the future in an orderly manner.

But this place is not shrouded by time and space, which is equivalent to being abandoned.

It seems that these people should have entered this place by mistake a long time ago.

Looking at their sloppy appearance, it seems that they have suffered a lot. Could it be that they still can't leave?

"Can I go out?"

He peeled the skin, washed it casually, and then grilled the meat, which was outrageously perfunctory, but these old men were drooling watching it.

Speaking of this, the white-haired old man sighed and said meaningfully: "Young man, I was as handsome and young as you back then."

"Nonsense, when I came here, I was more handsome than you!"

"It's all nonsense. Before I came here, I was known as Yumian Xiaolangjun. When women look at me, they will be fascinated!"

"Hehe, a bunch of superficial guys, how important is face? What matters is temperament."

The one-eyed old man who rubbed a ball of mud from between his toes smiled disdainfully.

Ye Que's eyelids twitched slightly, and you were the only one who had a temper, but the worry in his heart became more and more intense.

I heard from them that when they first came here, they were all handsome young men.

Now... all crooked melons and dates.

"Can't you really get out?"

Ye Que muttered as he roasted the meat.


The white-haired old man hooked his hand.

call out-

He flew out of the mainland involuntarily, and was attacked by a strange force as soon as he passed, and then returned to the original place without anyone noticing, continuing to roast the meat.

Ye Que was startled.

He is a high-level Yuanxu.

This time, he was forcibly thrown out.

Doesn't that mean that these guys... have surpassed the high-level Yuanxu?

What surprised him even more was that even this kind of life couldn't get out, so wouldn't that mean that he couldn't get out?

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have come in."

Ye Que's barbecue was half-cooked, and these old men started eating it immediately after picking it up.

Seeing how happy they were eating, Ye Que left quietly.

He went to the mountains, encountered a strange beast, observed it, and smashed it with a stick.

The strange beast screamed again and again, and soon died.

"This thing..."

Ye Que smelled it, but there was no smell of blood, it should be said, there was no smell at all, and he immediately felt something was wrong.

When he was walking back with the body of the strange beast, he found that the gang of old men had eaten up all the monster beasts, not even the bones.

How long has it been since you had meat?

Ye Que's eyelids twitched, and his heart was a little suspenseful, wondering whether these guys would eat him later.

"Don't worry, the old man won't kill you. Since you gave me food, it's a kindness. This kindness will allow you to stay here."

An old man gnawed at his bones and said, the other old men nodded frequently, agreeing with this statement.

read mind.

Ye Que is a high-level Yuanxu, and the other party actually understood his thoughts.

"Sure enough... Void Immortal."

Ye Que suppressed his shock and roasted the strange beast. The elders around were indifferent and didn't even bother to take a look.

The more he thought about it, the more strange he became, and the longer he roasted it, he couldn't smell the aroma, but the meat was dripping with oil, so it should be roasted.

"Seniors, don't you want to come?"

Ye Que asked tentatively.

"No smell at all, what's delicious?"

"If I want to eat you, I will almost throw up."

A group of elders disliked it, but none of them said that it could not be eaten, and they vomited after eating, which meant that it could be eaten.

Ye Que got this crucial information, and was about to take a bite, but before eating, he spit out all the secret body protection whenever something went wrong.

Carefully take a bite of the meat.

very familiar.


Same as white water.

Suddenly, a pure source of emptiness melted from the flesh and merged into the whole body.

With a bang, his body roared, and his strength increased by a few points.

"What a joke!"

Ye Que stared.

A group of old men looked at him as if they were coming.

Among them, the one-eyed old man shook his head and sighed: "Young man, you are still too young."

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