God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1692: god of world order

He returned to his residence, in a valley with waterfalls, the scenery is beautiful.

"Little thing, I have learned your devouring law, why do you still feel sick when you see a strange beast? Why don't you get tired of eating it?"

Ye Que is envious of star sea worms.

It's not that he hasn't learned the law of devouring. In his state, mastering the law of devouring is quite simple, and he can learn it as soon as he learns it.

But after getting it, he swallowed the meat of the strange beast, and still wanted to vomit.

This is simply mental torture.

In this continent, you can't get out, and there is no smell, except for the stink and rancid smell of those old men, there is no smell in this world.

Although, eating strange beasts can make them stronger.

But if you can't get out, what's the point of becoming stronger?

Therefore, these old men are desperate.

Void Immortal is immortal, immortal, the kind that can't even die by suicide.

It looks good at first glance, but in this kind of place, it is a kind of punishment.

No wonder, they want to eat when they see outsiders, this is because they want to taste the taste.

Later, Ye Que owed a sentence and asked them, why don't you kill each other.

It is a question that goes deep into the soul.

cough cough

Ever since the gang of old men hit the back of his head with a sap, Ye Que felt compelled, and he didn't dare to ask any more.

"It seems that they still have a hope in their hearts, thinking that one day they will be able to go out."

With this in mind, Ye Que put the star sea worm into his body, and then checked the power of the space-time wandering god.

He knew that he had the power of time and space, so his state of mind was always calm and there was no panic.

And for five years, the reason why he didn't check the power of the time-space wandering **** was also because of fear and panic.

He was afraid that his only means would not be able to help him escape.

Therefore, he did not check the power of the time-space wandering god.

This is equivalent to a kind of belief. If we don't look at it, we can still be safe and secure, with a hope in our hearts.

But now, it can't be delayed any longer.

"I have to watch it."

Ye Que took a deep breath and scanned the data.

as follows

Opened the first phantom God Dark Lord

The guardian of the second phantom **** who kills the gods has been opened, carrying the guardian will of the second generation of the lord of the era

The third phantom **** of time and space has been opened.

Ye Que hesitated for a moment, and clicked on the third phantom **** with his mind.

as follows

Time and space wandering **** Ye Que

god of world order

The attribute is above time and space, and only then can it be called the **** of world order, please break through to the void and immortality as soon as possible

Ability 1 Wandering God incarnates Time and Space Wandering God, the host becomes Time and Space, wherever Time and Space is, Wandering God can go

Note that this ability is realized when the host becomes Void Immortal, and only part of the ability can be used in the current state

Ability 2 Palm of life and death Incarnation of the wandering **** of time and space, controlling the lifespan of life, any life that grows in time and space, the host can rejuvenate it with a single thought, or turn it into ashes

Note that this ability is limited by the realm of the host, only those who are lower than the realm of the host, this ability will be fully effective, and those who are higher than the realm of the host, only a part of the ability will be effective

Note that the God of Time and Space is the **** of world order. If the order of time and space collapsed in the past, the host will also die. Please use this ability carefully

Ability 3 Time-space flow incarnates a time-space wandering spirit, which can make a single object or life go backward for five seconds or forward for five seconds forever, and it is unstoppable and indelible

Note that this ability needs to be activated in a combat state. Once used, even if the opponent has the power of time and space, they still cannot resist this ability

Note that once this ability is used, it can never be changed, but it also increases the risk of order collapse, please use it with caution

Let me say something here.

Back then, the old patriarch borrowed the power of the Good Fortune Empress to make time and space go backwards, not eternity.

Its influence is only in the universe, and the real time and space are still slowly advancing into the future.

However, it still slightly affected the real time and space, thus calling for the invasion of darkness.

Just like the Six Paths of Reincarnation, its influence can only exist in the universe.

In fact, when it comes to high-level beings, the six realms of reincarnation are useless.

A strong person above Yuanxu is hard to die.

If it is really dead, it means that there are only two kinds of killers.

The first type, like Ye Que, has the ability to crush Yuanxu, killing him with one blow.

The second way is to shoot from Immortal Void and forcibly obliterate it.

Both of these will not give the other party a chance to reincarnate.

The above settings have been decided long ago, but there is no suitable plot to throw in. It is a bit far-fetched to write it in today, but it will be too late if I don’t write it.

Ye Que's body trembled, his eyes were hot.

"If I can go back, I will definitely go back"

He laughed, thankfully.

The reaction is so big, it can be said to be very real.

After all, even those Void Immortals couldn't get out, Ye Que wasn't arrogant enough to get out by himself.

But after seeing the data, hope rose in my heart.

Not to mention the life and death of the palm and the flow of time and space, just wandering the mind is enough.

Ability 1 Wandering God incarnates Time and Space Wandering God, the host becomes Time and Space, wherever Time and Space is, Wandering God can go

"There is no time and space here, oh no, there is here, it's just very chaotic and disorderly, but it doesn't matter, I am a wandering spirit, I can travel to the place where time and space exist, and there is time and space outside, I can also go there"

Ye Que clenched his fists tightly, and there was hope in his eyes.

With this in mind, he wants to become a wandering **** of time and space and try it out.

Of course, the world inside the body has changed.

He withdrew his thoughts and looked inside his body.

The nine babes confronted each other, gnashing their teeth, bloodthirsty in their eyes.

They are full of dark golden light, and each one is bigger than a watermelon. Because they ate strange beasts, their strength has reached the level of a true god, and they all have the source of devouring.

Just before today, they lived in harmony.

But now, there is bloodlust in their eyes, and there is a tendency to kill each other.

"This is"

Ye Que hurriedly used his chaotic eyes, scanned the nine babes, and finally found that the causal lines on their bodies were connected and interspersed with each other, and there was a faint tendency to connect them into a line.

Nine causal lines, faintly connecting into a line

At this moment, he sighed helplessly and understood.

"The life level of star sea worms, the limit lies in the creation of methods. There is no star sea worm that can break through to creation on its own."

"Now, I not only let you break through to creation, but also directly become true gods."

"According to the trend of the causal line, if my expectations are correct, you are too powerful, and instead broke the balance of life genes in your body."

For people who live in groups, once there are multiple strong people beyond the genetic balance of life, the only result is to kill each other, and only the last one is eligible to survive.

This is also the essential difference between gregarious creatures and solitary creatures.

As the star sea worms became true gods, there was no need to live in groups. They had to travel alone, so they had to fight. This was determined based on genetic balance and could not be changed.

Ye Que wanted to stop it, but he hesitated when he saw that the causal line tended to be one.

Even if he stops them now and pulls them out to fight in the future, they will choose to kill each other immediately.

"It would be a mistake to make you stronger."

Ye Que's eyes were complicated.

The author digresses good night and see you tomorrow

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