"It should be that he is sabotaging, that's right."

"It's not just him who can cause the sky wheel to fall so quickly!"

"It's okay, I caught him first and said!"

The three dark statues restrained their aura, breaking the coercion covering the world and avoiding affecting the past time and space, but their speed was still very fast, and their target was directed at Ye Que.

buzz buzz —

The void trembled.

Their speed is so fast that the void can hardly bear it. This is the result of restraint, otherwise the world will collapse.

"You really dare to come?"

Ye Que sealed his own blood, changed his appearance, and even changed his breath.

Without slowing down, he shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds, skimmed over the top of the mountain, tapped the bird with his toes, and reached the edge of the wasteland continent in the blink of an eye.

Ye Que could see the Huangyuan Tower in the distance, and also saw the female emperor leading a group of strong ancient gods, passing behind the Huangyuan Tower.


Ye Que swallowed, a little scared.

In his eyes, the empress of the past was like a taboo, and a little carelessness could destroy him.

"When has I ever been afraid, isn't it just a mere bitch, not to mention that the current empress is not an empress, but a little girl, a person who paddles water."

Ye Que turned his head and glanced at the dark source.

"Dare to turn back, where to go!"

"Dare to destroy time and space, you will die!"

"We have informed Immortal Void that you are dead!"

The three sources of darkness shouted in a low voice, their voices filled with killing intent and magic sounds.

"What's it called? It's kind of hands-on!"

Ye Que turned around and gave them a middle finger, sprayed a word and ran away.

The three sources of darkness were so angry that they forcibly suppressed their own terrifying coercion, and the speed of chasing and killing Ye Que was even faster.

Buzz hum quiver.

Ye Que quickly crossed the barren source tower, seeing the empress flying in front, immediately slowed down and followed behind.

At this time, he was only 10,000 meters away from the empress.

"This guy is so smart that he got close to the Empress."

The leader, Yuan Xu, was an old man with wrinkled face and bloodthirsty eyes. When he saw the guy rubbing against the Empress, he gritted his teeth.

"He doesn't dare to touch the Empress Good Fortune, let's go forward and catch it, and if something goes wrong, we will retreat!"

Another Yuanxu with scales all over his body, like an upright lizard, flew towards Ye Que as he spoke, wisps of black light condensed in his claws, and Yuanxu's coercion was accumulating.

The last Yuanxu glanced around and followed.

The three dark figures quietly approached Ye Que.

Ye Que turned around and saw the three Yuanxu approaching, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Do you dare to fight?"

"Why don't you dare?"

The scaly Yuanxu's claws pressed directly against Ye Que, and the other two Yuanxu secretly released secret techniques to block his pressure and prevent the situation from worsening.

"court death!"

Ye Que took the Immortal Stick and slammed it hard at the claw.

"It's you who is courting death!"

Scale Yuanxu stretched out his claws to block the Undead Stick, and the other sharp claw pointed at Ye Que's head. This sudden move made Ye Que pause for a moment, and Yuanxu grinned grinningly, with a look of success in his eyes.

But in the next moment, a life-and-death crisis emerged in his heart.


The other two reminders were too late.

"Rewheel switch!"

Ye Que's stagnation was deceitful, the moment the scales approached, the space wheel rotated rapidly, and with a buzzing sound, the positions of the two were switched.

Scale Yuanxu became the defensive side, while Ye Que became the offensive side: "Go!"

The ancient **** had already accumulated terrifying power, and this time he hit the scaled Yuanxu heavily with his stick.

At the same time, the unyielding power of the void sealed off the surrounding area, temporarily trapping the source of the scales. Although it can only be trapped for a moment, it is enough.

boom! !

The stick hit the scaled Yuanxu's body, knocked him flying, and went straight to the back of the empress.

Scale Yuanxu was terrified, and subconsciously wanted to run away, but was horrified to find that the surrounding area was blocked, and he had no time at all.

The distance of 10,000 meters is shortened in an instant.

The scales hit the Empress's back directly, but as soon as they touched, his body turned into black ash every inch, and was silently obliterated.


The remaining two sources of darkness took a deep breath.

They knew that they couldn't get close to the Empress, but they didn't expect that it would be so terrifying to come into contact with the Empress.

Yuanxu was instantly killed.


The empress was stunningly beautiful, although she had just shown her majesty, she was still a bit immature, she felt something touch her back, like the wind blowing gently on her back, and she turned around suspiciously.


Ye Que suffered a lot, and the moment the empress turned around, she disappeared in place, leaving only two sources of darkness behind.

The empress stared at these two dark sources, frowned and said in a low voice, "Who are you?"


The two Yuanxu vomited blood, turned around and ran away.

Ye Que repeated his old trick, appearing from the void, each with a stick, hitting them towards the Empress.

This is not over yet, this thief is insidious, and casts a spell into the bodies of the two Yuanxus. In an instant, the figures of the two Yuanxus become larger, and the dark breath surges out repeatedly.

"Dark creatures!"

The empress' face changed slightly, she remembered these two things deeply.

In the past time and space, being deeply remembered by a taboo figure in the future is the most terrifying, because it may change the taboo figure's many thoughts and guesses in the future.

Letting a big figure who influenced the Conferred Gods Era change his thoughts and guesses is no less than changing time and space, and the consequences will be very serious.


Karmic obliteration came, and the bodies of the two Yuanxu were broken. Fortunately, these two guys were smart enough to pretend to commit suicide in front of the empress, and only then saved their lives.

Far empty.

Ye Que frowned: "It almost succeeded."

Last time, Ye Que almost left an impression on the empress, and his immortal bones were shattered.

These two unlucky guys were not only seen by the empress, but also remembered by the empress. The result can be imagined, but they were smart and escaped by pretending to commit suicide.


Ye Que originally wanted to take the opportunity to kill these two people, but he didn't dare to procrastinate when he thought of the mission. He was about to turn around and look for a place to place the formation flag when he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Isn't the safest place the Land of Desolation? There is an Empress there, who dares to approach her?"

He didn't hesitate at the moment, avoiding the empress, quietly came to the barren source prison valley, flew in, saw the flame purgatory platform, there are many steps here.

Back then, he climbed the steps for a trial, just to get the Tianyu at the top of the steps.

"The array flag is placed inside the Purgatory Platform, whoever dares to take it will have to destroy the Purgatory Platform, and will be obliterated at that time!"

Ye Que hid himself and quietly came to the top of the purgatory platform. He saw that there were many flames in it, but there was a piece of blood jade that was not burned by it, which was extremely miraculous.

He didn't waste any time, and cast a spell to put the formation flag into the depths of the purgatory platform without anyone noticing.

"I've already used the explosive formation, whoever dares to take the formation flag will definitely cause an explosion here, and whoever detonates it will be wiped out!"

Ye Que clapped his hands and left.

Just at this time, the sky was dark, and a terrifying creature that surpassed Yuanxu came to this world.

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