God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1682: To deal with middle-level Yuanxu

Ye Que looked up at the sky, and could vaguely see a terrifying creature standing above the clouds.

He glanced at it and quickly shifted his gaze to avoid being perceived by the other party.

"The void is immortal."

He said silently in his heart, these four words cannot be said, otherwise, with the power of Void and Immortal, he will definitely be able to perceive his existence.

Ye Que counted the number of formation flags, and he had already placed four.

They are: Honggu Era, Nine Swords Era, Tianqiong Era, Yaoxu Era.

There are six epochs left to go.

"There are so many eras, I won't be so unlucky that I meet you every time."

Ye Que let out a breath and glanced at the data.

[Forward rotation speed of the sky wheel: 44 (when the rotation speed is 0, the sky wheel stops running, and time and space are stagnant; when it is negative, the sky wheel rotates reversely, and time and space are chaotic)]

It was 54 before, and now it is 44, down again.

buzz buzz —

There was a sound that only the soul could feel, which was perceived by Ye Que.

"This is the sound of time and space becoming chaotic."

The speed of the sky wheel continued to drop, and the dark side must have exploded.

"Let's go."

Ye Que hid his body, ran into the deep mountains and old forests, cast spells secretly, sacrificed the wheel of time and space, and communicated with the channel of time and space.

But just as he was about to communicate, he stopped.

"When you return to the Conferred God Era, you will be perceived by Void Immortal."

He frowned, did not think for too long, and performed another heavy wheel technique.

Traveling through time and space, he himself will.

It's just that he has the power of the empress because of the magic eye.

"Now is a special situation, I cannot return to the Conferred God Era!"

Ye Que cast a spell, the time and space wheels intersected, but they didn't merge, but they still connected the space-time channel, and the moment it was connected, this **** rushed into the intersecting wheels.

boom! !

A terrifying giant palm, carrying the pressure of immortal domination, shattered this deep mountain and old forest.

If he walked slowly, he would definitely be taken away by the giant palm.

"If you dare to flee in front of me, I will crush your body and soul!"

That Void Immortal put away his giant palm, cast a top-level secret technique, sensed the passage of time and space, and realized that the other party had gone to a longer era.

"This seat has discovered the space-time destroyer, he went to other eras, please be sure to find it!"

The Void Immortal was shrouded in black light, like the master in the abyss, the eerie opening, the magic sound spanned several epochs, and was known by the other two Void Immortals.

At the moment, the three Void Immortals, and the nineteen Dark Origin Void, set off again to a more distant era.

The terrifying dark power gradually spread to the past time and space.

world Center.

In the deepest part of the darkness, a terrifying creature reigns in the darkness. Its eyes are scarlet, and its voice contains a terrifying aura. The Great True God will explode and die when he hears it. Only Yuanxu can barely listen.

Seeing that the speed of the sky wheel's forward rotation had dropped, this terrifying creature became even colder. It shattered the void with a crackling sound, and many powerful creatures around it trembled.

"Let the first-generation dark creatures of the first era also take action, and be sure to wipe out the creatures that affect the rotation of the sky wheel!"

The terrifying creature spoke, and the magic sound lingered in the darkness, containing vast dark power.

Ye Que entered the space-time channel, instead of returning to the Conferred God Era, he went directly to other Era.

Underworld Era.

As soon as he entered this era, he turned into a ray of light and rushed to the location that was once the Heavenly Sword State.

Nothing to say.

Go straight to your destination.

reach the destination.

Drill into the ground.

Arrange the array.

When you're done, run away.

This time he was very careful, after traveling hundreds of millions of miles from the ground, he flew to the ground.

As soon as he arrived on the ground, a figure of darkness was walking upright in the wilderness, his eyes scanning the sky and the earth.

Fate, what a coincidence.

Ye Que's eyes met with this dark statue.

boom! !

Darkness Yuanxu erupted with terrifying coercion, a mid-level Yuanxu's aura erupted, and darkness was released from his body repeatedly, and finally turned into a heavy hammer, pressing **** Ye Que.

The longer the era, the harder it is to affect the Conferred God Era, so this Yuanxu dared to act recklessly.

If it was the Yaoxu Era, which was very close to the Fengshen Era, he would never dare to do this.

"Who are you?"

The source of darkness yelled loudly, shattering the ground with one foot, and rounds of magic soil emerged from the soles of the feet. The cold and dead power, like a dead spirit, hit Ye Que.


Ye Que dodged the bombardment of the heavy hammer, forcibly resisting the impact of that undead force.

"I am your grandfather!"

Ye Que realized that the other party was still guessing his identity, so he decided to make a quick decision.

In an instant, the void on his body unyieldingly blocked the world.

"I think so too!"

The source of darkness grinned grimly, and he also unleashed terror power to seal off the world and prevent this era from suffering large-scale destruction.

The two were trapped in a blockade.

"A mere elementary-level Yuanxu!"

The source of darkness condensed the heavy hammer, directly struck Ye Que, and its coercion shattered the blocked land, and every time the darkness filled the void, the destructive power could destroy the Great True God.

"Intermediate Yuanxu?"

Ye Que didn't say anything, and directly transformed into a tortoise to bear the attack of the heavy hammer.

With a bang, he was hit by a heavy hammer and fell to the ground.

"Ding! The enemy's attack, activate Talent 6: Wrath of the Demon Market (passive talent, the more damage the turtle shell suffers, the stronger the turtle form will be

"Ding! The host suffered a 100% powerful attack from the middle-level source, and the strength of the turtle form increased by 100%! Duration: 5 minutes!"

"Ding! During the duration, if the host continues to suffer damage, the strength will continue to increase, and the duration will be refreshed!"


The middle-level Yuanxu grinned grimly, and a monstrous black light surged out from his body, shaking the blocked land and causing visions to emerge.

Hundreds of millions of black light, all penetrated into the turtle shell.

Ye Que didn't hide, but absorbed everything.

"Ding! The host suffered continuous strong attacks from middle-level Yuanxu, and the strength of the turtle form continued to increase! Duration: 5 minutes!"

"Ding! The enemy's attack triggers a counterattack! Counterattack level: 700%!"

The tortoise shell suffered damage and became stronger. At the same time, the tortoise shell counterattacked and smashed towards the middle-level Yuanxu.


Middle-level Yuanxu dodged, not daring to meet the counterattacking black light, because it was too powerful.

"The interesting part is yet to come."

Ye Que activated his talent: Void Swallow.

[Talent 5: Devouring Void (Once this talent is activated, the turtle shell will form a universe of its own, absorbing all things, and after absorbing a certain amount, it will emit a source of death-level extinguishing light]

[Note: The death extinguishing range of void devouring belongs to indiscriminate destruction, please use it with caution]

The turtle shell is like a deep starry sky, producing terrifying suction, absorbing everything around it, whether it is the aftermath of the attack or the dark light.

"Ding! Void devouring activates, absorbing 10% of everything!"

"Ding! When the tortoise shell absorbs 50% of all things, it can emit billions of indiscriminate death and extinguishing lights!"

"Ding! When the tortoise shell absorbs 100% of all things, it can erupt hundreds of billions of death and extinguishing lights without distinction!"

"Ding! The host launched the wrath of the Yaoxu, and his strength is increasing infinitely. The power of death and extinguishing light will be synchronized with the level of strength that the host is improving!"

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