God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1680: Encounter the Empress of the Past

The middle and late period of the Yaoxu Era.

Ye Que searched for a long time in this world, only to find that he came to the Yaoxu Era.

He didn't stop, looking for the location of Tianjianzhou.

Along the way, I found many familiar faces.

A certain creation-level sect, a handsome young man with the realm of the gods, is leaving the door leisurely.

"Food and drink enough, go out for a walk."

He whistled, and the disciples passing by all saluted respectfully, one big brother at a time, not to mention respecting him more.

Even some senior sisters and senior sisters blushed even more when they saw him.

"Well, everything is fine."

The handsome young man nodded frequently.

Suddenly, a black light flashed and landed in front of the handsome young man, causing the young man to pause, his expression froze, and he couldn't help asking: "Your Excellency..."

"Are you a hammer!"

Ye Que beat him with a stick. He restrained his strength, and beat people with skin. It couldn't hurt, but it hurt.

The handsome young man screamed.

The disciples around were stunned for a while, and suddenly cursed angrily, some clever ones had already gone to inform the elders.

Ye Que unleashed a phaseless force, blocking many people who came forward.

"Senior...senior, why did you hit me?"

The handsome young man groaned miserably, his head was full of blood holes, blood was streaming, and his face was swollen from beatings.

"Your ancestor asked me to fight! Don't let him be good or bad, just learn from bad."

This place was more than 10 billion years ago, and this person died later in the mass extinction of darkness, but after receiving the request of the ancient god, Ye Que still did it, and beat up his grandson for the great god.


The handsome young master also came.

"Well done!"

Ye Que swung his stick and beat up this person's master as well.

Aww, the master and apprentice screamed.


The elder figures related to the handsome youth also came.

"Catch up!"

Ye Que also beat up the elder by the way.

The entire sect seemed to have seen a ghost.

After the fight, Ye Que turned around and left, never procrastinating, leaving only a group of confused guys.

call out-

he's gone.

"The closer you get to the Conferred God Era, the more you can't kill people casually, let alone take people away casually."

When Ye Que hit someone, he already had a premonition of a karmic crisis, but luckily it wasn't serious.

But it also illustrates one point - even ordinary people here cannot move casually.

Because this time and space is too close to the Conferred Gods Era, and the connection between the two is too close, the butterfly effect will be very terrifying.

Only if the time is too long, this effect will be infinitely weakened.

"Your Majesty, I am born, but why do I have an ancient **** resonance with you?"

A nine-star ancient **** stopped him.

Ye Que glanced around and suddenly realized.

This is Yuanxu Continent, the ancient **** race from a long time ago is here.

"Ahem, you must be hallucinating."

Ye Que blocked the blood.

Ancient God Nine Stars frowned slightly, and then stretched out: "It seems to be a hallucination, I'm sorry, Your Excellency, please let me know."

Ye Que didn't care, and was about to leave when another ancient **** came.

The person who came was a fourteen-star ancient god, who surprised Ye Que: "It's that girl!"

"Why did you leave the team suddenly in the middle of the patrol?"

The empress is dressed in white clothes like a fairy, with fourteen star patterns on her forehead, her face is extremely beautiful, there is no trace of time and age, she is very young, but she still has the emperor's prestige, her skin exudes a halo, holy and dreamy, she is a statue destined to be beautiful A great man of all time.

Here I want to say that 15 stars does not exist. Only when you get a big opportunity in the later stage can you upgrade to 15 stars.

Today's empress is still paddling in the ancient gods, and her star pattern is only fourteen stars.

"Senior Sister Yuexi, I noticed that this brother is an ancient..."

Before the Nine Stars Ancient God finished speaking, Ye Que's seven orifices began to bleed.

"Warning! Please keep the host away from taboo characters immediately!"

"Warning! Please keep the host away from taboo characters immediately!"

"Warning! The host is not allowed to know more information about taboo characters, otherwise the True God World will obliterate the host!"

"Warning! The host is not allowed to know more information about taboo characters, otherwise the True God World will obliterate the host!"

Ye Que turned around and ran, even so, cracks appeared in all the bones of his body.

Undead, cracked.

With a bang, he fled further away, and the immortal bones slowly recovered after being far away.

"What a terrible karmic obliteration. By the way, the empress's name is actually Gu Yue...Pfft! Seal this memory!"

Ye Que's bones were broken again, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, scaring him so much that he hurriedly sealed the memory of meeting the Empress.

He understood.

In the past time and space, the more influential people in the future, the less they can be contacted.

He almost died.

You can't even hear the name, and you can't even leave a personal impression on the Empress.

"Tanima is dangerous, no wonder the darkness dare not touch the empress's past."

Ye Que tasted the horror, he just listened to a word, approached the empress, and was almost wiped out.

If the dark creature kills the past empress, it is estimated that Void Immortal will have to burp.

Ye Que shuddered all over, not daring to stay in Yuanxu Continent, running as far as he could.

In the end, he came to the vicinity of the Valley of Fallen Clouds.

This is the location of the Heavenly Sword State tens of billions of years ago.

"Leave the flag."

His movements are quick.

Deep underground.

Place the flag.

Arrange the array.

When you're done, run away.

As soon as his head appeared, three dark sources flew across the sky.

Sometimes, fate is so wonderful.


He flew out from the ground, and one of the dark sources just bowed his head.

The two met each other with eyes separated by a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters.

The atmosphere is so embarrassing.

On the surface, Ye Que was as stable as an old dog. He knew that the dark riots would send out strong men to suppress him, and he knew how to deal with it in his heart.

He was not in a hurry, he looked away as if nothing had happened, slowly got up, patted his butt, turned and left.

"A person from the Demon Market Era?"

That dark source frowned, didn't think much, thought he was a figure of this era, and left.

Be very careful when you go.

"The closer we get to the era of conferred gods, the less we can affect the people and things of that era. We are looking for those who destroy time and space, and we can't take action at will, try to keep a low profile."

The leader of the dark source spoke in a deep voice, always reminding.

They were also afraid of being wiped out, so they came quietly when they came.

After these dark sources left, Ye Que turned back, went deep underground, and took away the formation flag.

Fate is wonderful.

Just as Ye Que emerged, the three sources of darkness turned back and were about to go to other places to inspect.

Ever since, the dark source from before looked at Ye Que again.

"It's weird!"

The dark man couldn't hold back any longer, and shouted, his eyes fixed on Ye Que.

Ye Que scolded these grandsons in his heart, why did this happen?

I tried to avoid you as much as possible, but you still go up!

"I didn't feel the power of causal obliteration from him, it really is a character from another time and space! Catch him!"

The three Darkness Yuanxu sensed something was wrong, roared angrily and rushed towards Ye Que forcefully.

"Follow me if you have the guts."

Ye Que went straight to Yuanxu Continent, trying to lure these guys to meet the empress of the past era.

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