God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1446: extreme burning

A tiny flesh and blood body, even in the face of this boundless dark universe and dark taboos, can be easily extinguished.

But in the fragile and small body of the ancient god, there is also the courage to not succumb to the mountains and seas of fire, not to succumb to the sky and the earth, not to succumb to the starry universe, and not to succumb to darkness and taboos.

"Don't get out of the way, either I die or you die!"

He held the Zhiyang sword, hung his head to the Yang furnace, and hung his body to seek Daoist jade, and he gave birth to law wings. His words and words were as heavy as a sacred mountain and as flexible as a storm.

The blood slid from the resolute face, adding to the unyielding meaning in the small body.


The ancient gods of Ssangyong Opera, the power of a true god, crushes ants.

They are raging, they are rampant, they are shaking and dancing in the dark.

Suddenly, two true god-level dark dragon breaths erupted from the dragon's mouth, forcefully engulfing the tiny body bursting with billions of rays of light.


The behemoths that came endlessly opened their ugly and greedy mouths, biting at the ant-like body.

Everyone's breathing was suffocated, their bodies were shaking, cold sweat was seeping from their foreheads, and hot sweat was also soaking their backs.

"Run away!"

"No one will blame you!"

"We'll go to Huangyuan Continent to pick you up!"

"Brother Ye, go back to Mo Tianzong, you are the sect, no, you are the strongest true brother in the whole continent!"

Many people couldn't bear to watch it.

Even if it's really shocking.

Even if he witnesses a creature inferior to the true gods and creations, in order to return to his hometown and save his own land, he dares to face the darkness with courage and perseverance.

"In countless epochs, tens of billions of years, no one has shaken the darkness, no one has the ability to shake it, and it is enough to dare to face the darkness!"

Mo Ding has also left the customs, and the things here have caused a great commotion, whether it is people from this sect or foreign sect, or casual cultivators from all walks of life, they all come here.

He and them, watching quietly, all admire such a person, respect from the bottom of their hearts.

But it is precisely because of admiration and respect that I don't want such a character to die.


What responded to everyone was a roar that resounded through the starry sky, an angry voice that shook everyone's souls and made them even have no courage to persuade them.

In that small body, there is also the determination not to lose to the dark taboo.

The ancient **** swept across with his sword, and the power of the true **** of Zhiyang, like the radiance that opened up the world, cut down a dark dragon's breath in the form of a sword light.


The Zhiyang Furnace erupted with flames, burning everything and blocking another dark dragon's breath.

Boom boom boom!

But when the dragon's breath was extinguished, it was swept by the dragon's tail and scraped by the dragon's claws.

It was also overwhelmed by countless ominous creatures.

The Dragon God suit, which can block the attacks of the true **** five times, has already blocked three times, and the chance is running out.

The battle armor is tattered, and the dark golden light is also dim.

However, the diminutive body flowing with the blood of the ancient gods could not be dimmed.

Zhiyang Sword never stopped sweeping.

The burning of Zhiyang Furnace has never been extinguished.

Tens of millions of secret techniques have never stopped.

The law storm never stops.


The golden light of absolute fairness has also bloomed. Although it blooms with his current strength, it is ineffective against the true god, but it has a significant effect on the rest of the monsters.


The technique of sealing spirits and great witches erupted from his body, sealing all the ominous creatures.

Nightmare, Nirvana, Illusion, Secret Technique, guiding away boundless monsters, even if he can successfully guide one of them, it will be profitable for him.

Dharma Body, Latent Fury, Nirvana, and Giant God Spirit are all exerting their power.

Even if it is temporarily useless, even if it is used, it is meaningless.

However, the ancient **** didn't want to stop any methods and beliefs that might make him flinch.

Even though he was alone and stepped into the mouth of the endless dark abyss, he never let himself feel the slightest timidity.

Because he doesn't know when he will fall!

So he is doing his best, doing his best.

Rumble! !

He was attacking and resisting, colliding with two true god-level dark dragons, and sweeping away the endlessly coming ominous creatures.

In the vast starry sky like ink, there is a boundless dark frenzy, which tensions out the cruelty and greed of darkness, trying to swallow all living things and light.

They are the creators of despair and the promoters of catastrophe.

All boundless evils are their pronouns.

What the ancient gods resisted was not only darkness, but also boundless evil.


Blood flowed from the mouth.


The armor's wrist guards were cracked, and the hands were broken.


The carapace on the back was rotten, and the back was pierced.

Huge monsters, true **** dragons, wantonly stirred up the darkness in this dark vast starry sky, besieging their tiny bodies.

The darkness is so depressing.

"I implore the Great True God to bring him out! As long as the connection with the dark taboo is severed as soon as possible, the Moyuan Continent will not be implicated!"

Yun Tianqiong suddenly turned around and knelt down, kowtowing to the distant sky.

"I implore the Great True God to act!"

Tianlongqi also knelt down.

"I implore the Great True God to act!!"

All the disciples were infected and knelt on the ground, speaking in unison.

The scene was unusually quiet, only the dark roar and grinning in the picture, and the roar of the unyielding body reverberated.

Mo Ding was stunned, fell silent for a while, and knelt down: "How can such a person not be respected! No. 1 is indispensable for the road to the barren source!"

Seeing this, the elders looked at each other and smiled wryly.

In the air, the masters of the Ten Great Halls had already appeared, and they were also paying attention to this scene, waiting for the response of the Great True God.

However, the Great True God still did not respond.

"This is not a question of whether the Great True God can make a move, you guys, take it for granted."

The suzerain appeared.

He passed between the masters of the Ten Great Halls, came to the Mo Tiantai, looked at Ye Que surrounded by endless darkness, and sighed: "Didn't you see that he is burning himself to the fullest."

Everyone's body shook in unison, and they all raised their heads and turned around.

In that picture, the ancient **** was burning with platinum flames, his face was full of determination and unyielding, as well as his determination to die.

The hymn of life is the hymn of courage.

Even if it is shrouded and torn apart by endless darkness.

He is also blooming hotter and brighter highlights.

He illuminated more than just his own determination and the way to find his home.

What he illuminated was the last ray of light in the universe of the ancient gods.

"Even if the final outcome is to be buried in that universe, he is ready to fight to the death! No one can stop him. If the heart is like this, it is meaningless to stop him personally!"

The suzerain shook his head and sighed, turned and left.

Everyone has complicated expressions.

In this world that is always shadowed by darkness, it is not easy for someone to pick up the original intention and determination in everyone's heart.


"Unless someone helps him!"

Mo Ding murmured.

"Except for people from the same universe and the same race, who will help? He is the only one left in the ancient **** race, and he is the only one left in the entire ancient **** universe."

Mo Tianchen sighed softly.

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