God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1447: six seconds

Within the vast starry sky.

Ye Que was resisting.

"No, I still can't contact the Creation Shield. It has been completely polluted by the dark taboo. Besides, there is a true **** here. Even if we can contact it, it will be buried by the power of the true god... Everything can only be done by yourself! Eight seconds! Eight seconds is enough !"

He swung the Zhiyang Sword, the power of the sword light was like that of a true god, shaking the incoming enemy, and making the dark dragon dodge.

The Zhiyang Furnace is also burning, keeping an eye on the other dark dragon to prevent him from being attacked.

Rumble! !

Many creation-level weapons were activated by him, shaking out a terrifying divine light, piercing through the attacking monsters one after another.

Of course, the opponent is endless, and there are too many attacks.

He was under attack all the time and couldn't move.

And the dragon god's suit is already in tatters, and there is only one chance left to resist the attack of the true god.

"Be sure to seize the last time!"

Ye Que wiped off the blood on his face, let the real **** weapon attack, and the three eyes were alert to the ominous creatures in all directions.

The ominous monsters are around, the dark liquid permeates, and evil spirits and malice fill the surroundings.


The two giant dark dragons evaded the attack of true god-level weapons, surrounded Ye Que, and played with Ye Que recklessly and looked for opportunities to attack.

Although the ants are weak, they have good weapons in their hands, and they don't want to hurt themselves.


The dragon roared, and its tail swept over.

Ye Que shouted angrily, and swept across with his sword.


Zhiyang Furnace spewed out the flame of burning the world again, resisting the attack of another giant dragon.

Rumble! !

Rumble! !

Another wave of true god-level attacks shook the universe and shook the six realms.

Those countless dark monsters took the opportunity to wreak havoc, trying to wipe out Ye Que.

And this, is it not Ye Que's opportunity.

He activated the creation-level weapons to resist the incoming ominous creatures, while he himself accelerated towards the six realms.

But after flying for two seconds, it was stopped by a true god-level dragon claw.

"not good!"

He narrowly escaped, avoiding wasting the last defensive opportunity of the dragon **** suit.

"Two seconds passed... I have six seconds left!"

His speed is very fast, spanning hundreds of millions of miles in one second, and it only takes six seconds to reach the six realms.


Creation-level weapons were broken one after another.

Ye Que's face was ugly.

It was the two dark dragons that were destroying the creation level weapons.

Sometimes they melted into the darkness, sometimes they approached him, illuminated by his light.

Ye Que could see the ferocious and wanton sneer on their dark dragon heads.

"Destroying the weapon of creation is destroying me bit by bit! What a good plan! But, how can I just watch you act!"

He took a breath and felt that there was something that should not be hidden.

Yes, when he came to the universe of the ancient gods, how could he be unprepared at all.

It's just that he was helpless because of the large-scale invasion of the dark taboo, so he had to keep a few backups.

But now it seems that I have to use it.

He held his breath, calmed himself down, and calmed down.

All the roaring and grinning gradually disappeared.

There is a piece of pure land in my heart.

His aura also changed from berserk to dormant in a deep dive.

Whether to die or buried in this universe.

But at least, he has to work hard, resist, and fight hard.

And now, the time has come.

"Back to the Six Realms... At least some people can be saved!"

Ye Que's chest was no longer heaving, and his temperament was restrained, like a ferocious beast that could erupt at any time.

The two giant dark dragons noticed his change, and there was wanton ridicule in their smirks.

The dragon tail sweeps away.

Rumble, a creation weapon is damaged.

The many ominous creatures around drew closer to Ye Que, with dark liquid flowing from their mouths, and waving their animal claws, intending to wave the dark liquid towards Ye Que.

"Want to infect me? I've already been infected, so I'm still afraid of your trick?"

Ye Que has been running the Moyuan Suppressing Prison Art, and even the Zhiyang Liuzi Jue, for fear that the magic pill in his body will be detonated.

He is not afraid of these dark liquids.

boom! boom!

The two dark dragons roared, breathed out the breath of the dark dragon, pierced through the large dark monsters, and went straight to Ye Que.

"Crazy guy! The same kind will not be spared, it's really disgusting!"

Ye Que's sword and Zhiyang furnace resisted the dragon's breath again.

Although the true **** weapon and the true **** are at the same level, there is a difference between a dead thing and a living thing.

He was forced to resist the dragon's breath with his sword and Zhiyang furnace.

But the body was exposed, and was hit by the moves of two giant dragons.

There was no way, knowing that this would happen, he had to do it.

boom! !

A blow from the tail of the first giant dragon shattered the Dragon God suit!

At this moment, Ye Que no longer had any defensive equipment.

And another giant dragon's attack also came.

Ye Que grinned, and flames erupted all over his body, as if he was about to unleash a fatal blow.

boom! !

The tail of the giant dragon swept across his body.

With a bang, he shattered.

Ho Ho Ho —

Countless ominous creatures swept across, leaving nothing left to swallow him up.

The two giant dragons danced in the darkness, roaring and frightening. Their eyes stared at the Zhiyang Sword and Zhiyang Furnace suspended in the starry sky, with greed in their eyes.

They want these two weapons.

And one of them couldn't wait to fly to Zhiyang furnace, vomited the source of darkness, and wanted to pollute and devour this weapon.

At the other end, he found the Zhiyang Sword, and he wanted to use the same method to make the sword a part of himself.

"Grandson Gui, I can't support you to death! When I see you, I think of Long Yuan. Your grandfather is disgusted!"

Ye Que came out of Nirvana suddenly, and took out a large number of creation-grade weapons to shake off the attacking monsters.

At the same time, he burned his essence and blood, urging it with his thoughts.

"Suppressing Demon Banner, open!"

With a bang, a banner bursting with magic light flew out of Zhiyang Furnace.

That magic light is very special, it can faintly suppress all living beings.

Of course, the more important thing is that the banner has the power of a true god.

Before a dark dragon screamed, it disappeared.

This guy just put the Zhiyang furnace into his mouth to pollute, but when the big flag came out, the faucet was instantly blown up.

At the same time, the magic light also suppressed the giant dragon.

"I have already marked the weapons, even if you are a true god, it is impossible to control them instantly!"

Ye Que rotated to Yang Zhendian, golden light bloomed all over his body, like a big golden light bulb, ahem, it should be the golden **** of war.

Buzz twice.

The Sunshine Furnace bloomed with more intense flames, burning the darkness, and rushed towards him.

The same is true for Zhiyang Sword on the other side, piercing the dragon's mouth with one sword, and then rushing towards him.

"Six seconds countdown!"

Ye Que stepped on the Yang Sword, and rushed towards the Six Realms with a swipe of the ground.

His speed is so fast that he can cover billions of distances in the blink of an eye.





boom! !

Five dark dragons stopped him.

Ye Que's pupils shrank, and he asked in surprise, "Why are there so many?"

Roar! !

The two giant dragons in the rear recovered and chased after them angrily.

In an instant, from the opening in the depths of the universe sea, the seven true **** level dark dragons descended from the universe of the ancient gods, all came and surrounded him.

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