God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1445: courage to face darkness

chop chop chop!

Ye Gushen holds Zhiyang Sword, splits a path of flames, smashes many dark ominous creatures.

He carves his way through the ink-like expanse of starry sky.

In the darkness, it was so dazzling that it illuminated the faces of many ominous creatures in the darkness.

It's really ugly and greedy like a ghost.


Huge monsters with hundreds of thousands of meters, millions of meters, or even tens of millions of meters at a head, with claws and claws, and flowing black liquid, ferociously rushed towards the ancient god.

Pounce on this tiny body that is not even a speck of dust in the black starry sky.

The boundless darkness was about to extinguish that ray of flame with all means, but that flame still did not falter in the slightest.

This scene is very shocking.

"Even if you have no one to rely on, even if you are alone, you must find your way home!"

Yun Tianqiong murmured, pimples all over his body.

He was overwhelmed and shocked.

The face usually disguised with arrogance is also full of admiration: "What kind of obsession is this, dare to go into the dark taboo alone..."

"Is this... the ancient god?"

Tianlongqi murmured, lost his mind.

"No, this is Ye Que from the Ancient God Clan!"

Mo Tianchen clenched his fists tightly, took a deep breath, and suppressed the fluctuations in his heart.

"I really want to help him."

Someone said this, and everyone fell silent.

I can only think about it, if I really want to help, who would dare?

Whoever helps will be implicated, and even be targeted by the dark taboo.

At this moment, no one will hide their cowardice and fear.

That is a dark taboo!

The power that even the true gods will perish!

People came quietly from all directions.

More and more people gather here.

Some elders of the sect were hiding at first, a little embarrassed, but when they saw the ray of flames in the picture, they showed up one after another.

Compared with the courage to face the darkness and taboos, what is the thing that hinders the face?

"There has been a change!"

Someone yelled.

In the endless darkness.

Ye Gushen cut a path, fighting against the huge beasts who wanted to infect him.

"Step aside!"

His voice was full of anger, determination and recklessness.

It may be that the power of the great true **** is very special, possessing the strength above the universe, so it is easy to copy the angry voice and transmit it through the screen.

When everyone heard this voice, their bodies shook slightly.


The ancient god's body glowed with dark golden light, and he was wearing a set of dragon **** battle armor.


The dragon's chant shook the starry sky.

A giant dragon flew out of the battle armor, containing a terrifying and fierce charm.

A booming voice responded to him.

That was the sound produced when many ferocious beasts grabbed him.

However, no matter how strong the beast is, it cannot break through the battle armor.

Ye Que was not afraid of the attack of the beast, his eyes were extremely firm, he sensed the location of the six realms, and he resolutely killed it.

"I am now at the edge of the extreme southern starry sky, ten seconds to the six realms!"

He surpassed the light, turned into a long rainbow in the path of flames, and drew a line of light in the dark vast starry sky.

Along the way, the ancient **** saw many dark void creatures, all of them baring their teeth and claws like ghosts. They were all infected by the dark taboo and became a part of the dark taboo.


In the darkness, above his head, there was a terrifying ominous passing by, and the majesty of the true **** was like a ferocious storm, hitting him instantly.

Roar! !

The dark dragon roared, and a dragon's tail struck him from the darkness, crashing on him.

In an instant, the giant dragon that flew out of the Dragon God suit was smashed into pieces by the dragon's tail.


Ye Que vomited blood and was thrown into the darkness.

The ominous creatures in the darkness swarmed up, trying to eat him up and swallow the ray of flame.

Like a raging boundless ink, it turns into a greedy taboo, trying to assimilate the only flame and drag it into the deepest abyss.

Everyone's heart twitched, as if their bodies had fallen into the ice sea, and their limbs were numb from the cold.

"Sure enough... Sure enough, I still can't fight against the dark taboo!"

"They are invincible, the only thing we can do is hide!"

Many people murmured that no one could hide their inner cowardice in front of such a man who faced the darkness directly.

In the face of irresistible power, there is no shame in expressing your inner cowardice and fear.

Yes, this sentence is recognized by the rest of the people.

Even the creation-level elders chose to agree silently.

Even so, when the flame was completely extinguished and was annihilated by layers of darkness, everyone was still lost and absent-minded, as if something was broken and empty.


An angry shout came from the darkest.

That voice was hoarse and deep at the beginning, full of too much unyielding and persistence.

Gradually, the voice became penetrating, and kept rising, as if it was about to shatter the sky, containing the determination to smash everything, and releasing a deafening impact that could shake the soul and soul.

Everyone raised their heads abruptly and looked at the dark picture, with dim eyes filled with anticipation.

boom! !

A round of white-golden sun erupted from the pure darkness, engulfing all the surrounding darkness.

That day was none other than Ye Gushen.

He walked out of the billions of rays of light, blood was flowing from his forehead, the corners of his eyes were cracked, blood flowed down his resolute face, and there were many injuries on his body.

Looking frustrated.

But the determination to break through the darkness and blaze a way home, even if his body was smashed to pieces, has never wavered, but has intensified instead.

And this is the Thirteen Three Stars Ancient God.

The elders stood up, breathing heavily.

The disciples tensed their bodies and did not blink their eyes.

Yun Tianqiong's body trembled, Tianlong Qi straightened up involuntarily, Luo Wujian forgot to lift his sword, and fell to the ground with a clang.

Something in their hearts seemed to come back, no longer empty, and more solidified.

Roar! !

Two true god-level dark giant dragons, one million meters long, hovered around him like dragons playing with pearls. The pure black dragon eyes locked onto Ye Que and turned him into a small beast that he wanted to play with.


Roaring sounded one after another.

Those were fierce beasts tens of meters, millions of meters, tens of millions of meters high, surrounding the true god-level dark dragon, making greedy voices at Ye Que.

The vastest and most endless darkness is surrounding tiny human beings who are less than two meters tall.

Even this insignificant human being is shining with incredible billions of rays of light.

It was a scene of overwhelming darkness.

"Step aside!"

To everyone's surprise, or in other words, this voice that should not have appeared in this crushing scene actually appeared.

Blood dripped from the tip of his nose, ran across his cheeks, and trickled down his chin.

The expression of the Thirteen Star Ancient Gods never wavered, and the hand holding the flaming Zhiyang Sword became more and more forceful.

Its eyes of reincarnation, eyes of chaos, and eyes of fortune stared at the giant dragon coldly, without flinching in the slightest.

Suddenly, he shouted coldly again: "Get out of the way!"

With a bang, the Zhiyang Sword erupted with the power of a true god, shining brilliantly, casting trillions of brilliance.

Its yang furnace flies out of the body, hangs above the head, and swings out flames that extinguish all ominous forces.

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