God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1444: unspoken power

"Cliques form cliques all day long, fight for rankings, fight for status, fight for you to lose and I win, fight for breath, are you childish?"

"It's all gods, and it's all made up! It's like something, you guys!"

The master of Shenzang Hall was yelling, no one dared to retaliate, and the hearts of all the scolders were shaking again and again.

Almost all the disciples were shocked, and their whole bodies were icy cold.

Nothing is more convincing than the scene in front of you.

In the endless darkness, only that small light is shining, like a flat boat in the dark sea, it is the hope of the entire universe.

It's the hope that they say in a certain tone, "Oh, there's a universe that's been destroyed."

The outer sect disciple backed away, not knowing what to say, his mind was blank.

If someone scolds you for being inferior to trash, you dare not refute.

Because they are not qualified to refute.

"He He…"

Yun Tianqiong felt his hairs stand on end.

"What you think is the goal of life, to compete for the first place, is nothing! Being strong is not only in the realm, but also in the heart!"

The master of Shenzang Hall yelled loudly, his voice echoed, and no one refuted it, which also woke up many people.

"The Great True God is right, you guys don't know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace, let's see what is called a strong man and what is called an ancient god!"

If the hall master scolds, even some elders will be shocked and feel ashamed.

Tianlongqi opened his mouth and smiled wryly, with self-mockery in his smile.

"You guys, your life is too comfortable, you have neglected a lot of things, so study hard!"

"This child was once persuaded by the Great True God to stay, but was declined by him, and even prepared to be buried in the universe. Do you have this determination? Hey, if you have one-tenth of his, I can laugh when I sleep Awake!"

The hall master walked away with a flick of his sleeves, sighing one last time, and many people bowed their heads.

The previous ridicule is gone.

All the confidence I had before was gone.

All previous accusations are gone.

"I knew it, I knew it, Senior Brother Ye was not an ordinary person from the very beginning, I was convinced that I lost! I really admire this kind of person!"

Luo Wujian also woke up, looking at the small light in the picture, fighting endlessly with the taboo monsters in the darkness, his shocked soul trembled.

Many people looked at him.

"At the beginning, when I used my sword intent to fight Senior Brother Ye, I inadvertently felt Senior Brother Ye's artistic conception, which is the meaning of unyielding..."

"I've surpassed the top-level third-order method, and my sword intent is also at this level, but if compared with Senior Brother Ye's indomitable artistic conception... even one ten-thousandth of Senior Brother Ye's is not enough!"

"His artistic conception is too tired and heavy, and it crushed me in just a moment!"

Luo Wujian's voice gradually stabilized everyone's emotions and fell into silence.

"Your ridicule towards Senior Brother Ye is so naive! It's so ridiculous!"

Luo Wujian was dissatisfied with the slander of these people, so he mocked back.

But no one dared to refute.


Mo Buran's face turned pale, and he took three steps back, his emotions fluctuating violently.

"Hey sister, what's the matter with you?"

Mo Tianchen shouted with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, he...he is not conceited at all, conceited, self-indulgent...he really has a lot of suffering, can't tell, no one can understand him!"

While Mo Buran murmured, tears ran down his cheeks.

"You, you, don't take the initiative earlier, but for a man like him, even if you confess to him, he won't be tempted. After all, his heart is already in his hometown."

Mo Tianchen shook his head, looking at Ye Gushen in the picture, deeply shocked.

This is a man who deserves the admiration and respect of all.


Tianlongqi sat cross-legged on the ground, shattering the floor.

"It's ridiculous to lose my artistic conception source! Please grant permission from Mo Tianzong. From today onwards, I will not be able to sit still. I want to learn something from him."

He looked at Ye Gushen in the picture, he was severely taught physically and mentally, and he was completely convinced.

"So am I!"

Yun Tianqiong sighed and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Aren't you going to the Wilderness Road?"

The suzerain said lightly.

"The first place is Ye Gushen, it doesn't matter if you go or not!"

Many people agree with this statement.

And for many years to come, there will be a tradition in the Mo Yuan Continent.

That is, the first place is always empty.

Everyone is fighting for the second place.

Unless, Ye Gushen returns.

Otherwise, no one will compete for the first place.

"To become stronger, start from cultivating the mind!"

Mo Buran took a step, came to the ground, and sat cross-legged on the ground, looking up at Ye Gushen in the picture.

To become stronger, start from cultivating the heart...

This sentence shocked many people in an instant, and also resonated with many people.

bang bang bang—

Countless disciples sat cross-legged on the ground, and Ye Gushen, who was fighting in the picture, was also learning and reflecting.

More and more people are doing this, and the scene is very shocking.

As a place of public cultivation, Mo Tiantai has also become the default place for all disciples to cultivate their minds from today.

Also at this time.

Several elders sat quietly in a corner.

The suzerain was stunned for a moment, then smiled softly: "It seems that it's not all bad things..."

he's gone.

And the matter about Ye Que spread throughout the entire Moyuan Continent overnight.

Yes, in just one night, gossip, ridicule and ridicule were all gone.

In the endless darkness.

Ye Gushen was burning with platinum flames, and was on his way home.

"Back to the Six Realms!"

Ye Que yelled ferociously, and with the Zhiyang Sword in his hand, he beheaded those who stood in his way.

There were dark creatures roaring in the darkness, and all kinds of claws stretched out, trying to extinguish his flame.

"Step aside!"

In the endless darkness, he kept fighting.

There was madness and firm obsession in that look.

Back to the Six Realms!

Back to the Six Realms!

Back to the Six Realms! !

Mo Tiantai, everyone was shocked once again when they saw this scene.

"That's definitely not pretending. The obsession to return to my hometown is too deep!"

"How much suffering has he suffered before, and he can still be so reckless!"

Mo Buran murmured.

That obsession, that little flame that is struggling to burn.

That is a silent, the most shocking power.

Yun Tianqiong was silent, and Tianlong Qi was shocked.

Many people, disciples and elders, and more and more people who knew all this, their hearts and souls were shocked.

Some emotional people have silently shed tears.

"We have forgotten our original intention!"

"Who can do Ye Gushen? I am not as good as him!"

Yun Tianqiong bowed his head, Tianlongqi bowed his head, and even some elders also bowed their heads.

Rumble! !

Everything was cut off, cutting out a path of flames.

That ray of flame rushed in and went straight to the Six Realms.

In the cosmic sea, taboo creatures noticed this scene.

"When you destroy him, don't disturb our plan!"

In the deepest part of the cosmic sea, a murderous sound came from a certain headless monster.


The two dark dragons moved, with the power of the true **** on them, trying to extinguish the flame.

This scene touched the hearts of many people.

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