God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1443: Learn, what is an ancient god

"I want to see how powerful this scene is!"

"It can't be that this guy is drunk and blowing nonsense?"

"Maybe it's the scene of Senior Brother Ye being run away by Mo Ding! Hahaha!"

Many people ridiculed.

Yun Tianqiong and Tianlong Qi looked at them coldly with their hands behind their backs.

They want to see what tricks Luo Wujian can play.

The true disciple sighed, and under everyone's attention, he had no choice but to release the memory crystal.

He cast a spell to continuously enlarge the picture into the air.


The battle scene between Ye Gushen and the first genius Mo Ding appeared.

From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, nothing is missed.

The fierce battle inside, the high-pitched roar, and the endless radiant divine light continued one after another.

In the end, all the scenes of Mo Ding being suppressed were presented.

Everyone was quiet, almost inaudible breathing.

The expressions of each of them also ranged from shock to silence to shock.


"Mo Buran is also there, you say it's fake? You have cerebral palsy!"

"This... is indeed true!"

Some people don't believe it, and some people refute it.

So far, no one dared to say that Ye Que was lying, and no one dared to tell Ye Que's jokes, let alone tease him in the slightest.

Ruyun Tianlong and Tianlong Qi had ugly faces and embarrassing hearts.

From the very beginning, they put on a high profile to educate Ye Que.

Never thought about it—

Ye Que had already secretly suppressed Mo Ding.

This is what a demeanor.

"Hehehe! Pretentious guy! Deliberately and secretly defeated Mo Ding, but at the banquet, he was ridiculed and refused to refute. Hehe, he is too pretentious!"

"It's really disgusting. Being ridiculed by us on purpose is to want us to be slapped in the face!"

The genius of the Creation Sect felt embarrassed, so he sneered back coldly.

These words have been unanimously approved by everyone.

"This kind of person's conduct is too bad, deliberately not saying anything, and then let Luo Wujian say it, how disgusting it is!"

Some words are too harsh, but they are the truth. Even Mo Tianzong's disciples couldn't stand it anymore, their faces turned red, and they couldn't refute.

Mo Buran looked at it from a distance, and it looked like it was indeed so.

She turned around and left, and said lightly: "It really disappoints me."

"Strong is strong, weak is weak, why pretend?"

"The reason why he didn't enter the road to the wild source is not because he didn't dare to enter, nor because he didn't want to enter, but because he wanted to win the first place in the road to the wild source directly by defeating Mo Ding. The method is fine, but he deliberately beat us What a disgusting face!"

"This kind of person doesn't care about anything on the surface, but actually wants everything in his heart! Greedy and disgusting!"

Someone analyzed Ye Que's psychology.

"Ye Que, Ye Que, if you were here, do you want to say that you just want to practice in seclusion?"

Yun Tianqiong sighed, feeling that the other party was too contrived.

"When you come out in the future, don't make excuses and say that you don't know anything about it."

Tianlongqi also felt uncomfortable. After all, he had a high profile before, but now he was slapped in the face, so his tone was very cold.

Most of the people were very upset when they were slapped in the face after mocking Ye Que, they deliberately brought the rhythm up, they all thought that Ye Que was too aggressive, wanted to win more than anyone else in his heart, and deliberately slapped everyone in the face.

This kind of voice is too loud and too uniform, and the elders have no choice but to take care of it.

"Let's end this matter here! Don't discuss it any more!"

The master of Shenzang Hall came out, and his voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Suppressed by force, the disciples were even more dissatisfied, and the image of Ye Que was even worse.

"Forget it, Mo Tianzong is strong, but it's nothing more than that!"

Yun Tianqiong sighed, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

"No matter how strong this person is, I look down on him!"

The same is true for Tianlong Banner.

The identities of the two are not ordinary. Although they are disciples, what they say has weight and can be recognized by many people.

The master of Shenzang Hall frowned, fell silent for a while, and said coldly: "Do you really want to know what the real Ye Que is like?"

All the disciples froze for a moment, then raised their heads to look at the palace master tacitly, their eyes were very strong.

The meaning is very clear, they just want to know.

"Actually, compared to him, you guys are worse than rubbish!"

The hall master said coldly.

One word stirred up waves.

"What kind of thing is Ye Que!!"

"Isn't it just that you can borrow the power of the true god? Isn't it just eating dragon meat? Who wouldn't! Give me the power of the true god, and I can surpass him!"

"Let the surname Ye get out!"

All the disciples were angry.

"Don't say any more, his matter is already heavy, let him become history."

The suzerain also came out and sighed.

Not only him, but also many high-level elders are also paying attention here.

They all sighed when they heard the suzerain's words.

As soon as the suzerain opened his mouth, all the disciples forcibly shut up, but some still refused to accept it: "Please also ask the master of the Shenzang hall to give a reason why he insulted us and compared him to being inferior to garbage?"

"Sovereign, I don't think he can come back alive, but at least after his death, let's leave a good reputation! I have lived for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen such a passionate disciple! He shouldn't be abused!"

"After all, in this world, there are not many people like this."

The master of Shenzang Hall said in a low voice.

The Sovereign was silent.

"Since many disciples are present, it's good to let you see what it means to be a real strong man!"

The Great True God is waiting outside the barren land.

He opened his mouth, but his voice only fell on Mo Tianzong.


All the great true gods were alarmed.

In an instant, all the disciples and elders who were retreating or doing other things came to Mo Tiantai.

The master of Shenzang hall was dumb, and the suzerain remained silent.

They didn't expect that things would come to this point.

Mo Buran was also stunned, and said to himself: "Could it be that there is an inside story?"

"You have been protected by the sect for too long, and you don't know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace. The next scene should be regarded as a practice! You should learn, what is an ancient god!"

The Great True God waved his hand, and a picture appeared in the east of Mo Tiantai.

The picture was pitch black.

At first, everyone didn't know what it was.

But in the darkness, Ye Gushen bloomed platinum flames, lighting up a faint ray of light in the darkness, and illuminating the dark ominous creatures around him.

Everyone was shocked.

"A universe polluted by dark taboos...he...why did he go there?"

"He is a fool, how dare he go there!"

Many people were in an uproar.

"Why do you think he came to the continent above the universe?"

"Do you think that the reason he became so strong is to compete with you for the title of being the strongest?"

"Do you think that, like you, he values ​​fame, status, image and identity more than anyone else?"

"You think you are strong?"

The master of Shenzang Hall shouted loudly, the more he spoke, the colder his voice became, this was a kind of whipping, and it was also a kind of angry shout of hating iron for not being able to make steel.

"He came to the mainland to save his own universe! How about you, are you qualified to compare with him?"

As he talked, his words turned into swearing.

Ye Que is already an evildoer, and he can be on top of Mo Ding. How could Mo Tianzong not like such a character?

But he has his own ambition, and they have fulfilled it, but they all feel a pity in their hearts.

Now look at this group of disciples, fighting over this and that every day, trying their best to speak ill of others every day, for trivial matters, and making a fuss.

What's more, they formed cliques.

Then compare it with Ye Que.

He really got angrier.

"His state of mind is not only higher than you, but also higher than most creations!"

"Look at this dark universe, there is no light except for a little light! Who dares to do this? I don't even dare!"

"Based on this alone, compared with him, you are even worse than garbage! Do you have any objections?"

His voice echoed between heaven and earth, lingering for a long time.

this moment.

very quiet.

No one spoke, not even a rebuttal.

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