God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1426: war of gods

Mysterious Ruins—

Rumble! !

The true **** of good fortune turns into a robbery light, and the nine heavens and ten earths cannot stop it, and the ages and ages will also give way.

The Jieguang flashed all the way, and it could shake the sky and the earth for several days.

The former True Mystery Realm has been reduced to ruins, and the earth has continued to sink, splitting countless abysses.

When the Jieguang passed by, the earth sank again, and the abyss deepened.

"It's really... incredible."

The old green Maoli Jiuzun stood in front of the ruins, muttering to himself.

He watched Jieguang leave, took out the jug and drank it down, wiped the corners of his mouth, and sighed: "You are a true **** who can make troubles, and wiped out my nest. Hey, I just don't know, Zhiyang Your Majesty's sister, is she still alive?"

Li Jiuzun sat in the abyss, staring at the ruins, not knowing what to think.

But he didn't think for a long time, so he got up and left.

"The old nest is gone. Why should I come back? Let's go to other continents. One day, I will find a way to suppress the dark taboo!"

Li Jiuzun left, drank the old wine, staggered to choose a direction, and ran to a more distant place.

It's not going to Huangyuan Continent, not Moyuan Continent, but to find another continent that may exist in the rumors.

It's just that it's too difficult.

It is difficult for a true **** to find other continents, let alone him.

"My brain doesn't work from time to time, that's all, it's good to be a homeless person, Ye Que, Ye Que, you really impress me, I hope the two of us will meet one day."

Li Jiuzun walked away slowly, to an unknown distant place.

Moyuan Desert—

Terrible creations and ominous creatures live here, but they are infected by dark taboos and are forbidden for mainland practitioners.

Now, they raised their heads from the desert and looked towards Moyuan Continent.

There are a lot of big fights going on out there, and this is a great opportunity to rush in and start a carnage.

Roar! !

Creation-level ominous creatures emerged one by one, ready to kill them.

But just before they acted, a ray of robbery light passed over their heads, and a long white-gold flame trailed behind it.

The terrifying robbery light contains the might that the universe will tremble, and the aura of absolute dominance.

With a bang, Jieguang just rushed past, scaring the ominous creatures back to the ground of the desert without daring to raise their heads.

Moyuan Continent—

This place is even more chaotic than the barren land.

The great true gods besieged and suppressed the great true gods, and the contradiction in itself was not that there was any enmity between the two sides.

Their main purpose is to destroy the power beyond the balance.

Between the two continents, all you need is the Realm of the True God.

The appearance of a great true **** will break the balance of the realm of true gods.

So, they are conditioning.

Especially the relationship between the five true **** sects.

As far as Mo Tianzong is the strongest, other sects have to think twice before doing things, for fear of angering Mo Tianzong.

Only because Mo Tianzong possesses the Great True God.

It is also because of this that the other four sects will be restrained everywhere, whether it is obtaining resources or competing for certain interests.

Therefore, the true gods of the other four sects really want to eradicate the Great True God.

Rumble! !

Yuntian Palace, Mingtianmen, Zhenmo Palace, Tianluo Palace, the four true **** sects, led a large number of strong men and began to besiege Mo Tianzong.

Yes, there was a great chaos in the True God sect.

The true gods are doing it, and the forces below will not remain indifferent.

Boom boom boom! !

Mo Tianzong was besieged by many strong men, and has been retreating steadily, and cracks have appeared in Mo Tian's formation.

"Destroy Mo Tianzong in one go!"

The creation of Town Demon Palace shouted angrily.

In an instant, many strong men shot.

But at the moment they shot, a ray of robbery light flew over the sky, and a ripple appeared in the robbing light.

The ripples were terrifying, as soon as they appeared, all the members of the four major sects were seriously injured.

"what is that!"

Everyone was horrified.

"That is a strange true god, how could there be a new true god?"

Someone discovered that there was a person in the robbery light, which was terrifying and had the power of a true god.

Messed up.

The twelve true gods encircle and suppress the great true god. During this period, a new true **** joins in, and his strength is terrible. The situation will probably change drastically.

"It is estimated to help the Great True God."

"Yes, our four major sects are all seriously injured!"

"This is a warning, let us not mess around!"

"Retreat! A new true **** appears, and the situation among the true gods will change. We can't continue to attack Mo Tianzong!"

The four sects realized that the new true **** was very powerful, and joining the true **** battle might change the situation.

That great true **** is likely to survive.

If this is the case, they can no longer attack Mo Tianzong.

Otherwise, when the Great True God came back and saw that the house had been stolen and destroyed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The master of Mo Tianzong was stained with blood, and the ripples of the robbery did not hurt the people of Mo Tianzong.

He raised his head and muttered: "Who is this true god?"


Jieguang left, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths, and all obstacles would be shattered in front of the true god.

Beyond the Moyuan Continent, there is a desert. There is no life in it, and even if there is, it is all creatures polluted by darkness.

The desert is so large that it is almost endless.

Even if it is a true god, it took about a day to fly before reaching the end.

At the end, there is a boundless and endless black river.

Darkness and taboos flow in the Heihe River, blocking the sky and the earth, and cutting off the desert.

In this place that has been silent for an unknown number of billions of years, a terrifying battle is taking place right now.

The chaotic and chaotic ancient vision shrouded the edge of the Heihe River, faintly visible, and more than a dozen true gods set off a terrifying battle inside.

They are the Twelve True Gods and the Great True God.

Each of the twelve true gods is a supreme existence above the universe.

Their birth is extremely rare and rare.

The multiverse has been bred for billions of years, even tens of billions of years. Witnessing the birth and natural destruction of a universe may not necessarily give birth to a true god.

Today, there are twelve true gods gathered here, which is really rare.

Above the true **** is the great true god.

This is a more powerful existence. However, this great true **** was injured and was being suppressed by the twelve true gods.

Rumble! !

The chaotic vision evolved the universe and buried it.

Shenyuan evolves all things, the vast fairy river, the vicissitudes of divine light, each strand can crush the universe, and now it is all wrapped up on the great true god.

The Great True God sits cross-legged in the void, evolves the universe by itself, and resists everything with the power of evolution.

"It's futile!"

"It's really stupid of you to do such a thing for a mere law-making ant!"

"Presumably you regret it now, Great True God!"

Many true gods surrounded the Great True God, controlled the source of God, and wanted to refine it.

The Great True God remained silent, and suddenly raised his head, his eyes contained the mysterious light of the evolving universe.

The twelve true gods felt something and moved sideways suddenly.

boom! !

A stick burning with platinum flames smashed viciously on the ground with the momentum of suppressing everything, creating a huge crater hundreds of millions of miles away.

Not long after the stick fell, a terrifying robbing light struck.

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