God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1425: return with a vengeance

The supreme master, hovering over the ruins hundreds of millions of miles away, pierced through the true god-level formation with just one finger, destroyed the peak creation, and wiped out the Dragon Origin Realm.

Longyuan Realm, the world where the Longyuan people live.

At this moment, it is reduced to ruins and becomes history.


Long Ming hid somewhere in the mountains in the mainland, trembling, his expression collapsed.

The family just disappeared.

They are the noble and supreme race of true gods.

But at this moment, he was no match for a finger of the true god.

He collapsed, filled with hatred and remorse, and his whole body was filled with remorse.

"Ye Que, Ye Que, Leaf Que, Leaf Que!"

He roared furiously, with a ferocious expression, like a ferocious beast that had lost its mind.

"I want revenge on you!! Ye Quye Quye Quye Quye Quye..."

He repeatedly growled and vented, and finally, he really called Ye Que.

The supreme ruler has quietly hovered above the million mountains, his flaming body covered Ye Que's body, hanging between the heaven and the earth.

Those platinum eyes penetrated the mysteries of the universe, containing the profundity that dominates everything.

Now, these eyes are looking down at Long Ming coldly.

Suddenly, the eyes are sharp.

Boom! !

Millions of mountains collapsed, Long Ming was frightened stupid, he sat slumped among the collapsed rocks, his expression was dull, he didn't even have the courage to resist.

This guy yelled, and he really called the True Creation God possessed by Ye Que.

It's terrible, the majesty of the true **** of good fortune can collapse nine heavens and ten earths.

The people of the entire Huangyuan Continent looked into the collapsed mountain, their expressions were terrified, and they dared not show their air, lest they would offend this master.

Now, everyone realizes that the Longyuan Clan is gone, and Long Ming will die soon.

To awaken the will of the true God of Creation is a stupid act of pushing oneself into the abyss.

Long Ming will pay the corresponding price.

"I...I didn't tell you...please...please...please let me go."

Long Ming trembled, the previous madness and anger had disappeared, and only fear filled his body.

However, this didn't work.

Bullying people will eventually taste bad results.

As soon as the True God of Creation turned around, just the gust of wind caused by the power, strangled Long Ming, the pinnacle creation, completely, without even seeing the shadow of the soul, it was completely wiped out.

"Now, who is it?"

Ye Que's indifferent voice contained the coercion of the true god, and the rumbling reverberation echoed throughout the barren land, scaring everyone to collapse.

At present, there is no true **** in Huangyuan Continent, and there is no true **** weapon.

The True God of Creation is inherently terrifyingly strong, but when he comes here, he is really like a wolf joining a herd of sheep.

Ye Que's indifferent voice could be heard as Ye Que's, which meant that the person who dominated this flaming body was still Ye Que.

Although the will of the True God of Creation was awakened, I don't know what the True God thought. He didn't lead Ye Que, but Ye Que himself led the body.

It was also from this moment that Ye Que discovered that the flaming body covering his body turned out to be a female body...

swipe swipe—

Several peak creations quietly returned to their respective worlds.

Blood Nine Souls is one of them.

He trembled, cast a secret method to make himself invisible, and then returned to the blood realm.

But there is a saying that is good, the bird with the gun hits the head.

He had just sneaked into the blood source world, thinking that he could escape a catastrophe, when he suddenly discovered that the blood-colored sky of the blood source world was being burned by a platinum flame.

"How is this going?"

He had a premonition of something, his forehead was sweating, his body was trembling, and his heart was even more remorseful.

"It's gone, it's gone! The Longyuan clan is a true **** race that has been wiped out, not to mention the blood origin clan without a true god!"

Another tenth-order creation also returned to the blood source world.

He guessed something and was terrified.

"Shut up!"

Xue Jiuhun cursed loudly, suddenly found something behind him, turned around to look, and was completely frightened.

Behind him, the true **** of good fortune pierced through the blood source world, and the dominating power on his body evolved into a world-destroying flame, burning the sky of the blood source world.

This is the true God burning the world in which he lives.

"you you you…"

Xue Jiuhun stepped back, stuttering.

And this was the last sentence he said.

The palm of the True God of Creation fell from the sky, directly burying the blood-origin family, a world-class palm print, vividly imprinted in the blood-origin world.

That will be a symbol of history to come.

boom! !

The true **** turned around and locked the world of the Huoyuan tribe and the Hongyuan tribe with coercion.

This time, it was Ye Que who returned with revenge.

Everyone didn't dare to breathe, even if the true **** destroyed the barren land.

"I haven't remembered the lesson from last time, but this time, if I make an inch, I will end up with bad results!"

The creation of the Shengyuan clan shook his head and sighed.

Last time, when the true **** of good fortune descended, he did not destroy any family, nor did he kill anyone, but only destroyed the buildings on the earth.

This is a warning.

But some people forget about the pain after the scar is healed, thinking that if they don't suppress Ye Que with the power of the true god, they won't awaken the true **** of good fortune.

Therefore, they intensified their pursuit and oppression of the juniors of the ancient gods.

And that inheritance doesn't belong to them at all, but they want to plunder like robbers, and even want to kill the juniors of the ancient gods to vent their anger.

But that's courting death.

Now, the true **** of good fortune has come again.

But this time, the true **** was not relentless, allowing Ye Que to attack.

Deep down in anyone's heart, they think this is an act of revenge, but they are afraid that it will fall on their own head.

"Do not kill me!"

With a scream, Huo Chen followed the Fire Source Realm and was destroyed under the palm of the True Creation God.

Another palm, destroying a world, scared everyone to tremble.

The true **** is so terrifying, hanging above the continent, the flames shake the sky and the earth, and all living beings can only tremble and surrender.

In the end, the true god's eyes fell on the Hongyuan tribe.

Then, a ray of flame in his hand condensed into a platinum stick, engraved with the mysterious pattern of the true god, stirring up a coercion that the universe could not bear.

"This is... this is a weapon..."

Hong Chentian knelt on the ground tremblingly begging for mercy, deeply remorseful but knew it was too late.

He despaired, thinking that the end was coming, but it didn't.

The attack of destruction did not fall on him.

He looked up tremblingly at the true god.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that the true **** was flying to the edge of the continent, and his eyes could penetrate through the ages and see through the long years.

The true **** is looking at something in the distance, and the stick in his hand has no attack power.


Hope appeared in Hong Chentian's despairing eyes.

The emotions from death to life made his soul relax.

Happiness, excitement, ecstasy...

Constantly filling his heart.

However, that was just his self-fantasy and escape under the desire to survive.

The True God of Creation stared into the distance, surrounded by ancient visions of surrendering to the True God, as if he was indifferent to everything around him.


boom! !

The true **** held the platinum long stick tightly, pointed it at the distance, and then swung it back. The terrifying aftermath of the swing tore Hong Chentian apart and buried Hongyuan Realm.

Yes, just the aftermath of waving the long stick destroyed a world and a peak creation.

At that moment, despair rose in Hong Chentian's heart, and he died in the most embarrassing state.

And all the creatures who thought that the true **** was not suppressing the creatures were all scared to kneel and kowtow on the ground, and some were even scared to cry.

They are delusional.

That little ancient **** who escaped from the universe in embarrassment back then, who was like a pariah in their eyes, was targeted by them everywhere, accused for no reason, charged with unfounded charges by them, hunted down and suppressed by them.

It has become an existence that can control their destiny.

boom! !

That stick, after swinging back, was ruthlessly swung into the distance by the True God of Creation.

Rumble! !

That terrifying long stick broke through the sky, twisted the sky and the earth, and flew to a distant place.

And the True God of Creation also turned into a cataclysmic light that shook the continent, starting from the barren continent, and rushed to a distant place.

"Finally... Finally gone!"

Someone wept with joy.

"Fuck you! He is going to kill the true god! That is the true **** of my clan!"

The peak creation of the Shanyuan Clan collapsed, beating their chests and stamping their feet, just a single word shocked everyone to howl and despair.

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