God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1427: The battle of tingling scalp

A ray of catastrophic light struck, as if destroying the world, shaking the sky and the earth with a loud bang, and the nearby Heihe river was also undulating.

The twelve true gods moved hundreds of millions of miles to avoid the attack of the robbery.

They were enveloped by the divine light, which made the world twist and tremble, and their eyes fell to Jieguang.

"It's you, the true God of Creation!"

True God Longyuan turned into a giant dragon, the coldness in his eyes soared, and there was hostility in his voice.

His memory of that battle was still fresh, and the humiliation he had painstakingly engraved on his heart made the anger in his heart keep rising.

boom! !

The true **** of good fortune fell to the ground, like a **** descending to earth, the ground could not bear the pressure, and began to shatter inch by inch.

In the end, the true **** could only hang in the air, and with a move, the stick fell into his hand.

"You still want to eat a stick?"

Ye Que looked at the True God Longyuan, and opened his mouth indifferently, his voice trembled like the humming of the supreme master, with a majestic majesty.

"Oops, barren land!"

Shanyuan Zhenshen took a breath in shock, feeling ominous in his heart.

When he said this, the other true gods also came back to their senses, and their faces changed drastically.

During the time they left, what did this true **** of good fortune do?

Yes, they were right.

The home was stolen.

"Can you destroy the barren land?"

True God Shengyuan frowned and asked.

"The Holy Origin Clan is fine, you go, I won't hurt you!"

The bare body is dominated by Ye Que, and he doesn't want to get into trouble with the Holy Origin Clan.

True God Shengyuan was silent.

"What a big tone! Since you are dead, you shouldn't touch the affairs of the world! You can't stand it!"

True God Longyuan couldn't control so much, and decided to be ashamed. Longyuan's power shook the heavens and the earth, wisps of silver-white light bloomed from his body, and the light evolved the universe, and then destroyed the universe, which was very terrifying.

He started, and the rest of the true gods also decided to go all out. They temporarily suppressed the matter of the barren land, and released their power to press on the true **** of creation.


The aura of the True God of Creation continued to rise, faintly suppressing this piece of heaven and earth, and the power of the supreme ruler erupted from his body, giving people a feeling that they could only look up to.

Suddenly, with a bang, the True God Good Fortune kicked and shattered the earth. A wave of the True God spread in the form of platinum-gold flames, and the twelve True Gods were instantly knocked back.

Terrible power.

The dead true **** still has unrivaled strength.

The faces of the Twelve True Gods changed slightly. Although they were shocked and retreated, it was because they couldn't be caught off guard, but it also showed that the other party was terrifying.

"This person's power will disappear soon. There is no need to fight him, just let him die naturally. Our main goal is to eradicate the Great True God. This is the last chance! Everyone, seize it!"

True God Longyuan had a gloomy face, not wanting to miss the opportunity.

The rest of the true gods did not flinch, their killing intent soared, and they really went all the way to the dark, determined to kill the gods.

"Your current strength is comparable to that of the Great True God, Good Fortune, where have you come?"

The Great True God Mo Tian is not defending, nor is he healing the wound, but suppressing the injury. It is an excellent opportunity to join hands with the True God Good Fortune to launch a massive counterattack.

His doubts are destined to be unanswered.

Although the will of the True God of Creation woke up, he did not take the initiative, but Ye Que was in charge.

"Really, is this the power of the Great True God?"

Ye Que held a stick and pointed it at Longyuan True God, killing intent erupted.

"So that's how it is, you kid is controlling this body. It seems that Good Fortune also wants to see your ability, so let me remind you by the way, the true **** is almost impossible to kill, unless you burn it with source fire for 100,000 years, you can refine it die!"

The Great True God Motian climbed to the top of the sky, and he has a source of fire on his body, which is the fire above all things, representing the mystery of the evolution of the universe, and also the secret of the birth of life.

Boom boom boom boom—

Except for the hesitation of the true **** Shengyuan, the rest of the true gods are full of killing intent. This world has been suppressed by the power of the true gods. Any life that enters will be shattered. This is an absolute death penalty zone.

"Do you still dare to do it?"

The Great True God Mo Tian uttered his divine voice, bringing the might of eternal shattering, shattering the killing intent.

"The true **** is almost impossible to kill? Then let's not fight in the true **** realm."

Mo Tian's words inspired Ye Que.

This guy thought of a clever plan and couldn't help sneering.

Let's just smile, and it will be revealed.

The perfect body of a goddess who is the supreme ruler, was surprised by him showing a bit of insidiousness, and even a little bit of vulgarity.

That mysterious, supreme appearance that nothing in the world is qualified to compare with was almost ruined by Ye Que's own image.

His words caused many true gods to doubt.

True God Mo Tian frowned, and looked at Ye Que in surprise.

"This body is dominated by me. It just so happens that I have a bloodline that is unique in the world."

Ye Que walked towards the Twelve Great True Gods, glanced at Longyuan True God, this is an old enmity and needs to be taken care of, and then looked at the Zhenmo Temple True God and Mingtianmen True God.

If it wasn't for these two guys, he wouldn't have suffered so much, and even his weapons were taken away by them, so he needs to be taken care of later.

"Do it!"

True God Longyuan doesn't want to wait anymore, the leader of the giant dragon is accumulating the breath of Longyuan.

But before his attack was launched, a voice that shook the mind suddenly came from heaven and earth.


The body of the true **** of good fortune blooms with golden light, and with the true **** of good fortune as the center, it dyes this piece of heaven and earth of billions of miles into gold.

At the same time, above the golden sky, a huge scale slowly emerged, which was a symbol of absolute fairness.

Almost all true gods subconsciously want to evacuate from the golden world.

The unknown power makes the true **** not want to touch it at will.

More importantly, the True God of Creation is synonymous with invincibility. Who would dare to stand under the means of such a true God?

But before they evacuated, they discovered that their strength was constantly improving.

Boom boom boom—

The realm of the twelve great true gods remains unchanged, but their strength is instantly raised to that of the great true gods.

"What kind of power is this?"

True God Longyuan exclaimed, his eyes flickered, and he looked at Ye Que with killing intent.

"What the **** are you doing? It's really a cocoon! Hahaha!"

True God Longyuan smiled grimly, and no longer concealed the violence and killing in his heart.

"Little ghost, if you don't know how to use the power of a true god, don't use it indiscriminately! It's really dishonoring the reputation of the true **** of good fortune. It's really stupid to dare us to upgrade to the strength of the great true god!"

The apprehensive True God of the Demon Town Hall is no longer apprehensive, with murderous intent and arrogance on his face.

"Let's go together, the twelve great true gods can easily kill two great true gods!"

The True God of Mingtianmen said coldly, in addition to his own weapon, he also has a Zhiyang Furnace in his hand, well, it is very easy to use.

"Ye Que, put it away."

Mo Tian Dazheng shouted anxiously, feeling ominous.

This kid is not a true god, and he doesn't know how to use the power of a true god. If he messes around like this, big things will happen.

However, Ye Que got a fortune and didn't panic at all.

He looked at the naked body of the heroine, and smiled a little excitedly.

Don't doubt it, it's an excited voice that wants to deceive people: "I can really use the blood of Libra! There is a source of good fortune in this light body, and the source can fuse all forces, so my blood of Libra can also be used! My The idea worked!"

The reason he thought of this was because of the data.

as follows-

[Yuansheng all things: Awakening Yuan is the real ancient **** of good fortune; possessing Yuan, one thought, law, blood, forbidden techniques and other means, can be transformed and fused at will]

Based on this, he used the good fortune source of the true **** of good fortune to fuse the Libra blood in his body.

Then, the Libra blood was really activated.

"True god-level Libra blood, hehehe."

Ye Que smiled, revealing a somewhat sinister temperament, and then he took out his old buddies—time wheel and space wheel.

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