God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1416: The Great God Comes

Zhi Yangning leaned his face against Ye Que's arms, a flash of determination to the death flashed in his eyes.

She didn't want to live long ago.

One billion years of eternal life, every year, every month, every day, every moment, every second, can only stay in this tomb.

This is punishment, not eternal life.

Several times, she sealed her memory and collapsed herself, but in the end, she would return subconsciously.

the other side.

After Ye Que notified the Master of Shenzang Hall about the Creation Tree, he comforted Ningning.

"Don't think about it."

He hugged Ning Ning tightly, his face was gloomy, and he looked like he could eat people.

No one dared to look at him, for fear of offending this lunatic.

Creators who are as powerful as the pinnacle dare not look at him, let alone approach him.

Some people dare not even make a little big move.

I was afraid that it would catch Ye Que's eyes and cause him to scold him badly.

For the inheritance of the true god, these guys can really bear it.


Jiang Haiyun, the third disciple of the inheritance, saw that Ye Que had kidnapped a loli, and he was quite unhappy, so he snorted coldly.

Mo Buran, who was standing next to the master of Shenzang Hall, was also looking at Ye Que, and there was something wrong with his eyes.

True disciples and inheritance disciples just waited quietly.

The fifteen creatures were also waiting.

Only the four peak creations know the inside story, and their nerves are tense.

Time passed bit by bit.

But it didn't take long.

After all, they are all peak creations competing for inheritance.

After two hours.

The whole secret realm shook.

An incomparable true god's coercion spread inexplicably throughout the secret realm.


A round of golden sun, suddenly derived from nothingness, hangs in the sky, rains down billions of golden lights, blows away the darkness, and blows away the coldness.

"This is the power of the true god, who has inherited it?"

Someone yelled.

Boom boom boom!

Many strong men released their aura, and the chaotic sky and vision swept through the secret realm.

The storm and thunder washed away the secret realm.

The secret realm trembled slightly and was about to shatter.

The powerful people ignored everything, and were ready to **** or **** the inheritors away.

The atmosphere was cold and tense.

"How many times can you resurrect now?"

The master of Shenzang Hall sent a sound transmission to Ye Que with a serious tone.


Ye Que said lightly.

The time for the Heart of Creation to release infinite energy has not yet passed, and there are still two days left.

During this period, he can be revived infinitely.

"Okay, wait a minute, no matter what happens, you must adapt to the situation and cooperate with me!"

This usually unserious pinnacle creation has a serious and terrifying tone in the sound transmission.

Just as Ye Que was about to nod, the golden sun hanging in the sky abruptly restrained all the light, and finally condensed into a beam of light, which instantly penetrated into Ye Que's body.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the barrier and obtaining the inheritance of Zhiyang True God!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the barrier and obtaining the inheritance of Zhiyang True God!"

"Ding! The inheritance of Zhiyang True God is being distributed!"

"Ding! The four treasures in the inheritance: the source of the five drops of the true **** of Zhiyang, the sword of the true **** of Zhiyang, the furnace of the Zhiyang, and the mountain of the nine realms of Zhiyang are being distributed!"

The mutation happened again.

In Jin Rizhong, rounds of bright rays of light descended, all of which contained treasures.

The ground is also trembling, the sword of Zhiyang True God hidden in the ground is shaking, trying to pull it out from the tree roots.


The cornucopia in Ye Que's mind rushed out of his soul and hung above his head, creating a terrifying suction force, absorbing Jin Ri's power.

The cornucopia changes, it is transforming into a golden furnace.

Everyone froze for a moment.

How is this going?

The master of the Shenzang Hall said in a low voice: "Have you got it?"

"Give me another thirty breaths."

Ye Que said in a deep voice.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

Inheritance is too time-consuming, and they have no time to leave.

"Then delay!"

The master of the Shenzang Hall chopped off the ground with one foot, and the real cremation turned it into walls to isolate outsiders.

The remaining three peak creations, and fifteen creations of varying strengths, also cast their spells, and rounds of fairy lights descended, covering Ye Que.

The creators around didn't know what was going on, but when they saw Ye Que's situation, they knew that Ye Que was up to something.

This involves the inheritance of the true god.

"Everyone shoot!"

The creation of the Longyuan clan shouted angrily, and pressed a palm against the light curtain that wrapped Ye Que.

"Dare to play tricks and take away our inheritance, Ye Que, you are courting death!"

"Little brat, that is our chance and has nothing to do with you. If you dare to touch it, you will definitely die!"


Thousands of creations were all shot.

Together at the same time, the power can destroy the world.

Also at this time.

The suzerain appeared from Jin Rizhong, and as soon as he came out, he bowed his hands to the sky: "Please take action."

A ray of divine light came from outside the sky.

It collapsed the secret realm, sank hundreds of millions of miles into the land, and gave birth to ancient visions, birds and beasts, mountains and rivers, and a round of evolution.

With a buzzing sound, thousands of creations and tens of thousands of methods were all crushed to the ground.

"Xingtai, take the others away first!"

Sovereign ordered.

With a wave of his hand, the Master of the Hall of Punishment took away all the disciples of the true biography and inheritance.

"It's not that the peak is not enough to see, the other fifteen creations also left!"

The suzerain's combat power soared to the highest level, strengthening its defense capabilities.


The fifteen creations and disciples of Mo Tianzong all left.

Right now, apart from Xingtai, only Ye Que and the five peak creations are left here.

"Since the opportunity is yours, then seize it! You are a disciple of the Motian Sect, and I will protect the Dao for you!"

The suzerain sits cross-legged in the void, and the laws sway the world, stirring up the yin and yang of the world.

The remaining four peak creations guard the four directions, have visions, laws, real fire, and invincible coercion.

Ye Que avoided the attack and successfully obtained the source of the Five Drops Zhiyang True God.


Rumble! !

A large number of peak creations flew out of Jinrizhong, all of which were covered with blood and were seriously injured.

One by one was furious.


"Ye Que is the sole successor!"

"A lot of people died before we succeeded in breaking through the level. This kid is too scheming. He used us to clear the way!"

The creatures gritted their teeth.

After breaking through the eighth level, he still had to fight against tens of thousands of dark taboo beasts. He suffered heavy losses, but the final reward was Ye Que's. His lungs were about to explode.

Seeing their appearance, Ye Que knew how dangerous it was inside.

If Ning Ning doesn't do this, he won't get the inheritance 100%.


"Little brat, dare to play us!"

"Destroy them!"

All the creations and methods of the Huangyuan Continent were burning with anger, even if they were crushed to the ground, they were still roaring.

The Eight True Gods heard their words.

Thus, the Eight Great True Gods made their move.

With a bang, the sky exploded.

The coercion of the true **** swept the audience, crushing all tangible things, but avoiding the creatures below.


That wisp of power that overwhelmed everyone was cut off in an instant.

swipe swipe—

All the creations and methods of the Huangyuan Continent stood up again, and aimed at Ye Que angrily.

"Destroy them!!"

They moved, the power was terrifying, it could be called a devastating crush.

Also at this time, under the earth, a terrifying pressure of the true **** rose up, scattering all the attacks of the powerful.

With a buzzing sound, the sword of Zhiyang True God bursting out with bright golden light rushed out from under the ground and landed beside Ye Que in an instant.

That is a true **** weapon, a complete true **** weapon.

Everyone gasped.

"Sacrifice the true **** weapon."

Long Xuan and Long Ming of the Longyuan Clan, with one voice, donated their blood and a part of their lifespan, asking for the true weapon of the clan to descend.

Not only him, except for the hesitation of the Shengyuan tribe, the other tribes all invited out the true **** weapon.

The seven true **** weapons appeared.

In an instant, the secret realm collapsed, the mountains and rivers shattered, and the earth cracked, creating a doomsday scene.

"Go away!"

Ye Que held the sword of Zhiyang True God, and when he swung it, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, trembling for all ages.

He raised his head and stared at the flying seven true **** weapons, his eyes became the sun, as if he could penetrate through the ages.

boom! !

His momentum instantly soared.

"Ding! One drop of source can improve a small realm!"

"Ding! The host has five drops of the source of Zhiyang True God, which can break through five small realms!"

"Ding! Is the host used to break through the realm?"

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