God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1415: Immortal Zhiyang Ning

Near the Throne of Blood, more and more people appeared, all of whom came from the barren land.

One by one came here in silence, not speaking.

The stiff and cold atmosphere became more and more intense.

Ye Que felt that most people's eyes were on him, he was fearless, he was still a bachelor, and he spoke without any scruples.

"There are so many people here, are you ready to rob and be robbed? You are so thoughtful!"

Ye Que's mouth, capable of writing and martial arts, spoke bluntly about the situation in front of him.

Yes, so many people come.

There are two reasons.

One, snatching other people's inheritance.

Second, if one's own family gets the inheritance, one can safely **** one's family to leave.

"Ants, shut up!"

The ninth-level creation of the Longyuan tribe rushed over and scolded Ye Que coldly.

Ye Que rolled up his sleeves and pointed at the creation and yelled: "You dog, why are you scolding again? If you scold again, I will close the inheritance!"

The sound was extremely loud, and it spread far away in this quiet place.

His words contained nuclear power, and everyone's heart skipped a beat.

"you dare!"

The ninth-level creature pointed at Ye Que angrily, with murderous intent.

"You forced me!"

Ye Que's eyes were red, as if you forced me to close the inheritance.

His state really has the momentum of dying together.

boom! !

The tenth-level creation of the Shanyuan tribe sent a punch to the ninth-level creation of the Longyuan tribe, and said coldly: "Don't do stupid things!"

That ninth-level manufacturing method exploded, and he was so angry that he wanted to say more, but seeing the powerful people from all sides staring at him, he was so hair-stricken from being stared at, so he shut his mouth.

The master of Shenzang Hall couldn't help laughing.

This guy is really capable.

Ye Que snorted coldly: "Please calm down, I am in a bad mood and in a state of madness, who the **** wants to mess with my mentality, I will let you all drink the northwest wind!"

He knew that this group of people would never and would not dare to mess with him before the inheritance was obtained.

No, three hundred core races, thousands of creations gathered together, and tens of thousands of creations came together, so they didn't dare to provoke him with a word.

Some people even worry that he will become more and more self-closing, and then close the inheritance of the true **** regardless of everything.

"I'll give you the treasure, and you can practice here with peace of mind."

The creation of the true **** race, the Shanyuan tribe, took out a storage ring and threw it to Ye Que.

Ye Que's face softened, and he accepted it happily.

He is quiet.

Holding the treasure to practice, but all the energy secretly fell on Zhiyang Ning.

"Ningning, can you leave the secret realm?"

Ye Que transmitted the sound to Ning Ning through the sound transmission channel established by Ning Ning.

There was worry in his eyes, thinking of the tree roots inside the throne.

And on the root of the tree, there is a coffin, which contains Ning Ning's body, and there is a broken blade beside it.

Of course, Duan Ren has been connected with the Broken Sword in his soul, becoming the complete Sword of Zhiyang True God.

Based on this, he was also recognized by the Sword of Zhiyang True God.

Ningning was silent.

Ye Que's heart sank.

The current Ningning is a soul body and a state of immortality.

But why can she live forever?

It may be related to the throne, or it may be related to the roots under the throne.

Therefore, he was worried that Ningning would not be able to leave the secret realm.

"Brother Ye, my body is the tree of good fortune."

Zhi Yangning revealed a shocking secret.

Ye Que guessed it, but there was still a bit of shock in the silence.

"Before the Sun Universe was destroyed, the True God of Creation used the Tree of Fortune to support the Sun Universe. Afterwards, the True God of Fortune disappeared inexplicably, and the Tree of Fortune remained in the Sun Universe forever."

Zhi Yangning told the cause and effect.

The secret realm is a part of Zhiyang universe, so it makes sense for the tree of creation to stay here.

"Later, the dark taboo invaded on a large scale, and everyone died, including my brother. At that time, I was also dying... But my brother didn't want me to die, so he integrated my body and soul into the tree of creation."

"As long as the Creation Tree is not destroyed, my lifespan will be immortal forever."

"Of course... if the Tree of Creation does not move, I will never be able to leave here."

Ning Ning's voice was ethereal, but her words were extremely flat.

But the grief, confusion, loneliness and helplessness in the voice were all felt by Ye Que.

All are dead.

Close relatives also died.

She lost it all.

In the end, he was forced to live forever, alone for a billion years, unable to leave this place, and confined forever.

So infinitely lonely, unable to leave, living forever in this tomb-like place.

What it sees and hears are all tragic things of the destruction of Zhiyang Universe.

In my mind, there is only the memory of everyone dying tragically and Zhiyang universe being reduced to a grave.

She has no future and lives in the past forever.

This is cruel for a young girl.

This is more painful than living!

Ye Que didn't know how to comfort him, he hugged Zhi Yangning tightly, and the universe of ancient gods flashed in his mind.

The current state of the Ancient Gods Universe is exactly the same as before the Sun Universe was destroyed.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

"Ningning, if I get the Tree of Creation, can you leave with me?"

Ye Que transmitted the voice.

"It doesn't matter, I can't die, Ning Ning will be satisfied if he can recognize a brother Ye who treats me well."

Zhi Yangning smiled.

The underlying meaning of this sentence is that the tree of good fortune cannot be moved.

"Where is the Creation Tree, I will find a way to take it away!"

Ye Que said seriously.

"it does not matter."

Zhi Yangning shook his head.

"Where is the Creation Tree?"

Ye Que's tone became more serious.

"No...it's okay."

Zhi Yangning lowered her head, her tone was loose and timid.


Ye Que's tone was heavy, and he began to question.

He hugged Ning Ning, and the hand holding Ning Ning's calf was also exerting force.

Zhi Yang Ning wept, and said via voice transmission: "If you can't move, you can't even move the peak creation realm. It is buried deep under the throne, with hundreds of millions of tree roots, rooted in the secret realm and the barren land under the secret realm. It is impossible to move it." !"

"Why are you crying?"

The seventh-order creations of the Fire Source Clan are very sensitive. Seeing the little girl's abnormal movements, he was afraid that it would affect the inheritance, so he asked.

The attention of the others fell on Ning Ning who was in Ye Que's arms.

"Don't push me, let her stop crying!"

Ye Que scolded the creature.

The creature held back its strength and did not dare to provoke it, and the rest of the people wisely distanced themselves to make room for Ye Que.

Ye Que was in a bad mood.

Ningning made arrangements for him from the very beginning, but never thought about her own safety.

She was preparing to resist everyone's anger by herself.

How could Ye Que remain indifferent!

Not to mention the same situation between the two, the two have met and known each other for so long, and they have long had feelings for each other.

How could he abandon Zhiyang Ning.

"The peak can't move, then the true **** must be able to move! Big deal, I will pay a certain price, please the great true god!"

Ye Que was transmitting the sound, his face was gloomy and unsightly.

The creators around were apprehensive, for fear that he would go crazy again.

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