God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1417: to choose


"Ding! The host has broken through to the second level of the law-making god!"

"Ding! The host has broken through to the third level of the law-making god!"

"Ding! The host has broken through to the fourth level of the law-making god!"

"Ding! The host has broken through to the fifth level of the law-making god!"

"Ding! The host has broken through to the sixth level of the law-making god!"

Boom boom boom—

Terrifying coercion rose from Ye Que's body.

Ancient visions surrounded him, like a **** stepping on the ancient path of time and space, and the bright light blooming around him dimmed the world.

His strength is rising in horror, and the space is shattered because of him.

What should be said is.

When Ye Que created the gods at the first level, his rank just reached 1066. (See chapters 1380 and 1382 for details)

This is the most basic level when you first break through to the law-making gods.

This means that he has 1066 segments in a small realm.

Based on the following hints given on the data—

[Spell pattern 1: 10% (when the time pattern reaches 20%, you can break through to the second level of the magic god)]

[Spell pattern 10: 10% (when the destruction pattern reaches 20%, you can break through to the second level of the magic god)]

When he first broke through to the first level of the law-making god, he had a basic rank of 1066, which means that he had 10% of the magic lines.

In other words, the first level of the law-making **** = 1066 stages = 10%.

And now, he has created the sixth level of the gods.

This means that the sixth level of law-making gods = 6396 stages = 60%.

Right now he.

There are 6396 segments of fighting power!

It is worth mentioning that-

The first level of creator gods: 2000 stages

The second level of creator gods: 400 [Baidu novels www.tomtxt.com] 0 paragraphs

The third level of creator gods: 6000 stages

The fourth level of creator gods: 8000 stages

Once Ye Que broke through, his strength reached the third level of Creator God.

And he himself is only at the sixth level of the law-making gods.

The skyrocketing strength shocked everyone, and made them see how evil Ye Que was.

"Destroy him! Don't let him get all the treasures inherited!"

"Just get a part, let the realm break through to this level! This rebellious brat must be destroyed!"

Many creations and methods went crazy, and the terrifying secret techniques fell all over the sky, heading straight for Ye Que.

Ye Que slashed at the secret technique with his sword, and it exploded with a bang.

The sky is full of cracks.

His eyes scan the surrounding creations and methods.

The sword of Zhiyang True God in his hand could crush all creations, it was so terrifying that a group of people ran away in fright.


Ye Que struck again with his sword, indiscriminately attacking the fleeing people.

In an instant, the might of the true **** shook the heavens and the earth, split the earth, shattered the void, and wanted to bury all living beings.

"This is no longer a battle of realms, this is a game of weapons and weapons, everyone get out of the way!"

The seven true **** weapons swept out a round of divine light, shattering the sword glow that Ye Que swung.

"Crush you to death!"

Led by Long Xuan and Long Ming, the seven true **** weapons surrounded Ye Que. The true god's coercion within them shook the heavens and earth, turned the heavens and the earth upside down, shocked the whole world, and wanted to crush Ye Que.

Ye Que's body was being shattered, and he was also in nirvana.

One against seven, he can't hold it at all, and only Nirvana can make him hold on.

Zhi Yangning raised his head, his eyes were filled with white light.

With a bang, a round of white light bloomed under the ground, instantly turning daylight into the ruined secret realm.

The coercion of the Tree of Creation emerged from the white light, and rushed into the coercion of the seven true **** weapons that evolved and destroyed everything.

Ye Que's pressure was greatly reduced.

However, it still can't last long.

boom! !

The cornucopia hanging above his head has absorbed Jinri and evolved into the sun furnace.

Inside the furnace was the majesty of the true god, and the world-burning flames spewed out, which also smashed into the seven true **** weapons.

Finally, it can compete with one or two.

Although this still suppressed him and his body was constantly being destroyed, it was much easier than before.


The suzerain and other five peak creations, each of which has hundreds of millions of divine brilliance, can crush a world and shake the universe.

They all shot at the creation that controlled the seven true **** weapons.

"Look who has more!"

Long Xuan yelled, there are more creations on their side.

With a rumbling sound, a large number of creations swept over.

However, the real chaos has only just begun.

The bureau that the suzerain had set up before has already shown its power.

On Mo Tianzong's side, many strong men came, all of them came to support.

"The sword has no eyes, get out of the way!"

Xingtai sent the junior back again, this guy is too tough, he came with a Fangtian painting halberd on his shoulder, it has the power of a true **** inside, it is the true **** weapon of Mo Tianzong.

With a halberd, he sank the earth and destroyed the creations that were about to attack the suzerain and others.


The True God Weapon of the Longyuan Clan is a golden round weapon, illuminated by the golden light, it is hard to see clearly, when it turned around, it blocked Fang Tian's painted halberd.

"I heard that there is a secret realm here where you can hunt for treasure!"

"It was so lively!"

"It turned out to be a real weapon, stay away!"

swipe swipe—

The powerful players from all sides of the Mo Tianzong came.

They opened the teleportation array, or opened the door of space, or opened the channel of law, and they came in batches.

Although they avoided it because of the true **** weapon, their minds were flying, some of them had thoughts about Mo Tianzong, but most of them were hostile to the people of Huangyuan Continent.

After all, the two sides already dislike each other, and the first impression must be hostile.

Not only them, but all the true gods from the five great true **** sects came.

It really moves the whole body.

There were a lot of bigwigs from all sides, and they all got together.

"True God Mo Tian was suppressed and beaten by the Eight Great Gods, it's rare to see him."

"It should be the seven true gods who are suppressing, and the true **** Shengyuan is not working hard."

The four true gods were watching the show by the side, neither making a move nor expressing their attitude, which made the eight true gods confused about the situation, and became extremely nervous inside, and did not dare to be too ruthless in their shots.

What is it called.

This is called invisible nuclear deterrence.

The Great True God opened up another realm, which is a small universe. He fights with the Eight Great True Gods in it, and every ray of light can tremble the universe.

If they fought outside, the others would have been gone long ago.

Let alone this.

Now that many true gods have come, the situation has become chaotic. There are disadvantages, but there are also advantages.

The advantage is that you can run around while you are running around.

"The inheritance is in hand! Leave!"

The Great True God lowered his will and fell into the hearts of Ye Que, the Sovereign and others.

The eyes of the suzerain evolve into the world, there is inexplicable coercion, and there is an invincible oppressive force when opening the mouth: "Ye Que, I have obtained all the inheritance, take advantage of the chaos!"

Right now, people from Moyuan Continent are here.

This is a new force, suddenly breaking into this chaotic situation, everyone will not be able to tell their attitude, this is a good time to leave.

The same is true for the level of true gods. All the major true gods have come, and the situation is chaotic, so you can take advantage of the situation and leave.

Ye Que's heart sank, and his eyes turned to Ning Ning beside him.

Ning Ning is a soul body. Although it is solidified, it looks like a flesh and blood body, but it is immortal after all, and it will be immortal with the tree of good fortune. Facing the coercion of the true **** weapon, just like him, it can be restored even if it is destroyed.

But now, he needs to face a choice.

Stay, dig out the good fortune tree, and take Ningning away.


Abandon Ning Ning, take advantage of the best opportunity now, and leave with the Great True God of Mo Tianzong.

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