God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1411: fair play?

What is overbearing.

Mo Tianzong is.

If you say kill, you will kill.

The Longyuan tribe just has no temper.

The other races were even more irritable, but what most races thought was how much benefit the Longyuan clan would benefit from being cut.

Looking at the creations of the Blood Origin Clan, Fire Origin Clan and Hong Yuan Clan, they have retreated quietly, for fear of being targeted by Ye Que.

Even before that, many of them were lost in Ye Que's hands.

Ye Que saw it, but didn't move.

Targeting one Longyuan clan is enough, targeting too many would bring unwarranted hatred to Mo Tianzong, which was not his original intention.

Some grudges, he needs to avenge himself.

"The inheritance has opened, do you want to go in?"

The matter related to Ye Que came to an end, and most people still think about the inheritance of the true god.

This thing is the most important thing.

Someone spoke in the crowd to remind everyone not to forget the business.

The people of Mo Tianzong were surprised and looked at Ye Que.

Ye Que didn't even need to say anything, Long Xuan and Long Ming just told about the inheritance of the true god.

"Competition must be fair, don't try to monopolize it! Otherwise, I will disclose all the news! Regarding the inheritance of the true god, I don't think any race in the wild land will give up!"

Long Xuan said coldly, his eyes swept across the people of Mo Tianzong, and finally fell on Ye Que, the anger and killing intent in those eyes almost became real.

He's angry, but he gets to the core

Inheritance of the true god.

Just these four words are enough to attract countless people to fly to the flame.

"There are only eighteen races among us present, and the competition is already fierce enough. If all three hundred core races are allowed to participate, the chances of everyone wanting to inherit will be reduced!"

Long Ming was reminding Mo Tianzong, and he was also threatening Mo Tianzong.

If there is unfair competition, then there is no need to cover up this matter.

Otherwise, it would be a big deal for everyone to know and participate.

Everyone understands the truth.

Mo Tianzong also understood.

They are the biggest force in the Moyuan Continent, but they also came here secretly, fearing that other sects would know about them.

In the end, everyone came to an agreement and there was a level playing field.

"Then the method will be at a disadvantage!"

A certain clan's method of making muttered.

Ye Que was very helpless in this matter.

If the peak creation participated, his chances of success in the competition would be greatly reduced.

Ning Ning hid beside Ye Que guiltily, the tears in her eyes were not dry yet.

Ye Que comforted him.

There is nothing to discuss about competition.

Whoever is strong can get it. In the face of this kind of thing, Zaofa has little resistance and can only be forced to accept it.

The weak have no power, this sentence can be applied everywhere.

The Blood Light Gate is still there.

Everyone is ready to break in at some point.

"Just wait here for me."

Ye Que touched Ning Ning's head, wanting to try it too.

He decided to go for a break.

But just when everyone was about to leave, something bad happened.

In addition to the Shengyuan clan and Longyuan clan, the peak creations of the six true **** races, Tianyuan clan, Zhenyuan clan, Zhuyuan clan, Shanyuan clan, Shiyuan clan, and Xueyuan clan, were all present.

There are some things that cannot be hidden from the true God.

As soon as the true **** notified the people below, all the major true **** races came.

"Fair competition, we have to wait until everyone is here to compete together, otherwise can it be called fair?"

The pinnacle creation of the Shanyuan Clan is an old man with a head like a sharp knife, with a smile on his lips.

"Hey...Ye Que, you're here too, you haven't died yet, that's amazing!"

Tian Luoyi of the Tianyuan tribe was surprised.

"He is a strange creature, and he cannot be speculated at will."

Xue Aili stood behind Peak Creator's mother, muttering to herself, but she also looked at Ye Que strangely.

Ye Que didn't even pick them up.

No mind, no time.

"There are some things that cannot be hidden from everyone."

However, worse things came.

Not only the eight true **** races, but other core races also came, and the faces of all the people present turned green.

Who the **** did this?

Who leaked this?

Ye Que glanced at the people present, there must be someone leaking secrets.

And the reason...

That's easy to say.

It may be that the younger generation of a certain clan came here, and seeing that all the peak creations were fighting for it, they realized that they had no ability to compete, so they secretly notified the strong in their clan.

That's just one of the reasons.

Maybe some people, knowing that they can't fight and have no ability, deliberately release news to let everyone fight together.

This kind of people hold the mentality that I can't get it, and everyone can't get it.


There are countless rainbows coming from the far sky.

One after another, strong men from races came, most of them were peak creations.

Only this kind of character can support the scene.

"Hahaha, I heard that there is a true **** inheritance, not bad, I want to try it too!"

The pinnacle creation of a certain clan came, and everyone had no choice but to accept what he said.

There are few secrets here, and all the three hundred core races in the barren land know about it.

Long Xuan and Long Ming's faces were ugly, but seeing Mo Tianzong's people also felt uncomfortable, so they felt more or less balanced.

But they will never let it go.

"Long Xuan, just take advantage of the situation and drive away the Mo Tianzong people!"

Long Ming's voice was transmitted, and his eyes were not friendly.

"No! Let's not talk about doing this kind of thing, whether the various clans will join forces, in short, we will be the first to be targeted by Mo Tianzong!"

"Besides, once Mo Tianzong leaves, how can they be willing? When the time comes, let everyone in Moyuan Continent know about this matter... Then we will still compete for a hammer!"

Long Xuan's analysis was logical and reasonable.

Don't treat Mo Tianzong as a soft persimmon, he is a very domineering and sturdy master.

Once Mo Tianzong is driven away, maybe it won't be long before the entire Moyuan Continent will rush to fight for it.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Long Ming remembered the previous humiliation, and the killing intent couldn't help surging.


Long Xuan smiled coldly, and when the negotiation between the three hundred core races and Mo Tianzong was about the same, he suddenly stood up: "The creations of each race can only go to two people, and the creation method can go in at will. Since everyone agrees with this method, let's do it like this." Well, but..."

Here comes the turning point.

With a turning tone, he made everyone look at him.

"Don't blah!"

The master of the Hall of Punishment had a fiery temper, staring at Long Xuan, as if you were going to show off again, and I would beat you to death.

Long Xuan suppressed his anger, turned his eyes to Ye Que, and said indifferently: "This person cannot go in!"

"Tell me a reason!"

The suzerain stood up and took a step forward, the power of the peak creation overwhelming the audience.

It is no exaggeration to say that more than 90% of the peak creations of the three hundred core races have been suppressed, and only a very small number of them can compete with the suzerain.

There is also a gap between peak creations.

The suzerain is undoubtedly the top powerhouse in the pinnacle of creation, once he shows a domineering momentum, the weight of his words will be heavy.

Seeing this, Ye Que missed the old patriarch.

If the old patriarch is here, with such an imposing manner, 99% of the peak creations will have to kneel down and call Dad.

At that time, who would dare to bully him?

Long Xuan's face changed slightly, and his expression became more serious. He said seriously: "The one who opened the inheritance of the true **** is Ye Que!"

Many people don't know about this.

After saying this, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Que, and there was a moment of coldness in their eyes.

The person who opened it was Ye Que, so does he have some privileges?

Almost at the same time, everyone thought of the above sentence.

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