God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1412: ready to run

Ye Que is the initiator of true **** inheritance experience, does he have any privileges?

Everyone thought of it, so everyone looked at him with cold eyes.

It is related to the inheritance of the true god, and no one wants to give others any advantage before the experience begins.

"So, he can't go!"

Long Xuan said coldly.

A knife to kill is not necessarily a weapon, but so is language.

His words made Ye Que blamed by thousands of people.

"Well, you're right, he really can't go!"

The pinnacle creation of the Bloodborne Race nodded.

"Most of them are peak creation competitions. It's useless to create a method, so Ye Que should not go."

The pinnacle creation of the Huoyuan Clan speaks earnestly and makes sense.

"What do you all think? Don't go with this person, it's just causing trouble!"

The peak creation of the Hongyuan Clan is now asking for everyone's opinions.

All powerhouses agree with this statement.

They agreed one after another and forbade Ye Que to enter the training place where the true gods passed on.

Ye Que saw that the people of the three hundred core races, no matter how strong or weak, looked at him coldly, with anger and coldness in their hearts.

"He is the opener, but he can't go in. Who can give you the face to agree with this statement?"

The suzerain quit.

Ye Que is the true disciple of Mo Tianzong. If the disciple can get the inheritance, Mo Tianzong will have great benefits.

Not to mention this, this is a member of his Mo Tianzong, why do these people dare to stop him?

In such a situation, it takes courage to say this sentence.

Long Xuan smiled playfully, this is what he wanted, if Mo Tianzong went against everyone, it would be great.

Knew it.

As soon as Mo Tianzong objected, he was immediately targeted by everyone, and everyone had cold killing intent and hostility.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

In this tense situation, Long Xuan decided to add oil and vinegar.

"Besides, he can turn off the experience of the true god's inheritance, so be careful of him messing around!"

Long Xuan's words were even more lethal.

Being able to close the experience of the true god's inheritance is no less than cutting off everyone's opportunities.

In the blink of an eye, the killing intent from all the powerhouses surged out, breaking Ye Queya's bones on the spot.

Long Xuan smiled coldly and retreated into the crowd.

"Dare to bully my disciples, court death!"

The Master of the Hall of Punishment has a violent temper, and he wanted to do it under the cold drink. His coercion was released, and he wanted to kill Long Xuan.

The rest of Mo Tianzong also showed unkindness and murderous intent.

The contradiction intensified.

However, the three hundred core races are not afraid.

Because their interests are on the same side, no matter how strong the Mo Tianzong is, it cannot be stronger than the three hundred core races.

"We won't kill him, just give him a reminder, don't do anything against yourself!"

The peak creation of the True Source Race said indifferently.

The suzerain held the master of the punishment hall, this matter should not be rash.

Otherwise, something big will happen.

Mo Tianzong is very strong, but not so strong that he is fearless. Sometimes, he must give in.

"I won't go in!"

Ye Que shook his head and said.

The trend of the times.

Three hundred core races, a large number of creations, and peak creations are all targeting him.

How does this fight?

He can't fight it.

You can't do anything even if you try to be brave.

Unless he is a real god.

So, this time, he missed the opportunity.

"Sovereign, you go! Don't worry, I won't close it!"

Ye Que gritted his teeth, staring coldly at the people of the Longyuan clan.

He is not reconciled, but there is no way to change all this.

Weeping came from behind.

"Brother Ye...I...I..."

Zhi Yangning lowered her head, hanging very low, like a child who has done something wrong, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"I want to make sure that he won't close the training place of the true god's inheritance. It's very simple. If he sees the little girl next to him, that's his trick. If he dares to mess around, he will kill the little girl!"

Long Ming opened his mouth, every word to punish his heart.

Saying the right words at the right time can cause more power than killing people.

Ye Que hugged Zhi Yangning, and said coldly: "I will never mess around! You just go in!"

"Go in, everyone, we will keep an eye on him outside!"

Most of the three hundred core races will stay outside and keep Ye Que and the little girl under strict supervision.

"Sect Master, you guys go too!"

Ye Que said to the Motian sect master and the palace masters.

At this time, the suzerain also felt powerless and could only compromise.

"After the suzerain and the master of the punishment hall enter, we will take care of his safety!"

The master of Shenzang Hall opened his mouth to guarantee Ye Que's safety.

At this point, the matter about Ye Que came to an end.

Many creations entered the gate of blood light and began to compete.

Each family enters two creations, and there are no restrictions on how to make them.

Huh la la, the practitioners have also gone to a lot, and they all want to pick up the leaks.

Seeing this, Ye Que could only remain silent, feeling aggrieved.

Obviously he was the one who discovered it and opened it up.

In the end, he was not qualified to enter, not even to leave here.


He didn't even have the ability to guarantee Ningning's safety.

In other words, isn't this girl scary?

How come from the beginning to the present, I don't see her strength at all?

He didn't blame Ningning, but he was extremely curious about this matter, and he had doubts in his heart.

Thinking of this, Ye Que knelt down, wiped away tears for Ning Ning, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly noticed a strange light flashed in Ning Ning's eyes.

Ye Que:? ? ?

"Brother, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have said it before."

Zhi Yangning hugged Ye Que's neck, tears still falling.

The more she is like this, the more people around her laugh and gloat.

"I don't blame you, it's not your fault!"

Ye Que felt that he was thinking too much, so he patted Ning Ning's back lightly.

The more the two of them are like this, the less people will think about it, and the more reassuring and vigilant they will be.

At this moment, Zhi Yangning used the power of taboo to transmit the voice in the soul: "Brother Ye, get ready to run."

Ye Que froze for a moment, and wanted to transmit the sound, but was hindered by the power of Zhiyang Ning.

"Don't transmit the sound, you will be peeped by many creations here!"

Zhiyang Ning's crisp voice gave Ye Que a strange feeling in his heart.

"The place of inheritance shouldn't be so fragile. I made it so fragile. I also attracted many people here and deliberately let them enter the place of inheritance."

"Brother Ye, don't think too much, the inheritance is opened for you, no matter who breaks in, as long as the experience is successful, the reward still belongs to you!"

"But it is the inheritance of the true god, and it is very difficult. Although the first seven levels are difficult, they are not difficult enough. The eighth and ninth levels are crucial, and the difficulty will increase by a thousand times in an instant."

"The eighth level is to fight against thousands of created monsters, and the ninth level is to fight against tens of thousands of dark taboo monsters. Brother Ye can't pass, so you need their help!"

Zhi Yangning's voice was still so crisp and ethereal.

But Ye Que sounded horrified.

Is this still naive Ning Ning?


Ning Ning has been awake and her memory has been restored.

She... shouldn't be so naive as she appears on the surface.

Thanks to Ye Que's acting skills, honed all the way.

On the surface, he was still unwilling and aggrieved, and at the same time he had to comfort Ningning so that no one would see that his heart was blown up.

It turns out!

What happened today was all planned by this little girl.

This is the boss behind the scenes.

"With these creations to help you, you will soon be able to obtain the inheritance, Brother Ye, you should quickly find a way to escape! Otherwise you will be dismembered!"

Zhi Yangning hugged Ye Que to transmit the voice.

She is the planner, the scheming is her, and the city is deep.

However, it was she who was always good for Ye Que.

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