God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1410: Those who bully my sect's disciples will be punished no matter how far away they

Among the four clans, the Longyuan clan has two peak creations, and the other three clans each have one. Adding them all up, there are only five peak creations.

Looking at Mo Tianzong again, there are six peak creations, which are not necessarily the full combat power of Mo Tianzong.

Let alone this matter.

Strength is strong or weak, at a glance, it is judged whether it is superior or inferior.

The scene is very embarrassing.

Thus, the peak creation of the Longyuan clan began to talk to Ye Que again: "Don't forget that you are from the barren land."

Ye Que sighed: "Look for soft persimmons?"

The atmosphere is awkward.

"This matter... has not yet reached the point where both sides have casualties! Everyone is a true **** force, why bother?"

The peak creation of the Longyuan clan suppressed his anger towards Ye Que, and began to talk painstakingly with the suzerain mother-in-law.

Many people wanted to laugh when they saw it.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is so typical.

At first they wanted to fight, as if they had to fight.

Now that I can't beat it, I want to reason.

This operation is blinding.

"Your Longyuan clan is qualified to compare with me, Mo Tianzong?"

The suzerain was always domineering, and refused to give an inch from the beginning.

His image, internally, is that of an elder who protects the same clan, externally, he is a ferocious beast that eats people without spitting out bones.

The two peak creations of the Longyuan Clan looked very embarrassed, and Long Xuan, one of them, said coldly: "Don't push yourself too hard! Everyone has a true god, and it's inextricably linked!"

"Don't forget, there are eight true gods in my barren land!"

Another Longming threat.

This sentence gave a lot of people confidence.

Ye Que chuckled: "It doesn't matter how many true gods there are, as long as we can die together."

He still understands this truth.

Take the nuclear bombs on the earth as an example, there are many countries in this country, which country is more, are there any birds?

There is only one earth, and one destruction is enough, but more nuclear bombs mean the strongest? This is not nonsense!

It's like God.

More here, less there, does it make sense?

If you really want to fight, just pull out the dark taboo and finish playing together.

His words pierced his heart, the creations of the four races had killing intent in their eyes.

Ye Que was not afraid, and his temper was aroused, and he said: "The eight true gods belong to your family? You can command as you want?"

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment again.

"Besides, true gods also have strengths and weaknesses. Do you really think that the eight true gods are invincible? The true gods of my family haven't let you have a long memory?"

This sentence is the most heart-wrenching. Many people recall the scene where True God Good Fortune taught Longyuan True God.

The True God Good Fortune, which has only one-tenth of its power, is still left after death. Just like this, the True God Longyuan was pressed to the ground and exploded with a hammer.

That scene is really exciting.

"The true **** of Mo Tianzong is the Great True God, do you want to try?"

The suzerain said coldly.

This is the blockbuster, even Ye Que didn't expect it, but he understood it.

The pattern and system of Moyuan Continent have created their tough and **** folk customs.

The cruel competition mechanism of the sect has made many geniuses stand out. In this regard, the development of Huangyuan Continent for tens of billions of years can't compare.

And Mo Tianzong is the head of the five true **** sects in the Moyuan Continent. Can the strong be weak? Can someone's true **** be weak?

Take a look at Mo Ding on the sidelines, the number one genius in creation, with the source of Mo Yuan in his body, Sheng Tianming would be dim beside him.


The suzerain's words of "true god" really made the two peak creations, Long Xuan and Long Ming, really discouraged.

There were also other true **** races present, but seeing them watching the show, they probably didn't want to join in.

As a result, the scene once again fell into a very embarrassing atmosphere.

The powerhouses of these four clans have been deflated again and again today, and they are all embarrassed.

"Ye Que! Do you still want to go back to the universe of the ancient gods?"

Long Xuan started targeting Ye Que again.

Ye Que sighed: "Hey, let's talk about the current situation first."

It was blocked with one word.

The scene fell into embarrassment again.

All ethnic groups do not participate, and the four ethnic groups are left to stand one step ahead, which means nothing.

Long Xuan couldn't bear it anymore, stared at the suzerain and said: "It is impossible for people to be killed by you, if you let them go, everything will be written off!"

If Mo Tianzong would back down, it would not be Mo Tianzong.

The suzerain flew up and landed beside Ye Que.

He was followed by everyone, and when he came to Ye Que, Ye Que also received attention.

"You are the twenty-first true disciple of my Motian Sect, and the future hope of my suzerain! There is a rule in my sect that those who bully my sect disciples will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

The suzerain's words were very slow, but they were like thunder roaring, shaking in everyone's heart.

Ye Que remained silent, his eyes swept to the other true disciples and inheritance disciples who had been watching from the side.

"Although I don't like you, it's within the same clan!"

Jiang Haiyun, the third disciple of the inheritance, found Ye Que quite unpleasant, but he also expressed his attitude and position.

From this point, it is enough to see that the overall atmosphere and growth environment inside the Mo Tianzong all reveal a value-the same sect can be chaotic, can kill, and can fight, but it will definitely share the same hatred with the outside world, and regard the sect as its own. The place where one stands shall not be desecrated.

And how is this value established?

very simple.

The suzerain protects the weak, and those who bully our sect disciples will be punished even if they are far away.

For this alone, who wouldn't love Mo Tianzong?

Long Xuan and Long Ming retreated, their expressions extremely ugly.

The pinnacle creations of the Blood, Fire, and Hong clans also gritted their teeth.

They compromised everywhere, but still couldn't get the result they wanted. They never expected that Mo Tianzong would be so domineering.

Long Yuxue screamed for mercy, and another creature of the same family also begged for mercy.

The two of them didn't expect to see today, regret and fear in their hearts.

The strong men of Mo Tianzong ignored their begging for mercy, so they looked at Ye Que again, wanting to beg Ye Que for mercy, but Ye Que hesitated and said, "If I kill him, I'm worried that it will bring pressure to Mo Tianzong!"

He wanted to kill, but he also took the overall situation into consideration and didn't act on his will.

Just this sentence made the suzerain look at him more, with a lot of admiration in his eyes, and said with a light smile: "Remember, we are the ones who are putting pressure on them!"

Look at what he said, how overbearing.

The hearts of those present were shocked.

From this moment on, no one dared to underestimate Ye Que casually.


Sovereign ordered.

The master of the Hall of Punishment had already had itchy hands. He crushed Long Yuxue's soul with one foot, and said coldly, "If you were in the Hall of Punishment of my sect, you would be the happiest person to die."


The master of Shenzang Hall was quick to kill the soul of another Longyuan clan's creation.

so far.

People from the Longyuan clan, except for the two peak creations of Longxuan and Longming, all other creations and creations in the secret territory were wiped out.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Quezai basically made the method.

He assassinated some in the secret realm, and then here again, after the strong sect masters smashed the body of the method, he killed the souls of the remaining part of the method.

Just when this confrontation happened.

Two true gods looked at each other coldly across Mo Yuan's Mo.

A look, fleeting.

Then, the barren land was completely quiet.

Creation is playing games.

The true **** is also playing games.

It's just that the levels are different, and some things are destined to be invisible to those with low realms.

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