God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1409: What is the ability to threaten juniors, try threatening Mo Tianzong?


The great war has begun.

Long Teng didn't fight, Ye Que forced him to fight, forcibly pulled him into the battlefield.

That scene was very eye-catching.

At first, Long Teng thought he was taking advantage of it, and even showed an expression that he must not be found out.

Unexpectedly, when the fight really started, he would know that he was the one who criticized the most.

The battlefield is roaring, and the internal laws are sea-like visions, towering ancient trees, thundering waterfalls, yin and yang are reversed, and the sun is soaring, and many visions are rising.

The strands of terrifying coercion can shake the world and distort it, shattering and collapsing piece by piece.

This is the result of the battle between the two sides, a terrifying battle scene.

It was Long Teng who was miserable, and was directly hit by the explosive hammer.

The ancient **** cooperated with the giant tortoise, with a heavy wheel and a beating stick, and if he caught Long Teng, he would be beaten severely.

Still not relieved after the beating, he forcibly poured down the million secret arts, seeking the way of jade stars, and directly hammered Long Teng's body to pieces.

"Stop fighting, I'm a member of the Longyuan clan..."

Long Teng howled miserably, and crawled out on the ground, looking miserable and embarrassed.

There were holes in his body, the blood was rushing, the skin was cracking, and the severe pain filled his whole body, making the desire to survive in his eyes even stronger.

"help me!"

Long Teng looked at the two fellow creatures present.

"Those who dare to kill my Longyuan clan, Ye Que, think about the consequences!"

Long Yuxue became a soul, still threatening Ye Que.

The Master of the Hall of Punishment slapped his soul in half, and said coldly: "Is it proud to threaten the junior? Do you have the guts to threaten me? Threatening Mo Tianzong?"

Long Yuxue didn't dare to speak anymore, he really didn't dare to fart!

Another creation of the Longyuan clan didn't dare to speak out, and just wanted to reduce their sense of existence.

This is typical bullying.

Ye Que was not someone to provoke, so he smashed Long Teng's right leg with a stick, and said coldly, "Could it be that if I don't kill him, you can let me go?"

It's a bit embarrassing to say this.

So he changed the sentence again: "You provoke me, so you need to think about the consequences! How many people have been slaughtered by me before and after, so you don't have a long memory?"

Ye Que didn't say any more, and jumped up amidst many bizarre visions.

One trick secret technique - hope your child will become a dragon stick.

In an instant, the stick felt heavy, and Long Teng's body collapsed with one stick.

Then, Long Teng really turned into a dragon.

not enough.

Another trick, father strict and son filial stick, beat the dragon back to its original shape on the spot.

Ye Que has many secret skills.

Earnestly teach the stick!

Words and deeds teach stick!

Tell me what you're doing!

The training stick for passing the court!

Every move is a secret technique, and every move is done with all your strength.

The beating caused Long Teng to turn from screaming to despair.

In the end, in a round of celestial vision, Long Teng was crushed by Ye Que with a stick, smashed his soul, and disappeared completely.

So far, the classic lesson plan of father teaching son has come to an end.

Ye Que put away his stick, and glanced at the many people who were besieged, with a flash of coldness.

"Do it, smash their flesh!"

Mo Tianzong has always been a loner in doing things, doing things in his own way, and acting very tough.

The suzerain ordered.

The other pinnacle creations cast spells to crush everyone's bodies with terrifying power, leaving only the souls as a punishment!

A group of people wailed and threatened, but the target was basically Ye Que. No one dared to offend Mo Tianzong at this time.

"Those who threaten me, Mo Tianzong, will shatter his soul!"

The suzerain points to a creation of the fire family.

The creation of the Huoyuan clan was stunned for a while, and when he reacted, the regret in his heart rose sharply.

But it was useless, he was completely smashed.

Ye Que's eyes fell on the creations and methods of the Blood Origin Clan and Hong Yuan Clan, his face was indifferent, but he didn't say much.

In the name of Zongmen, continuing to crush these two clans will only bring unwarranted hatred to Mo Tianzong.

He will not bring unnecessary pressure to this sect.

One day, he will kill himself.

Of course, what he can kill, he will never let go now.

For example, all the spell-making souls of the Longyuan, Blood, Hongyuan and Fireyuan tribes present.

They were crushed by him one by one.

In the end, the methods of the Longyuan, Blood, Hongyuan and Huoyuan tribes were all sent to heaven by him.

Many people are frightened by this method.

This is a ruthless person. If he rises up strong, those who provoke him will definitely have a hard time.

Also at this time.

The peak creations of all races finally arrived.

One family, one pinnacle creation.

Only the true **** race will have about two to three.

Of course, there are also some core races that are weaker and don't even have peak creations.

In short, the strength of the people who came here was uneven, but in total, there were twelve or three peak creations.

"What does this mean?"

One of the two pinnacle creations of the Longyuan clan, when he saw the two creations of the same clan, their bodies were smashed to pieces, leaving only their souls, and they were trampled under their feet, their expression became gloomy.

"Many of our family have died, Mo Tianzong, we have allowed you to enter this place, but you are making progress?"

Another peak creation, full of murderous intent.

Mo Tianzong was very strong. When he first entered the secret realm, he used his fists to make the people in Huangyuan Continent compromise, and was able to enter the secret realm to hunt for treasure.

But that's all, it doesn't mean they can kill people indiscriminately.

"Ye Que killed it."

The fifth-order creation dragon's blood resentment road.

Suddenly, a group of peak creations looked at Ye Que, their eyes were high above, containing indifference, and also staring intently.


The Lord of the Hall of Punishment cut off the soul of Long Yuxue, leaving only one-third of it.

This is already a serious injury. Even if the physical body is restored, the strength will be greatly reduced, and even the intelligence will be affected.

"He is a member of my Mo Tianzong, so it is reasonable for you to bully him?"

The Master of the Hall of Punishment raised his head and stared at these peak creations.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

After a while, the peak creation of the Longyuan Clan said, "Leave Ye Que to us, and let's pretend that what happened here never happened!"

The suzerain is even more domineering: "Those who oppress me, Mo Tianzong, my sect will never let it go, Xingtai, destroy the two creations of the Longyuan clan for me!"

With one swipe, the atmosphere exploded.

The Huangyuan Continent side never expected that the compromise they thought was actually not worth mentioning in the eyes of others, and they were even slapped in the face.

"you dare!"

The peak creation of the Longyuan clan looked directly at the suzerain.

"If you do this, you will be making an enemy of Huangyuan Continent! Be an enemy of the 300 core races!"

The peak creation of the Fire Origin Clan spoke.

Now, the peak creations of the four races have stood up with a strong momentum, and the powerhouses of the various races behind them also have the intention to stand up and support.

"When will the three hundred core races be united like this?"

The suzerain knows that these guys only care about their own affairs, and other family's affairs will be held high. There is no unity at all.

"The body is broken, I'm teaching you a lesson, leave now! If there is any dissatisfaction, feel free to trouble Mo Tianzong!"

As soon as the suzerain said this, the hatred value of most people dropped.

After all, my family has been out of trouble, isn't it just that the body has been destroyed, only the soul is left, and the remodeling is over, and there is nothing else to do, it is better to be less involved in the affairs of the true **** forces.

Most races do not have true gods, nor do they have more than two pinnacle creations.

A miserable race that doesn't even have peak creations.

Take a look at Mo Tianzong, there are six peak creations and fifteen creations of each strength as soon as they come. Isn't this pairing up to find trouble for yourself?

Therefore, most of the races didn't want to confront the True God Sect from the beginning, but they only wanted to come forward because their own family members were trapped.

Now, my family is out of trouble, and there is nothing wrong.

Based on this mentality, many strong people stay away without saying a word.

As a result, the group that was still noisy just now, faintly standing in the same camp, fell apart in an instant.

In the end, only the peak creations of the Longyuan, Huoyuan, Hongyuan and Bloodyuan tribes were left standing at the forefront.

Of the previous dozen or so statues, there are only five left.

That scene, let alone how embarrassing it was.

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