God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1408: Is this the wilderness?

"Outsider, I come from the Longyuan clan. If you dare to hurt me, are you trying to start a war?"

Long Yuxue left only the soul, which was trampled into a horse by the master of the punishment hall, and there was anger in the sound of the soul.

"Are you qualified?"

The Master of the Hall of Punishment just slapped him with a slap, and slapped away one-third of his soul on the spot.

Does this sound familiar?

Anyway, Long Yuxue was familiar with it, and it made him uncomfortable.

"I, the people of Mo Tianzong, are you ants who can bully me? None of the people present are innocent, and they smashed their bodies to pieces!"

The suzerain spoke indifferently, with murderous intent rushing to the sky.

The faction from Mo Tianzong is very strong, and a single true **** race cannot defeat them.

Races that are not true **** races can't do it.

With the order of the Motian Sect's lord, the five peak creations and fifteen creations of varying strengths made their move.

They cast the spell, and for a while, the gods shone in the sky, visions appeared frequently, this side of the world was blocked, and the power of the terrifying creation was like a huge wave, surging and surging inside.

The creations and creations were besieged, and they were crushed to this side, like a flat boat in a huge wave, drifting with the current.

Each of them was powerless to resist, because the other party was too powerful.

Their faces changed color, they never expected that the background behind Ye Que was so terrifying and ferocious.

"Ye Que, you are from Huangyuan Continent!"

Long Teng, the tenth-order method-maker of the Longyuan clan, was driven into a hurry, fearing that he would really die here, so he scolded Ye Que angrily.

"Don't forget your own roots are in the barren land!"

The members of the Huoyuan clan are also reminding Ye Que.

Others were also accusing Ye Que.

Perhaps in their minds, Ye Que was more talkative than Mo Tianzong.

After all, they were still bullying each other before.

It's okay if Long Teng's idiot didn't say anything, but once he said it, it caught Ye Que's attention.

Ye Que came back to his senses, the remaining anger in his heart still persisted.

He carried the heavy wheel and walked towards the besieged place.

As he walked, Mo Tianzong's creation paused for a moment.

Seeing this, Long Teng was overjoyed, thinking that his strategy had succeeded, he intensified his efforts, and said in a deep voice: "People, remember your roots! Don't forget where you were raised!"

Ye Que stood outside the siege, looked at Long Teng indifferently, and said, "Then think about it carefully, how did the barren land continent train me? Trained my ability to escape? Trained me to be hunted down? Trained me to escape from death Ability?"

Long Teng was speechless.

Others couldn't speak either.

Ye Que has been targeted since he came to Huangyuan Continent.

Everyone can see this, and they have no confidence in lying.

"People from the Shengyuan clan, come out."

Ye Que opened his mouth.

"Ye Que, don't you want to go back to Huangyuan Continent? Why would Mo Tianzong want you for a rebellious person like you!"

Long Teng was in a hurry.

The rest were also anxious, but they sensed something was wrong and dared not speak.

"Go back to Huangyuan Continent, wait for your Longyuan clan to kill me? Am I rebellious? Hello [Literary Museum www.wxguan.xyz] Think about it, how did I rebel? Are you sure I wasn't kicked out after being targeted by you?"

Ye Que's smile was not a smile, it was very cold.

No one dared to reply, or in other words, no one was qualified to refute, because what Ye Que said was the truth.

"Huh! You are right to say that people are rebellious, you are all bullying others, and you all shrink your heads in the face of difficulties. Is this the core race of Huangyuan?"

Ye Que said this, and added another sentence: "Of course, not all of them, people from the Shengyuan clan come out."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to Long Teng: "Well, you come out too."

Seeing that the people from the Shengyuan clan went out, Long Teng was not targeted, he thought to luck, could he be saved too?

"You want to let me go?"

Long Teng was still vigilant and hesitated.

"I'll give you a chance to kill me! If you can kill me, you can leave!"

Ye Que was extremely indifferent.

Long Teng was taken aback for a moment, then a sinister smile flashed across his face, and there was surprise in his eyes, but he was afraid of being discovered, so he quickly said with a straight face: "Is this true?"

"One on one, seriously!"

Ye Que said.


Long Teng came out, facing Ye Que, the killing intent suppressed in his heart was almost uncontrollable.

The peak creations hesitated for a while, but did not stop them, but chose to believe.

Ye Que has created a method, gained a lot of fame in the secret realm, and obtained a lot of resources. It is estimated that his strength has greatly increased.

"Ye Que, don't ask someone to help you later, what I, Long Teng, hate most in my life is bullying others!"

Long Teng fled here after killing Ye Que with all his heart, which made his mind not very bright.

As soon as he said this, let alone Mo Tianzong, the besieged people also felt embarrassed.

Aren't they bullying Ye Que by relying on their numbers and power, and standing on the same side of interests?

This is a fact and cannot be changed.

For Long Teng to say this, he was insulting people's IQ.

"You seem to be the least qualified to say this, right?"

Ye Que took a step back, his aura soared, and the law, blood, and pupil skills were all released.

He turned into a **** with his feet on the Kami River, surrounded by eternal visions, ups and downs between heaven and earth, with an invincible posture and momentum.

"Before the creation of your Longyuan clan suppressed me, you also took the opportunity to suppress me. Now you say this again, are you showing off your IQ?"

Ye Que sneered.

Enraged, Long Teng climbed to the top of the sky in one step, and looked at Ye Que at the same level. There was a dragon shadow rising from his body, and many visions emerged, thunder and riots inside, the fairy river flowed backwards, and the tenth-order power of his creation method was vividly displayed.

"Hehe! It's useless to talk too much, the first battle is over, but before that, I really want to say something to you, Ye Que, Ye Que, do you really think that you are very strong?"

Long Teng is aggressive and playful.

As soon as his aura came out, the coercion of the 1235 stage pressed strongly on Ye Que.

"You'll know if you try it?"

Ye Que's aura was also released, which contained a rank of 1311.

The rank of the top ten-level method of making: 1230-1340

In an instant, the surroundings fell into dead silence.

The people of Mo Tianzong were shocked.

The people around were also shocked.

"My son-in-law is only at the first level of law making, why is his rank so high?"

The master of Shenzang Hall was a little confused.

No matter how strong it is, there is a limit, this girl is simply ruder than cheating.

"Killed a lot of people in the secret realm and got a lot of treasures. It's not surprising that the rank is high, you say so, Long Teng."

Ye Que pressed on Long Teng.

This time, Long Teng's face turned pale, and he started to back away.

He has 1235 segments, Ye Que has 1311 segments, the gap is a bit big.

Of course, this is not the reason for his fear.

Ye Que will be able to Nirvana and has a clone with the same combat power, this is why he is afraid.

"I let you out, you don't really think you can get out alive, do you?"

Ye Que used the same tone, causing Long Teng to back away in shock.

"I will not fight with you, I am willing to go back!"

Long Teng wiped his sweat, Shan Shan would die if he fought Ye Que.

But if you go back, maybe you won't die.

"Do you think you have the right to choose? Now that we have agreed on one-on-one, then come!"

"I admit my mistake!"

Long Teng was about to fly back, but was bounced back by a ray of divine light from the peak creation.

"That's a member of my Longyuan clan, you..."

Before the creation of the second Longyuan clan could be finished, the physical body was gone.

"Since accepting the challenge, we must fight! We Mo Tianzong people are not demons, we have always been fair!"

The head of Mo Tianzong smiled coldly.

What he said was not false, the battle between Ye Que and Long Teng, both sides agreed fairly.

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