God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1407: Why don't you trust us!

Everyone was condemning, gnashing their teeth, blaming Ye Que bloody.

Ye Que lay in the blood, and said with a sneer, "Did you forget that the inheritance was originally mine, so why did it all become my fault?"

"You still dare to quibble?"

Long Teng, the tenth-order method of the Longyuan clan, suppressed it with one palm, smashing Ye Que's body to pieces.

He was furious, and his killing intent shook the world.

"If everyone can go in, it belongs to everyone. Why do you say this, a selfish person like you?"

The Huoyuan Clan's method also used Ye Que as a punching bag.

I didn't dare to provoke him before, but now I have to teach him a lesson.

"That's right! You didn't stay in the barren land, but you ran to the moyuan land, and even brought people here, you are a wolf-hearted dog! I waited for the barren land, how could I cultivate a rotten person like you!"

Everyone is condemning, and the words are vicious.

Ye Que wanted to laugh.

Huangyuan Continent cultivated him, but let him stay in Huangyuan Continent?

Didn't they force him? Didn't they hunt him down?

Now for the sake of inheritance, these people really talk nonsense.

"Can't you open it?"

The fifth-order creation of the Longyuan clan hung the true fire of law over Ye Que's head.

As long as Ye Que dared to say no, he would definitely pour down the true fire of the law.

"Can't you open it?"

The creations of the Blood Origin Race, Fire Origin Race, and Hong Yuan Race surrounded them, and the True Fire of Law poured out.

Ye Que slowly got up, stared at the group of people coldly, and said bloody: "Don't open!"

The fifth-order creature of the Longyuan clan grinned, killing Ye Que like a sea of ​​blood, and said, "Then go die..."

"I drive! I drive!"

Zhiyang Ning, who was behind Ye Que, cried.

Although she has lived for a billion years, she lives alone, her memory is blank and confused.

In terms of character, she may not be as good as an ordinary person who has gone through vicissitudes.

"You shouldn't!"

Ye Que sighed angrily.

"Everything is Ningning's fault. It's not that I said something wrong. Brother Ye Que doesn't need to suffer any harm. I drive, I can drive."

Ning Ning wiped away tears.

"It seems that you are a bit special!"

The fifth-order creation of the Longyuan clan, Long Yuxue, focused on Zhiyang Ning.

"Don't care if it's special or not, start the inheritance experience first!"

"Hurry up, little girl, if you don't, I'll kill Ye Que!"

The creations of the rest of the race threatened with evil voices.

When they find a handle, they will naturally spare no effort to use and squeeze it.

"I'll drive, Ningning will drive."

Zhi Yangning leaned next to Ye Que, activated the blood light on the steps, and turned into a blood light gate in front of the throne.

Inside the door is the place of inheritance and experience.

In Ye Que's mind, there was also a system notification sound, to the effect that the second inheritance experience was started.

But the one who opened it was Ning Ning, not Ye Que.

And the system also reminded him that his number of inheritance experience has been used up.

This means that if you fail this time, you will have no chance to inherit it.

Ye Que couldn't stop it anymore, he hugged Ning Ning and said: "We will activate the power of inheritance for you, can you let us go?"

Speaking of this, he felt countless murderous intentions.

Without fear, he said again: "If we are not allowed to leave, we have the right to close the inheritance experience!"

Immediately, the murderous intent was reduced by half.

Everyone fell into silence.

Because they are really afraid that the inheritance experience will be closed.

Seeing this, Ye Que walked out with Ning Ning in his arms, and said indifferently, "I will remember this moment today!"

His eyes swept over everyone.

Everyone here, except the Shengyuan clan, has targeted him.

He is a guy who just holds grudges, there is no way, these people are all targeted by him.

However, he was only halfway there when a hand suddenly struck and grabbed Ningning away.

Ye Que was furious and fought back desperately.

"Do you think you are qualified to negotiate with us?"

Long Yuxue pinched Ning Ning's neck, and punched Ye Que to the ground.

"Little ants from the misfortune universe! What are you? You still want to bargain with us?"

The creations of the fire source clan crushed Ye Que's pressure.

"Little girl, if you don't want him to die, just continue to keep the inheritance open!"

Long Yuxue pinched Ning Ning's neck tightly, with shrewdness and contempt in his eyes.

"Don't let Brother Ye die, I'll drive! I'll drive!"

Ning Ning was frightened and cried, struggling to squeeze these words out of her mouth.

Roar! !

Ye Que's law was fully displayed, his blood was fully opened, and the secret technique swept across, suppressing it in an instant.

With a wave of Long Yuxue's hand, these attacks were dispersed.

"Remember your identity, you are not qualified to talk to me on an equal footing!"

"If it wasn't for the inheritance, I would have killed you long ago!"

People from the Blood Origin Clan, Hong Yuan Clan, and Fire Source Clan opened their mouths, and the rest followed closely, attacking Ye Que indifferently.

"Block our inheritance! You have committed a serious crime!"

"The most hateful thing is you, Ye Que, Ye Que! You deserve it today!"

"It was disgusting to see you pretending before, and now you get retribution?"

"If you don't have any skills, don't yell!"

"Remember, in our eyes, you are just a poor wretch that no one will help you! Kneel down!"

The one who denounced was a group of angry people, all accusing Ye Que of being wrong.

As for what's wrong?

There is a mistake in closing the inheritance.

If you dare to resist, you are wrong.

It is wrong to cut off people's wealth.

It is wrong to see them not kneeling.

It is a big mistake to dare to offend them without background.

Ye Que gritted his teeth, and plunged his hands into the soil, his killing intent was burning and rising.

"You bully people, why do you bully us."

Ning Ning cried, very helpless.

"It's wrong to be selfish! Little girl, shut up!"

Long Yuxue slapped Ning Ning, and then threw it on the ground, letting the family to take care of it.

In the end, he came to the steps, turned around, and with a thought, the True Fire of Law turned into a long sword and pierced through Ye Que's chest.

With his hands behind his back, he is pronouncing: "It's wrong to be selfish! It's wrong to cut people's money! It's wrong for you to be weak! It's wrong for you to have no background! You're all wrong! Ant, I'll crucify you! You, can you?" Do you think there is something wrong?"

He thought that he was superior and was judging the weak and small ants.

He thought that everyone present would stand with him and would condemn Ye Que.

However, he was wrong.

The denunciation he expected from the crowd did not appear.

Everyone fell into an eerie silence.

Long Yuxue frowned, glanced at the people present, and said coldly: "Don't you all want to enter the inheritance?"

However, everyone still didn't speak, and their eyes began to look behind Long Yuxue, with fear in their eyes.

Long Yuxue was taken aback for a moment, feeling something ominous in his heart.

He turned around slowly, and then saw a black figure hovering behind him, overlooking him.


He ran away reflexively.

"Kneel down!"

The black shadow made a sound, and the sound had the prestige of the peak creation.

With a bang, Long Yu's blood pressure fell to the ground.

Without the cover of Long Yuxue, the black shadow revealed its true face.

The black shadow turned out to be the suzerain of the Motian sect.

A super strong man among the pinnacle creations.

"You guys..."

Before the creation of the Huoyuan clan could be finished, the person was slapped on the ground and turned into a puddle of flesh, leaving only the soul floating around.

That slap was slapped by the master of Shenzang Hall, a peak creation.


The creations and methods of all races, seeing this group of people killing people without saying a word, they all fled in fright, but they were all intercepted by other peak creations of Mo Tianzong.

Seeing this scene, Ye Que was stunned.

"Stinky boy, why did you run away out of nowhere! It's hard for me to find your father-in-law!"

The master of Shenzang Hall wiped away the attack on Ye Que and helped Ye Que up.

Ye Que was still in a daze.

The master of Motianzong sighed, and shook his head helplessly: "Why didn't you believe us once? You are from Motianzong, a person of true **** power. Didn't we agree that if something happened to you, we will help you together?" ah!"

"You really don't feel safe at all. You think we will abandon you! But we never abandoned you from the beginning, boy, you are really... hey!"

The master of the audit hall, Shui Wujing, shook his head and sighed.

"Those who dare to bully my Mo Tianzong! Court death!"

The master of the punishment hall has a violent temper, he slapped Long Yuxue's body into a meat paste, only a wisp of soul wanted to escape, but was trampled on the ground by the master of the punishment hall and screamed.

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