God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1379: classic means

"Jiang Haiyun, please call me Mo Buran! Or the seventh-ranked inheritance disciple!"

The fighting spirit and interest that Mo Buran had just ignited were extinguished in an instant, and his face was so cold that he could freeze to death.

What is this called? The more excited you are, the angrier you will be when you are disturbed.

Everyone could feel the big change in her attitude.

And this change was caused by Huang Mao Jiang Haiyun.

Jiang Haiyun suffered physical and mental blows.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Mo Buran's attitude changed dramatically because of his words.

This made him feel ashamed, and a sense of humiliation swept over his body.

It also made him feel that everyone looked at him with mockery.

With a bang, golden light bloomed all over his body, and his hair moved without wind, like a giant lion.

"Ye Que, right? When you come to Mo Tianzong, the first thing you have to learn is to be low-key and humble, not to provoke and provoke everywhere!"

Jiang Haiyun growled, and poured all the anger, madness and embarrassment in his body on Ye Que.

Ye Que dodged as much as possible, and said angrily, "I'm here to practice, not to be your punching bag! Don't delay my challenge, get out of here!"

boom! !

Jiang Haiyun was like a wild lion, two giant golden lions galloped out of his body.

The giant lion roared, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Challenge, right? I'll challenge you!"

He never thought that a **** would dare to provoke him.

Yes, in the final analysis, Ye Que is still a **** in essence, but he is too perverted, and his combat power has reached the level of magic.

"Jiang Haiyun, get out of the way, this is a challenge between me and him, you won't be allowed to intervene!"

Mo Buran spoke coldly.

But if such words fell into the ears of the suitor Jiang Haiyun, wouldn't they be defending Ye Que?

This guy got even angrier.

"Since you choose to fight in, you will have to accept whoever blocks you! If you don't want to die, get out of Mo Tianzong!"

Jiang Haiyun punched Ye Que with a punch, and the two giant lions ran wildly, turning into giant lion fist marks, distorting the space, carrying destructive power, and bending Ye Que's laws.

"Remember me, I am the third-ranked inheritance disciple, Jiang Haiyun, the top-ranked ninth-level disciple!"

He shot directly.

Ye Que has a big fire.

This guy treats him like a punching bag, and he really feels it, which is what makes him most uncomfortable.

Now it's even more of a disagreement to **** him.

How could he let it go.

"Remember me, I am the son-in-law of the master of the Shenzang Palace, the tenth-level **** Ye Que! Known as the Golden Steel Cannon of the Ancient God Realm! If you don't believe me, ask Mo Buran!"

Ye Que is really good at spouting people and attacking people's hearts.

Normally, this guy wouldn't gossip about others wickedly.

But if you mess with him, he will never make it easier for him.

No, a sentence of son-in-law, a sentence of King Kong cannon, and a sentence of if you don't believe me, ask Mo Buran, tell so many stories.

Jiang Haiyun exploded instantly.

"I am going to kill you!!"

He showed his killing intent, and with a wave of his hand, the sky and the earth turned golden, and the mad lion was burning with golden flames, carrying the law of golden thunder, and pressed directly against Ye Que.

Boom boom boom! !

His fist seal swallowed up the world like a wild lion, submerging Ye Que.

The war has begun.

But everyone hasn't recovered yet.

The main reason is the phrase "Son-in-law", "King Kong Cannon" and "If you don't believe me, ask Mo Buran", they savored it carefully for a long, long time.

Originally, there were rumors before that Mo Buran had something to do with the 999 Duan gods.

Everyone thought it was fake.

After all, there were similar rumors before.

But when Ye Que said it in public, the effect would be extraordinary.

He is a 1066-level god, and his aptitude has raised his status.

To say this from such a high-status point of view is to be responsible.

Moreover, this sentence also includes the Lord of Shenzang Hall, so it can't be faked.

Everyone was shocked.

"Sure enough, a man with a story is easy to attract women!"

Someone spoke sourly, but forgot that the battle had reached a fever pitch.

Mo Buran was expressionless, but his heart was already in a mess.

"You deserve to be beaten to death!"

She didn't make a move, just watched from the sidelines.

For some reason, she didn't dislike Ye Que much, but she didn't like being advertised.

Boom boom boom! !

The war begins.

The elders and the palace masters were still a little worried, but soon, the object of their worries shifted.

clang! !

On the golden lion sky opened up by Jiang Haiyun, a golden scale appeared.

This is the golden battlefield of Libra blood.

It symbolizes absolute fairness.

But because the golden lion sky opened up by Jiang Haiyun is also golden, so when the golden scales appeared, the world did not change much.

It seemed that it was just a kind of secret technique performed by Ye Que.

As for what effect it has, we haven't tried it, so we don't know.

So, the next scene is miserable.

Jiang Haiyun suddenly found that his fighting power had dropped and was suppressed to 1066.

"What's going on? My combat effectiveness has dropped!"

He stopped, horrified.

"Isn't it really a thing? It's fine to bully people with high level and combat power, and you keep making excuses for yourself?"

"That's right. Before we used numbers to suppress, we didn't make excuses. Brother Jiang Haiyun went too far. He even justified the beating, saying that his combat effectiveness has declined. Shameless!"

"Don't believe what he said, he told us this! The purpose is to maintain his own image!"

Many people discussed it hotly, all pointing to Jiang Haiyun.

Jiang Haiyun wanted to vomit blood.

His fighting power has really declined.

How did it become a reason to make excuses when it got into the mouths of these people?

"It seems that I have to show my true strength!"

Ye Que was burning with dark flames, and with his full blood, his aura surged again.

In fact, he is still in the 1066 segment, it's just that the light effect and momentum have been raised.

"Damn it! This hanging wall isn't hiding its strength again, is it?"

"If he can suppress Senior Brother Jiang Haiyun, it means that he is indeed hiding his strength!"

"Monster, I thought his limit was 1066 before, but I didn't expect to hide his rank!"

The eyes of a group of people are bright, and there is a faint expectation.

Even the major inheritance disciples are interested.

Jiang Haiyun gritted his teeth: "Fart! It's my fighting power that has dropped! You haven't changed at all!"

"Is it?"

Ye Que didn't explain, and he was so angry that he didn't pay for his life.

He took a step, and the fission clone appeared.

With a bang, the fission clone turned into a giant Shiyuan tortoise, roaring at Jiang Haiyun.

And he himself put away the heavy wheels, and took out the classic weapon-a stick.

"Brother, you are the top ninth rank, and my combat power is only the top eighth rank, so I summoned a clone, two against one, isn't it too much?"

Ye Que showed a classic old Yinbi smile.

His classic tricks come into play only against the uneducated.

Without waiting for Jiang Haiyun to say more, the group of people watching the battle supported Ye Que, which made Jiang Haiyun half dead again.

"Even if my combat power drops, I will kill you!"

Jiang Haiyun was furious and shot with all his strength, and the lion's roar resounded in the golden lion sky.

The shadow of a famous tree.

If he can't beat Ye Que today, his reputation will really be bad.

"Senior brother, your combat power has not declined, don't lie, of course, no matter how strong you are, I will still face the difficulties! It's time to show my true strength!"

Ye Que's avatar is not ordinary, it is a fission avatar with the same strength as the deity.

Under the same combat power, he teamed up with the fission clone, that is, two 1066-segment, fighting against one 1066-segment.

What's even more frightening is that this product can also have unlimited firepower and suicide.

One can imagine how exciting the next battle will be.

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