God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1380: Righteous light...

"Senior Brother Jiang Haiyun is a bit of a mess! The top-notch Ninth-Rank Constructing Method, the third-ranked inheritance disciple, is going to intentionally bully a Tenth-Rank **** who just entered the sect today..."

"Although he has reasons to stop him, he should also pay attention to his identity!"

"Compared to senior brother Jiang Haiyun's despicableness, Ye Que's not backing down made me even more impressed!"

"That's right, the reason why a genius is a genius is not only good aptitude, but also his own hard work. Ye Que has both. Otherwise, how could it be possible to have a rank of 1066 in the realm of a tenth-level god!"

Everyone is discussing, most of them are biased towards the weak side.

The way they looked at Ye Que changed.

Jiang Haiyun was very angry.

His combat effectiveness has indeed declined, and how he has become fake and shameless in the mouths of these people.

Even, Ye Que was set off brilliantly.

"Even if the combat power drops, I can still destroy you! It's just a matter of distinguishing yourself, it's useless as many times as you come!"

Jiang Haiyun's voice was as eye-catching and dazzling as the golden light he released.

Although this can only attract scolding.

Rumble! !

In the golden lion sky, two wild lions were burning with golden flames and charged towards Ye Que. They were a kind of weight in themselves, and every blow could crush Qingtian Shenyue.

"Die to me!"

Jiang Haiyun's punch was mixed with the seal of a lion's fist.

Its own law of golden thunder burst out from the body, turned into a law-making knife, and slashed at Ye Que densely.

Its power is terrifying, with a rush like a storm, containing the roaring anger that tears the world apart.

"The villain bullies me, the strong enemy oppresses me, and I will not back down!"

Ye Que drank in a low voice, like a small person facing the enemy of the world alone.

Little people have big ambitions.

After oppressing for too long, there will be a time to resist.

Not to mention Ye Que.

His blood was burning, and many people were on the scene. When everyone looked at Jiang Haiyun again, they seemed to see a heinous person.

Jiang Haiyun's face was even more ugly.

Why is this guy so shameless!

"Destroy you!"

He roared, and his strength increased by another three points.

Ye Que did not retreat but advanced, taking a step forward.

The raging dark flame rose from the soles of his feet, carrying a sense of indestructibility and indomitability.

"If the sky wants to destroy me, I will destroy this day. I want this day to not be able to cover my eyes!"

"If the ground wants to block me, I will crush this ground. I want this ground to not bury my heart anymore!"

"Jiang Haiyun wants to kill me, so I will desperately resist. I want this person, so I won't dare to bully me!"

Ye Que talked a lot, combined with the enthusiasm of the occasion and the rebellious momentum of the little people, he forced Jiang Haiyun to be a heinous person.

Everyone looked at him passionately, with touch and admiration, and Jiang Haiyun's eyes were like looking at excrement.

boom! !

Jiang Haiyun's Lion's Fist Seal, Lion's Strike, and Thunderbolt Spell-making Saber crashed on Ye Que's body.

In an instant, golden light flashed, rendering the world to the extreme.

"Jiang Haiyun is too much!"

"Shameless Jiang Haiyun! Fortunately, he is still one of the inheritance disciples!"

"I'm so blind, I would have a crush on this kind of person!"

The dragon finally destroyed the brave, and evil defeated justice.

Everyone felt unfair for such a result, so much so that they felt disgust and hatred towards Jiang Haiyun.

"Die to me!"

Jiang Haiyun's mentality has collapsed, and he smashed all the peerless killings into the golden flash.

When he vented, he looked ferocious, full of hostility and evil spirit, and he played himself as a villain.

The more extreme his evil deeds are, the more disgusting he will be.

On the other hand, Ye Que was sympathized and supported by many people.

Under these two extreme emotions, Ye Que rushed out of the opponent's attack.

He was covered in blood, but he didn't flinch.

"Brother, it is because of people like you who bully the weak that there are strong people who keep moving forward and becoming stronger!"

Ye Que was bleeding, but his aura continued to skyrocket.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned his head to look at the stunned people and said, "Old irons...cough cough cough, everyone, do you think I did the right thing?"

At this moment, he was like a ray of light.

Like the light of the righteous way, it shines on the earth.

There were voices everywhere, all supporting him.

His spirit was encouraged, and he looked more and more courageous as he became frustrated.

"Senior brother, with you, I can never break or stand!"

Ye Que went out with a bang, and the fission clone that followed him also turned into a giant Shiyuan tortoise, flocking towards the golden lion.

In an instant, the two sides fought, and the roar shook the sky and the earth, and the bright lights could crush the sky and the earth.

Every punch and palm carried the deep meaning of the law.

The mystical laws all carry the power of destruction that the gods do not understand.


Ye Que was shaken back, he faced up to the difficulties, and was suffocated heavily with a beating stick.

Gradually, he went from being beaten on defense to being able to barely attack.

Up to now, it can easily counterattack.

The giant tortoise was also roaring. Pressing the golden lion's hammer, the counterattack and suction were extremely smooth.

"It's not right!"

Jiang Haiyun didn't feel right. Ye Que's combat power hadn't changed at all, but he was allowed to fight before, but how could he be suppressed now?

Suddenly, cheers supporting Ye Que came from below, and he only realized it immediately, his face turned green.

That **** Ye Que did it on purpose.

He first pretended that he couldn't beat him, and then pretended to resist while being suppressed, establishing a passionate image.

And he himself, invisibly, became a big villain.

"Damn Ye Que!"

Jiang Haiyun's face turned greener, but it was too late to defend himself, so he could only vent his anger on himself.

However, how could Ye Que still pretend to be suppressed?

As soon as the Da'er stick is released, the world will collapse and change color.

Jiang Haiyun felt the pain for the first time.

This is the first time and the beginning.



When Ye Que caught Jiang Haiyun, he gave Jiang Haiyun a hard hammer, and greeted them all with laws, illusions, secret arts and so on.

In the blink of an eye, the situation was reversed.

Under the oppression of powerful enemies, Ye Que ushered in the dawn of resistance.

The crowd cheered.

Jiang Haiyun was so angry that he vomited blood.

How did it become like this?

He thought he could easily kill the opponent, vent his inner displeasure, and warn everyone by the way that he is Mo Buran's suitor.

But now, not only did he become a villain, but he also helped Ye Que. In the end, he had to be beaten by Ye Que, making everyone applaud.

Boom boom boom!

He was completely hammered, and he was no match for Ye Que at all.

The combat strength of the two sides is equal, which shouldn't be the case, but the Shiyuan giant tortoise is also suppressing him, so he can't resist.

For a while, the bones in the body were broken, blood was spilled, screams were also howled, and my heart was so tired.

He wants to get out of here, but needs to beg for mercy.

But in this case, how could he beg for mercy?

Suddenly, the stormy offensive was gone.

Jiang Haiyun wiped off the blood on his face, looked at Ye Que, and faintly saw Ye Que's body showing a tall and majestic figure.

"We're all from the same sect. Although senior brother bullies me, I won't hold grudges! Let it be!"

Ye Que's words attracted more people's admiration, and their hearts were shaken.

"I didn't expect that Ye Nanshen would be so tolerant!"

"Hey, maybe, this is a genius who is not afraid of strong enemies!"

Everyone was discussing with emotion, seeing the change in Ye Que's eyes.

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