God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1378: Conquer

His true strength is completely liberated.

The 10th stage of the basic realm.

999 paragraphs of the law.

50 segments of blood vessels. (When it comes to the source, I will explain why there are so many later)

Reincarnation Eye 2 stages.

Chaos Eye level 5.

Add them all up to 1066 segments.

With the posture of a god, climb to the top of the law-making.

Ye Que held the heavy wheel in his hand, and the terrifying coercion spread out in an instant.

clang! !

The most monstrous scale, suspended in the sky, sprinkled golden light, turning this place into a golden battlefield of scales.

This symbolizes absolute fairness.

"Whoever wants to stop me, just shoot!"

Ye Que first looked at the high-level method, which was opened for them by the scale, and then looked at the gods and the low-level method, his voice was earth-shattering.


Everyone was in an uproar and felt insulted.

They are the geniuses of Mo Tianzong and part of the top forces in Mo Yuan Continent.

If any one of them goes out, the same realm can be overwhelmed.

But today, he was provoked by a **** who just came in.

"Go! Besiege him together!"

"We must frustrate his spirit!"

Crash, a group of Mo Tianzong geniuses rushed into the battlefield of Libra.

Ye Que's expression remained the same, seeing that most of the people who came in were top gods and rudimentary crafting methods, he temporarily closed the scale battlefield.

The blood of Libra can only be useful in battles against high realms.

He is not stupid, and he will not use it on enemies with large numbers and low levels.

"Go! Use numbers to kill him!"

"Attacking one person at a time can suppress him together!"

The rumbling sound continued, and the sky and the earth were full of divine light and power.

Many secret techniques, talents, and the power of the blood are all played out from the hands of each genius.

Whether it is a **** or a method, all shots are taken, as much as there is.

That aura can swallow up mountains and rivers and sweep away everything, just like fighting a war.

The high-level craftsmen couldn't help but change their colors when they saw it.

Ye Que frowned: "Compare the quantity?"

He smiled and suddenly flew into the air.

"He's a target!"

"Dare to expose your figure and kill him!"

The eyes of a group of people lit up, and they all shot, aiming at Ye Que in the air.

Of course, they were dumbfounded the next moment.

With a wave of Ye Que's hand, millions of secret techniques descended in an instant.

In an instant, the radiance of his secret technique covered everyone's attacks, turning Mo Tianzong into a ball of dazzling light.

"Compared to the quantity, I like it the most!"

Ye Que waved again, and another million secret arts came.

Suddenly, all the secret techniques of these guys were covered up.

It's like the contrast between the sun and the fireflies.

The gap is too big.

Due to their status and pride, those high-level law-makers did not launch a group attack.

They were watching, thinking that Ye Que would avoid it, but they didn't expect this guy to be tough.

But what surprised them even more was that this guy is a beast, one person is an army, and with a wave of his hand, there are millions of secret arts.

Are you kidding me?

Rumble! !

Ye Que suppressed everyone by himself.

His secret technique smashed down and collided with the opponent's attack. In just a few breaths, his secret technique shattered the opponent's attack.

Also at this time, an elder made a move, and rounds of divine light broke through his secret technique, saving the gods and the elementary method of making.

If the secret technique were to be smashed down, a lot of people would die.


Deathly silence!

No one speaks!

The eyes of the gods and the rudimentary method of making looked at Ye Que completely changed.

This guy is a pervert!

The momentum of 1066 paragraphs!

This guy is not 999 segments, but 1066 segments!

"Even if it is a god, but it has 1066 segments, it really can't overwhelm the opponent with numbers!"

"The number one true disciple is only a top five rank. He has just joined our numerical army, but he still can't beat him!"

Most of the disciples were convinced, and looked at Ye Que with complicated expressions.

People are more popular than people.

The tenth rank of the gods of others has such a high rank.

And they are still struggling in the 30s and 40s.

"There is another pervert in the sect!"

"The first Mo Ding has already made me exhausted from admiration, and now there is another male god, Ben Guliang's heart is so tired."

"That's all, it's just another male god!"

When the gap is too large, everyone can no longer compare, because there is no comparability, and they can only worship or look up.

Everyone is from the same sect.

Ye Que proved himself with his combat power and conquered most of the people.

There was a huge reversal in their state of mind.

The attitudes of many female disciples have changed drastically.

Ye Que did not relax.

His eyes looked deep into the clouds.

There are a few special people there, with a long and deep aura that can threaten him.

"You don't need to read, those are all inheritance disciples, they won't do anything unless you challenge yourself! Of course, I am also an inheritance disciple, let me win first!"

Mo Buran appeared, and the coercion of the top eighth-level manufacturing method swept towards Ye Que.

The rank of the top eighth-level method: 980-1100

Ye Que's rank is at 1066, and his combat power is also at the top level eight.

Of course, it doesn't mean whoever has a higher rank wins.

As long as the rank gap is not too large, anyone can win.

Ye Que looked at Mo Buran, and was taken aback when he saw a woman who looked like a fairy.

Mo Buran's expression was a bit ugly.

She was in a bad mood.

Because she lost the bet.

Ye Que was not as arrogant as she thought.

Instead, this is a man who hides all negativity and bears the weight of his shoulders.

Moreover, the opponent was not thrown out during the fight, but instead wiped out most of the disciples.

The other party is also like what his father said, the other party has really reached the level of inheriting disciples.

"Sorry, my current bad attitude is not aimed at you, but at my father! I am very interested in you, a mere tenth-level god."

Mo Buran didn't taunt, but just became interested and had the will to fight.

She wanted to see how capable this guy was.

Ye Que was surprised, this woman was outspoken and quick to speak, she probably had a tsundere and vicious tongue.

"You have stars, so do I!"

Mo Buran waved his hand, and the one hundred and one stars surrounding his body slowly rose up.

"I have my own bloodline, and I can engrave dharma patterns, so the quality is not at the same level!"

What Ye Que said was true, but the words he used were extremely coquettish.

The thirteen Taoist Jade Stars are engraved with dharma patterns and are controlled by Ye Que.

They come with the blood of the giant gods, and they can be reborn even if they are destroyed, which is incomparable to the other party.

"Really? Then I want to try it even more!"

The corners of Mo Buran's mouth curled up, which was rare, and that smile made the world eclipse.


The coercion of the top eighth-level manufacturing method, accompanied by the divine light, seemed to open up a new world and enveloped Ye Que.

"If I win you, you will lead the way for me, and I will go to the Temple of True God."

Ye Que's whole body was covered with the stripes of the Great Witch of Fengling, which was full of mystery. On top of his face, there was an extra half mask.

This is half of the nightmare mask, which he used to the extreme.

Its ten rules directly transform the dragon and surround him.

He has too many laws, and every time he appears, the people around him can be amazed, and then they have to admire them.

After all, the more laws there are, the more difficult it is to cultivate, and it is easy to limit one's own growth.

Few dare to practice so many laws, and those who dare to practice are real men and women.

"Okay! I'll take you there!"

Moburan's eyes were full of splendor.

Ye Que may not be aware of Mo Buran's changes, but the disciples living in Mo Tianzong know very well that she is an extremely indifferent and cold woman who rarely experiences emotional fluctuations.

Now, she fluctuated one after another, and she also expressed affection for Ye Que.

That hurt a lot of people.

"Isn't this flirting?"

"This is the beginning of the first collision of love!"

Someone talked and talked, and some people were angered.

"No dye, let me teach him a lesson!"

A super-top ninth-level crafting method came out, a yellow-haired man with a golden light in his eyes, and his aura was terrifying. He looked into Ye Que's eyes with undisguised killing intent and disgust.

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