God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1377: You, all on it!

As he stepped into the door, platinum flames burned all over his body, and the thirteen stars covered by him on his forehead slowly emerged and began to rotate.

At this moment, he was very much like the invincible thirteen-star elder patriarch, who could prop up a universe with his majestic body.

On him, there is a change.

"Ask everyone, where is the Temple of the True God?"

Ye Que looked around, and as he stepped forward, the blood of latent anger opened.

Pure darkness spread out from his body, like the night devouring strands of light, revealing mystery.

Every step he took, it was as if he was stepping on the magic land of the starry sky, and the violent momentum swept across the world.

At this moment, he is darkness.

The complexions of all the geniuses changed slightly, and they were shocked by the other party's temperament, and couldn't help but back away.

Twenty true disciples all frowned.

The ten inheritance disciples were all surprised. One of them, Mo Buran, had a change in his eyes.

"Scare people?"

The young man in the khaki clothes smiled coldly, and also stepped forward, the coercion of the tenth-level **** erupted from the body with the yellow light.

Ye Que remained silent and continued to move forward.

The bloodline of the giant **** spirit is opened.

At that moment, the pure darkness of the body blended with the purple light of the giant god, revealing the nobility and mystery of darkness and control of darkness.

The platinum flames were also dyed dark.

On his face, there is the majesty of a dark giant god, with a kind of indifference, the world looks at it, and it is thrilling.

The thirteen platinum star patterns on the forehead flowed slightly, and three of the star patterns merged and split from the middle. When he opened it slightly, the third eye appeared.

The Eye of Creation, the Eye of Chaos, and the Eye of Reincarnation are included in the three eyes respectively.

His aura instantly climbed to the top, overlooking the mortal world.

Thirteen dark purple Taoist jade stars surround the body and surround their king.


The young man in the khaki clothes was shocked by Ye Que's changes, especially those eyes, which were unfathomable and pointed directly at people's hearts, which completely wiped out the courage he had just born.

"The gods don't make a move!"

The true disciple of the super-top third-order method came out.

He had his hands behind his back and a long sword on his back, exuding a sharp sword intent all over his body.

"I don't believe that a **** can have 999 segments. Maybe the seniors said that you are a 999 segment **** in order to achieve a certain purpose. I will come to see if you are true or false today!"

As he approached Ye Que, the sword intent surged from the sky and the earth, turning into countless swords, and pointed at Ye Que.

This launched the sincerity offensive.

And his true intention is the sword, so it is the sword intent.

"Beat me, and I will tell you where the true temple is!"

He came a hundred meters before Ye Que, and the terrifying sword intent filled the area, blocking Ye Que's way.

The footsteps of the 13-star ancient **** stopped, and the three forbidden eyes looked at each other.

"True disciple, super top third-order method, Luo Wujian!"

The true disciple said.

"Ancient God Universe, tenth-level god, Ye Que!"

Ye Que took a step forward.

With a bang, the Nirvana bloodline was opened.

The meridians all over the body burned with flames, and the flames criss-crossed, not hideous, but with the appearance of a **** descending from the mortal world.

His momentum is skyrocketing.

The opening of the Giant God, Latent Fury, and Nirvana bloodlines has boosted his aura infinitely, and his strength is improving.

"You can't beat me!"

Ye Que continued to walk towards Luo Wujian, with every step he could create magic soil, and there was a true intention in his body to release.

Because of the attack of the opponent's sword intent, the full circle of true meaning in him was evoked.

This is not the true meaning he intentionally condensed, but the true meaning that he gradually and naturally condensed as he became stronger step by step.

Luo Wujian has a sword intent, and the way of the sword is indomitable. With his hands behind his back, the invisible sword intent rushed to Ye Que, and said coldly: "Arrogance!"

But the next moment, his sword intent was overwhelmed by the opponent's true intent.

The ancient **** in front of him had another artistic conception different from the sword intent.

The strong smell of blood and killing intent are emanating from the body of the ancient god, this is the artistic conception, Luo Wujian felt it.

It is very rich, so rich that it is unimaginable, it can explode his body and mind.

click click click—

It was the sound of bones being crushed.

This is also the voice in the mood.

When Luo Wujian looked at the ancient **** again, his emotions were broken.

The man in front of him is stepping on the mountain of corpses and splashing the sea of ​​blood. There are countless scars on his body, and the pressure on his shoulders is like the pressure of heaven. Behind this profundity and unyielding, there is endless exhaustion.


This man's invisible true intention shattered his sword intent and brought him into the opponent's artistic conception.

From that moment on, he merged into the man's artistic conception, just a ray of pressure on the man's body suppressed him in place, unable to move a bit.

This is the battle of true intention initiated by Luo Wujian.

From the very beginning, sincerity swept the audience.

Everyone felt the sincerity of both sides.

However, Luo Wujian's sword intent was pitifully weak, completely invisible by the opponent's true intention, and finally broke directly.

"A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood... endless pressure..."

Many people felt it, and the way they looked at the ancient gods changed.

However, how could they understand such a man when they were in the backing of Mo Tianzong.

At most, they just feel it, admire it, and think that the other party has a story.

Mo Buran couldn't help being moved. She often looks at the world with indifference, and she doesn't care about everything in the outside world. The purpose is to cultivate her mind and body.

But at this moment, her heart was disturbed.

She had never seen that a man who looked so young had indescribable pressure and scars on his body.

"This is...the meaning of being unyielding...unyielding...You have clearly condensed your own source, but you still have the source of the true god's blood in your body!"

The Sect Master of the Motian Sect stood outside the True God Hall, with a flat expression hiding deep horror.

Not only him, but also those pinnacle creations who were looking for how to break through to the true god, the way they looked at Ye Que completely changed.

Yuan Na... the key thing for creation to break through the true god.

They have been searching hard for hundreds of millions of years, but they have never thought that a **** not only has his own blood, but also almost condenses another source of new life by himself.

"Being able to condense my own source, it seems that I have suffered a lot of hardships, let him stay! My seat, I have taken a fancy to him!"

Inside the Temple of the True God, a meaning of the True God that distorted the void was transmitted to the ears of the Mo Tianzong Sect Master.

The Sovereign shook his body, turned around and saluted, "Yes!"

"I admit defeat!! I admit defeat!!"

Luo Wujian yelled, his back got wet, he got up and ran away.

No one can understand him.

Only he himself knows how strong this man's true intentions are.

He was the one who touched the opponent's true intention, but just as his sword intent launched an attack, it was wiped out by the opponent's true intention.

The consequence of this is that one is forced to blend into the true meaning of the other party.

Others just felt the man's true meaning, he was blending in, using his body to bear one-thousandth of the other's true meaning.

In just an instant, his mind was crushed.

That is not the true meaning that people can bear at all.

He was scared.

Everyone was surprised, and then despised.

And Ye Que shook his head, looked at the disciples all over the sky, and said lightly: "You all, go up!"

boom! !

Nightmare, Fengling, Dharma Body, Libra Bloodline, all unlocked!

Rumble! !

The Ten Laws swept the whole body, inscribed in the body, inscribed in the thirteen jade stars seeking Taoism.


The two heavy wheels were held tightly in his hands, and the terrifying momentum of more than a thousand segments exploded!

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