God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1374: The highest price wins!

That old green-haired man still has a bit of conscience, and his anger is probably gone. Before that, his 100-segment seal was removed.

His current 999 paragraphs are the real thing.

When it comes out, it blows up the audience.

No matter how the creators thought about it, they couldn't think of a **** with a combat power of 999 ranks.

"Still underestimated him!"

"I was exaggerating, thinking that his rank is at most 300, I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it!"

"You, Mo Tianzong, are really good. When you meet such a monstrous god, you still let him run to our Yuntian Palace!"

There was wonder, there was shock, and there was gloating.

The words from Yuntian Palace are too heartbreaking.

It has evolved into what it is today, and Mo Tianzong has an inevitable relationship.

Their faces are not very good-looking.

The Vice-Hallmaster of the Hall of Examination clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

If it wasn't for Huo Shiyu, Ye Que would have easily entered Mo Tianzong long ago.

And they don't need to spend a lot of money, and they don't need to let other sects compete.


The master of Mo Tianzong looked coldly at the master and deputy master of the audit hall.

In any case, to let such a monstrous genius leave, the Audit Hall cannot be separated from it.

"Ye Que, come to my Su Nu Temple. If you have good character, I will marry my daughter to you."

The beautiful woman in blue was moved. It wasn't just talking and laughing before, but she really made this decision.

"A big old man, is it interesting to go to a place full of women! Why don't you come to my Shenzang Palace."

The master of Shenzang Hall blew his beard and stared.

If it wasn't for the resources, Ye Que's words to the beautiful woman in blue would have definitely moved his heart.

Facing a bunch of wild flowers every day, you don’t need to look at them, just smell them, they are also delicious.

As for whether it is interesting or not.

That must be interesting.

As for whether to leave or not...

You asked Ye Que such a thing?

Is not this nonsensical!

When did he care about this!

Others also joined in the discussion.

Everyone wants the gods of the 999 segment, and the price is also going up all the way.

Some are more crap.

It is said that there is no daughter, and one is born now, you only need to wait for more than ten years.

The more Ye Que listened, the darker his face became.

What is it all about.

No one is serious, one is more unscrupulous than the other.

"Ahem... how about it, I have an idea that can solve everyone's troubles!"

Ye Que opened his mouth, and everyone was quiet.

Where he is going depends on his willingness, otherwise something will happen if he is forced to do so.

The creations of the two sects looked at him.

Everyone was a little nervous.

After all, if this kid wants to go to any sect, there are no other sects.

"In this way, I will join all your sects, and all of you will train me! How about it?"

Ye Que spoke excitedly.

Just this one sentence, almost didn't get killed.

It's a shame this guy can figure it out.

I have seen greedy ones, but I have never seen such greedy ones.

If you can really agree to join all the sects.

Then why do they divide sects? Let's unite into one country.

A group of people choked speechlessly.

Ye Que saw that everyone's reaction was flat, so he thought about it again, and suddenly said happily: "Or... use the most practical way, the one with the highest price gets it?"

He has used this trick before.

He even sold himself.

When he was in the Void Race, he sold his own operations, and he did it before.

Of course, that was considered from his point of view.

After all, the two sects are giants. When Ye Que said this, the two sides were quite confused.

How about treating yourself as a commodity?

However, this is indeed a good way.

The two sides thought about it and suddenly raised the price.

"You come to my sect, and 70% of the resources will be poured into you. Within seven thousand years, we will train you into the second creation-level genius!"

Mo Tianzong's price.

"Son-in-law! Son-in-law!"

The master of Shenzang Hall kept hinting at Ye Que, leaving Ye Que speechless.

"The source of my sect's inheritance, there are still a few drops. I can feel the faint and active breath in your body. Come to my sect, the source of my sect, and give you a drop to help you awaken!"

The Palace Master of Yuntian Palace spoke.

This exit made everyone's expressions change.

That is... the source, and it is also a necessary thing for a creation to become a true god.

It is not ordinary for Yuntian Palace to take out such a precious treasure when it opened its mouth.

At least the people of Mo Tianzong hesitated.

Ye Que's eyes lit up, and his heart skipped a beat.

Speaking of Yuan, he thought of the True Mystery Realm.

"When I join the sect, I will definitely spread out the secrets of the true mystical realm! Let the sects of the Moyuan Continent also join in the fun!"

"What the hell, the guy from Huangyuan Continent, drive me out, even if I don't get the treasure, I will disgust you!"

Thinking of this, Ye Que looked at Yuntian Palace and said, "I have one thing, can you agree?"

The owner of Yuntian Palace said: "You say."

"I have a grudge against some guys, and they also have pinnacle creations. If I join your sect, can you..."

Ye Que thought of the True God Longyuan, and changed the topic slightly: "Can you kill one of their peak creations?"

If there is a family of a true god, it is still impossible to offend the dead, otherwise if the true **** makes a desperate move, it will really be over.

But he has a grudge, and he will never stop there.

Even if it can't destroy everything, it still makes you feel pain.

The Mistress of Yuntian Palace's eyes narrowed slightly, hesitating.

He guessed where Ye Que came from, and also knew what the other party was going to say.

The Moyuan Continent and the Huangyuan Continent have always been inseparable from each other, and the well water does not interfere with the river water.

Due to the differences in their respective ruling systems, there is a difference in ideological alignment, which leads to certain contradictions between the two sides.

In other words, the concept of survival is different, and no one looks down on the other.

It's not surprising if the two sides fight.

However, who will pay for the consequences of this fight?

Everyone has a true god, isn't it afraid of being out of control when fighting?

Therefore, Yuntian Palace hesitated and did not reply.

"You come from the barren land, right?"

The suzerain of Mo Tianzong opened his mouth.

Ye Que turned around and cupped his fists to bow: "Senior Suzerain, yes! However, I come from one of the universes under the Huangyuan Continent."

"No wonder you have to escape here. Those guys are a bunch of idiots, and they always look down on foreigners! Especially for the creatures of the universe!"

"Of course, in my Moyuan Continent, the multiverse is the place where geniuses are cultivated, and our attitude has always been very friendly!"

"And you said to kill a peak creation? Yes! I promise you!"

The suzerain of Mo Tianzong didn't even think about it, and agreed directly.

Ye Que's heart skipped a beat.

"Of course, as for Yuan... I can't give it to you for the time being, it depends on your later performance, if you can really serve Mo Tianzong, and you have terrifying growth potential, let alone Yuan, even if you invite a true **** to take action, you are also qualified! "

"In my Mo Tianzong, those who enter the sect are a family. If something happens to you, we will help!"

The suzerain of the Motian sect made Ye Que silent with his plain words.

If something goes wrong, we will help.

In his stories, too little, too little, almost nothing.

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