God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1375: True gods fight, mortals avoid

The terms of both sides are very clear.

Yuntian Palace can come from the source, but it cannot agree to Ye Que's request to kill the peak creation.

Mo Tianzong will not come from the source, but he can agree to Ye Que's request to kill the peak creation.

To be honest, Ye Que's request is difficult to a certain extent.

Killing a peak creation, Mo Tianzong can do this, but the difficulty is that no one can estimate the consequences that will be caused later.

Furthermore, whether Ye Que can grow into a peak creation, and then make up for the losses caused by this consequence, no one can say for sure.

Mo Tianzong could agree, but Yuntian Palace couldn't.

After Mo Tianzong's suzerain agreed, the scene became quiet.

"does it worth?"

Shui Wuzong, the lord of the Audit Hall, asked indifferently.

Everyone didn't speak, just looked at the Mo Tianzong Sect Master.

In fact, they were all silent, expressing a meaning.

Not worth it.

"Generally speaking, if a **** has a rank of about 100, he will break through to create spells, but he has not yet broken through at rank 999, which shows that his aptitude is very high!"

The Sect Master of Mo Tianzong paused for a while when he said this, and said: "You want to recruit but don't want to take risks. Your ideas are immature."

Ye Que smiled: "Then I will join Mo Tianzong."

He likes this kind of crispness.

Having said that, he also paused for a moment, and said again: "Senior Sovereign, can I enter the road to the wilderness?"

"You can enter!"

"Then what if I achieve Fa-fa?"

Ye Que's words made everyone startled.

"As long as you are too monstrous, the rules can be changed, and if you reach the law-making level, you can also enter! Do you have any objections?"

The head of the Motian Sect looked at Yuntian Palace.

"Your style of doing things has always been your own way, maverick, ask us what we are doing! It is still the same if you ask!"

The Mistress of Yuntian Palace squinted at the other party, turned and left.

There are many creations who follow him, without any ambiguity.

Originally, if this kind of genius was obtained by another family, then they would never let it go, and they would probably have murderous intentions.

But Ye Que's request just extinguished this killing intent.

After all, if Mo Tianzong couldn't bear the consequences of beheading a peak creation, he would be playing himself to waste, and another genius would not be able to make up for the loss.

Based on this, Yuntian Palace gave up.

At the review point, everyone in Mo Tianzong looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Ye Que spoke first: "Seniors, do you have any idea to explore the secret realm?"


This stuff is going to be disgusting.

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what Ye Que meant.

"I found a true mysterious realm."

Ye Queyu was not surprised and kept dying, blowing up the audience again.

Everyone gasped, and the way they looked at Ye Que changed again.

This guy, where do you get so many dry goods?

"You just joined and told us this?"

Mo Tianzong's suzerain was surprised, and his tone was quite meaningful.

"If I don't join you, I will announce it sooner or later!"

Ye Que will not make things easier for the Longyuan Clan guys.

Those guys want to enjoy the true mysterious realm safely and exclusively?


If he can't get it, the other party can't even think about getting it.

"Hahahaha! I really have you! You are indeed my son-in-law!"

The master of the Shenzang Palace laughed first, and just said what he said, and the words kept hinting at Ye Que that there was no one else.

There were also smiles on the faces of the rest of the palace masters.

A truly mysterious realm, that is much higher than the value of creation.

From this point of view, it is not a loss to recruit him.

"Okay, if there really is a true mystical realm, get ready. I know what you're going to do. You're such a cunning guy. Don't worry, I'll take you there to explore the secrets and treasure together!"

With a wave of his hand, Mo Tianzong's suzerain opened the door of space.

Everyone walked in.

Ye Que took a deep breath to suppress his excitement.

Of course he wanted to follow.

Neither revenge nor treasure hunting will be left behind.


Ye Que looked at the door of space, his eyes became sharper.

From now on, he is no longer alone.

Others can no longer bully him arbitrarily!

Because, he also has a guardian!


The door of space is broken.

Many creations were all blown out.

Buzzing fluctuations descended from the sky, crushing all creations and immobilizing them.

"It's a true god!"

Mo Tianzong's suzerain's complexion changed.

God made a move.


A semi-illusory big hand emerged from nothingness and went straight to Ye Que.

Ye Que didn't feel the killing intent, but he was indeed unable to move, and couldn't help swallowing, this guy was scared.

Facing the true god, you have to be cowardly.

Fortunately, before that hand touched him, it was cut off by a space blade.

"Fate God, what do you mean?"

A semi-illusory figure stood in front of Ye Que, its body exuded a soft light, but it gave the impression that it was incomparably grand and dazzling.

Even if it is a creation, it can't see the true face of the figure.

"Yuntian Palace said that there is a monster here, I will take it back and study it!"

The reflecting body of the innocent **** of life, walks out of nothingness.

"Hehehe...what are you doing sneakily?"

The reflection body of the true God also came.

"Keep it hidden, Mo Tianzong, you guys are not bright! Take it out, let's discuss it together!"

The reflection body of the true **** is here again.

Good guy, there were three statues as soon as they came, and Mo Tianzong's ones, that's four.

Except for Yuntian Palace, the top leaders of other True God sects have all come.

"Yuntian Palace is not honest! This is disgusting!"

The master of Shenzang Hall held his nose, looking disgusted.

"True gods fight, mortals avoid, let's go!"

The head of the Motian sect was neat. Seeing that his own true **** opened a door, he took people and ran inside.

Ye Que felt several terrifying gazes falling on him. Afraid of being dismembered, he hurriedly said: "Seniors, I have decided to join the Black Sky Sect and will not join other sects. Clash!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was enveloped by the power of creation, and was pulled into the door in a flash.

"Where to go!"

The true **** made a move, and the coercion shattered half the sky of Moyuan Continent.

A major earthquake occurred in the entire Moyuan Continent, and all living beings felt that there was a **** standing three feet above their heads, and the invincible coercion enveloped the whole body and mind.

When Ye Que returned to Mo Tianzong, this kind of coercion did not decrease but increased, and the result was that the true gods fought.

Although they are all restraining, the true **** is the true god. A sneeze can destroy half of the universe.

The Moyuan Continent was instantly enveloped by the pressure of many true gods, as if the end was coming, and the end was approaching.

To sum it up in the words of the earth, the sky is full of nuclear bombs flying around, but we don't know when it will explode.

Fortunately, the true **** restrained, and it will disperse in a short time.

Also because of the fight between the true gods, Ye Que's matter could not be hidden anymore, and it completely exploded in the entire Moyuan continent.

When the creatures in Mo Yuan Continent learned that Mo Tianzong recruited a 999-level god.

The entire Moyuan Continent exploded.

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