God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1373: How did you get in here?

As the old man in black uttered these words, the atmosphere instantly became cold.

The powerhouses of the racial system generally do not have the intention of absorbing super geniuses, and on the contrary, they will have the idea of ​​killing super geniuses.

It is racist after all.

But in Moyuan Continent, this method doesn't work.

Everyone is a sect, and everyone likes evil geniuses to enter their sect.

In the Moyuan Continent, there will often be some sect-level battles that cause friction in order to compete for geniuses.

The old man in black is the top peak creation of Yuntian Palace.

He opened his mouth, awakened everyone, and warned everyone.

Anyway, now, there is still something to talk about.

But after that, not necessarily.

"Break into the audit point of my Yuntian Palace, you are at a loss! Do you still want to continue to rob?"

The beautiful woman in blue clothes, her face was as frosty, her words followed her words, the world froze, and this place became an ice age in an instant.

"Stealing someone means that you have a certain understanding of this son before, but why do you want to rob him? Doesn't this also mean that this son has been treated unfairly with you!"

The brawny man who radiated golden light seemed to have well-developed limbs and a simple mind, but he was actually the most careful one.

He looked at Ye Que, ready to attack Ye Que.

He woke everyone up with one word.

"Well, let him speak for himself!"

The old man in black spoke.

Just as Ye Que was about to speak, the masked man next to him suddenly blocked his mouth with rules, and said via voice transmission: "Son-in-law, follow me to Mo Tianzong to eat delicious food and spicy food, and my daughter will give it to you too! With me covering you, no one dares to bully you!"

This is Mo Tianchen's father, the master of Shenzang Palace.

This guy was in a hurry, so he quickly blocked Ye Que's mouth.

Ye Que's face darkened, his temper came up, but he just couldn't say it, his eyes were almost murderous.

"Hey, don't backfire. This matter will be settled between our two sects. I don't want to attract the other three sects!"

The leading masked man took off his mask. He is the master of Mo Tianzong's examination hall.

It was a middle-aged man with an eagle nose, who sighed helplessly at this moment.

"Old Shui, you didn't say it earlier, I blocked his mouth!"

The master of Shenzang Palace feels that he is going to finish the calf.


The master of the examination hall trembled, and his murderous eyes stared at him.

"It turned out to be Shui Wuzong from Mo Tianzong! I usually look dignified, but I didn't expect that he was a thief behind his back."

The old man in black said this, but his heart was shocked.

Among the five true **** sects, Mo Tianzong has always been the most powerful one, and at the same time the one with the highest vision.

Now, they throw away their identities, lose face, and do not hesitate to forcibly break into the inspection point of Yuntian Palace, just to **** away a god...

"This kid is extraordinary!"

The eyes of the old man in black became sharper.

He made a secret notification.

In a short time, most of the creations of Yuntian Palace came, inside and out.

"Sit down and talk about it, there's no need to fight!"

Shui Wuzong pulled the corner of his mouth, and opened his mouth helplessly.

Seeing that a fight would be bad for both sides, and that the stalemate would attract other sects, the rest of the peak creations also took off their masks.

They are all big figures of Mo Tianzong, existences that everyone admires outside.

Now, all of them have become thieves.

This stunned the creations of Yuntian Palace.

These old guys are really weird.

But at the end of the day, there was one person who didn't pick it.

"You take it off too!"

Shui Wujing looked at the masked man.

The creation on the side of the old man in black also looked at the masked man.

The masked man whispered, "I have something urgent."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

"People from other sects?"

Shui Wujing was deeply scheming and noticed something.

buzz buzz —

The coercion of a group of creations shrouded that person.

"Don't don't..."

The masked man took off his mask in desperation.


Water without a trace is stupid.

"Sovereign, why are you here! How did you get in here?"

The master of Shenzang Hall took a breath.

Others were also shocked.

Even the suzerain of Mo Tianzong came...

The old man in black was stunned for a long time, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he cupped his fists and bowed: "See the Sect Master of Motian Sect!"

"Participating in the Sect Master of the Motian Sect, I didn't expect the Sect Master of the Motian Sect to have such a habit."

The beautiful woman in blue covered her mouth and smiled, and there was an unconcealable ridicule in her voice.

"Hahaha! This is even more indicative of the evildoer of this god!"

The brawny man laughed.

The head of the Motian Sect, with white hair all over his head, was blushing at this moment.

He regretted it in his heart. He knew that he was in control behind the scenes. Today he made a big scandal, and he will probably be laughed at in the future.

"Since the lord of the Motian Sect is here, then I, the lord of the Yuntian Palace, can't watch from the outside. Let's all compete on an equal footing."

The old man in black was determined to keep that god.

Not long after, the lord of Yuntian Palace came. He was a middle-aged man in white with long hair and an elegant demeanor.

"Son-in-law, what an offense! I have no other intentions, I just want you to come to Mo Tianzong, so don't complain!"

The master of Shenzang Hall sent a voice transmission to Ye Que.

When he saw this posture, it was impossible to grab him by force.

Can only communicate.

So, he withdraws the law.

The moment Ye Que was free, he pointed at the owner of the Shenzang Hall and yelled, "Is there someone like you to keep people! Also, I'm not your son-in-law!"

Just when the situation didn't know how to resolve it, Ye Que's words caught the attention of both parties.

"son in law?"

In the eyes of the beautiful woman in blue, she turned her beautiful eyes and said with a smile: "I heard that the daughter of the master of Shenzang Palace, Mo Buran, is the first little beauty of Mo Tianzong. Hey, I actually used this trick..."

She smiled and said to Ye Que: "Little guy, I also have a daughter, tell me what is special about you, if it is special, I will betroth her to you."

If you say this, it's not bad.

The people on Mo Tianzong's side all knew that Ye Que was a 999-level god, and they were always excited, and they didn't have any scruples. They all said that they wanted to match Ye Que and betrothed their daughter to him.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not, anyway, get Ye Que over first.

And this kind of attitude made the people of Yuntian Palace even more determined.

"Junior, you can get more benefits, as long as you tell what is special about you."

The lord of Yuntian Palace smiled lightly, with a demeanor like a breeze.

This matter will turn into this sooner or later, so it's better to let the juniors speak out directly so that they can be prepared.

The people of Mo Tianzong were in a hurry, for fear that Ye Que would expose his aptitude.

"Hey, sooner or later, let him talk."

Mo Tianzong suzerain said helplessly.

Ye Que originally wanted to show off his aptitude, but he had been restricted by these guys before, as if he was afraid of being snatched away by others.

Of course, he wasn't too angry, after all it was to **** him into the sect, and there was no deep hatred between the two.

"Needless to say, you just have to experience it."

Ye Que walked out, restrained his blood and other powers, and then let out part of his aura.

Immediately, the aura of 999 paragraphs swept the audience.

At that moment, the whole audience exploded.

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