God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1368: classic show

Huo Shiyu's face was ugly.

Especially the sentence that Ye Que said, what to say and Huo Chenyu a hundred times a day.

Although, he has never even seen what Huo Chenyu looks like, after all, he came to Mo Tianzong when he was very young.

However, according to the family, Huo Chenyu is very beautiful, so he immediately decided to take Huo Chenyu as his concubine.

Psychologically, he also believes that Huo Chenyu is his woman.

Now, the person surnamed Ye actually talks to Huo Chen a hundred times every day...


He felt that there was an extra hat on his head, which was green.

"My master is the Vice-Hall Master of the Audit Hall, Mr. Lan, you take my token and go directly to the Audit Hall to announce the boy's fate in advance!"

Huo Shiyu clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were a little colder, and his mouth had a bit of murderous intent: "I want him to get out of Mo Tianzong forever, and this is just the first step! Next, I will make you regret messing with him." **** me!"

"He really doesn't deserve to enter Mo Tianzong!"

The old man in blue smiled indifferently, took Huo Shiyu's token, and went to the Hall of Audit.

the other side.

On the 10,000-meter road.

Ye Que was as free as the wind, grabbing the strong man's legs and running back and forth.

This strong man was too miserable, his hair was blown into bullets, he was dizzy and woke up, and he was dizzy after waking up.

He had been completely tortured by Ye Que until his heart collapsed.

"I knew it earlier... I knew I shouldn't have provoked this person... What did you say to get rid of the other party? It's almost as good as he got rid of me... Huo Shiyu, I feel that you are out of luck!"

The strong man wailed in his heart.

"I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

Spectacular screamed, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Ye Que cried for him.

"No, you are right, it is this world that is wrong!"

Ye Que laughed loudly, running back and forth.

The other contestants, already accustomed to it, began to discuss the second-place winner.

As for the first place... don't think too much about it.

The examiner took the memory crystal and recorded all the shocking scenes of Ye Que on the road.

"I will personally supervise this competition! I want to see where his limit is!"

The auditing elder restrained his excitement, cast a spell, and the mirror in his hand flew into the air to record everything.

"Elder, he should be the second such monstrous **** in the history of Moyuan Continent, right?"

Brother Zhang said anxiously, although he created the method, he looked at Ye Que with awe.

"No! The first genius of our sect was also the first creation-level genius on the road to the barren source, and he was never so perverted when he was a god! This is the first! The first to break Mo Tian's mark in history. Recorder of the Zong Audit Competition!"

When the auditing elder said this, he still couldn't help but get excited.

"We must win him! Regardless of whether there is any bright spot in the next game, he must stay in Mo Tianzong!"

The auditing elder murmured, his tone a bit out of control.

"Yeah, this kind of evildoer who falls into my Mo Tianzong will definitely become the second creation-level genius!"

Brother Zhang was even more in awe.

Ye Que ran back and forth almost a thousand times, and the hair of the strong man was modified a thousand times. The journey in his heart also went from shock, fear, despair, collapse, numbness, to getting used to it, and occasionally begging for mercy twice.

In short, the willpower of the strong man was raised by two or three levels by Ye Que, and he almost ascended to heaven.

"Tell me, what is one thousand minus seven!"

Seeing that the strong man was half dead, Ye Que asked a question.

The strong man's consciousness was fuzzy. Hearing this sentence, he couldn't help thinking: "Equal to...equal to nine hundred and ninety-three..."

"Nine hundred and ninety-three minus seven, what is it?"

Ye Que said again.

The strong man came back, and his consciousness survived, without collapsing.

This situation continues until the reduction is exhausted.

"Hi! Today's wind is very noisy!"

Ye Que stroked his handsome hairstyle, which was neither long nor short, and walked slowly to the finish line.

"Are you finally coming over?"

The pockmarked disciple said excitedly.

"That's right! I'm the number one. As for this man, that's all, he has already gone through the ups and downs in his life, so give him the second place!"

Ye Que patted the back of the strong man.

The strong man burst into tears, knelt on the ground and cried bitterly: "Finally... finally it's over! My mother!"

He almost thought he was gone.

The pockmarked disciple looked at the strong man sympathetically.

"Wait a little longer, and then proceed to the second level, which is the last level. If you pass it, you will be able to successfully join the Black Sky Sect!"

The auditing elder has come to Ye Que's side.

He looked at Ye Que, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

Although, he has already made a decision, even if Ye Que does not participate in the next assessment, he can still enter.

However, in order to see the potential of the other party, he decided to let the other party continue to participate in the assessment.

Ye Que stood aside, hooked shoulders with the strong man, and talked about life.

Every time he said a word, the strong man nodded and bowed once.

"Hey, life, if you can't handle it, you have to learn to enjoy it!"

Ye Que bragged, and the strong man followed suit, but his heart was actually quite broken.

It is estimated that there is already a shadow of life in this guy's heart.

When seeing Ye Que in the future, the first feeling is despair and fear.

"Wrong, not us, but this world!"

Ye Que's words were deeply imprinted in the heart of the strong man, and they would never be smoothed over.

Even if a strong man becomes a creation, Ye Que will be the first thing that comes to mind when he hears this sentence in the future.

After three hours of waiting, the game was over.

The top ten will enter the next level of review.

Most were eliminated.

However, most of their heated discussions were about that wind-like existence, and who it was.

"Okay, no need to discuss it, let's leave the field in failure! Next, start the second round of the competition!"

The auditing elder couldn't wait a long time ago, wanting to see Ye Que's potential.

With a wave of his hand, he took the people away.

When it appeared, it was on a prairie.

In front of the grassland, there were 100,000 long worms, all of which were caught from Moyuan's desert, and all of them were tenth-level gods, and they were bloodthirsty and violent.

When most players saw this battle, their faces turned cold.

"It's not for you to kill, of course, you don't have the ability to kill!"

"Next, you will be under the siege of Chang Chong, whether you are escaping or fighting, as long as you can persist for a day, whoever can pass the level and become a member of Mo Tianzong!"

The elder inspector waved his hand again, and the ten people were involuntarily blown by a gust of wind into one hundred thousand worms.

Most people's faces turned green, and they felt like they were about to suffocate.

This is to send them to death.

"Let me see your potential! How can you dodge and deal with the siege of these people in the same realm?"

The auditing elder didn't care about these things, his eyes fell on Ye Que, expecting in his heart.

"Thighs, come out quickly! Thighs, help me!"

Mo Tianchen yelled, he still doesn't know who that wind-like genius is, facing so many long worms, he decided to hug his thigh.

Ye Que was as steady as an old dog. He frowned when he heard the words of the reviewing elder: "You have to persist for a day? How troublesome! Why do I hide from them? Just do it!"

Thus, the classic scene appeared again.

With a slap from this guy, he condensed the power of the world and the blood of the law, and turned into a giant palm that held up to the sky. With a bang, one hundred thousand worms were instantly wiped out!

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