God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1369: a little more

No one expected that the second level would turn into this situation.

Even the reviewing elder just thought that Ye Que would definitely use his potential to keep dodging amid countless sieges.

But he never expected it.

This guy slapped down, and it was all gone.

Are you kidding me?

Plop plop twice.

Pockmarked face and Brother Zhang both knelt down, their eyes glazed over, as if they had seen some terrible scene.

The elder examiner was stroking his beard, and when he saw the 100,000 rainbows were all gone, he pulled his hand hard and pulled his beard off in a daze.

He was dumbfounded on the spot.

The other players were also dumbfounded.

They were suspended in the air, petrified one by one.

Damn, this is a tenth-level god-level long worm, and there are 100,000 heads.

It was gone with a slap.

Ye Que was still calm, after all he had done this kind of thing before, but at that time, he was only invincible.

Now... Well, now it is invincible in the Divine Spirit Realm.

He is taking the road of invincibility.

"Can you announce the results of the assessment?"

Ye Que turned around and looked at the auditing elder.

One word awakens the dreamer.


Everyone looked at him like they were looking at ghosts and gods.

The auditing elder covered his heart, seeing all the 100,000 long worms being wiped out, his heart ached.

They spent hundreds of years in examining the palace, ventured into the desert of Mo Yuan many times, and then captured them one by one.

But now, it's gone.

The review elder is so angry.

He didn't know what to say.

Although seeing the evildoer of the other party, he should be excited and happy.

But... But all the 100,000 long worms were wiped out, it was their hard work.

"You... very good!"

The auditing elder held his heart and held it in for a long time before he uttered these words.


He estimated that after going back, he would have to be autistic for a while.

"Thighs! Thighs!"

Mo Tianchen rubbed against Ye Que, almost polio with excitement.

"Brother, you... you are too evil, what rank are you now? 100 ranks? Or 150 ranks?"

The strong man was also quite frightened. Although he was afraid of Ye Que, he couldn't help asking.

"It should be 150 ranks! In the history of Moyuan Continent, the peak of the spiritual realm, the person with the highest rank is only 150 ranks! This brother must have reached it!"

Mo Tianchen judged.

This is no ordinary thigh.

The others also nodded seriously. Everyone believed that Ye Que's rank should have reached 150.

Of course, the final answer lies in Ye Gap.

Therefore, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Que again.

Even the auditing elders looked over.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Que never showed his rank strength.

Hearing this sentence, he stroked his chin and thought, "Do you want to expose it?"

Weighed for a second.

He decided to speak out.

After all, his purpose of joining a sect is to obtain more information and resources.

That being the case, then release your own qualifications, and you will definitely get more benefits.

This is a strange continent, and the structure system is the sect system, not the racial system, and it is very friendly to strange geniuses.

Moreover, he has not contradicted the true **** here.

So on the premise that there is no contradiction, as a monstrous genius, these true **** sects will definitely train him meticulously.

"Even if you use me, you can restrain me, as long as I become stronger! As long as I can return to the universe and save them, I can say anything!"

Ye Que's mentality has undergone a huge change.

He used to yearn for freedom.

Now for something, he can give up something.

"Ahem! Not much, just a little more than 150 paragraphs!"

Ye Que said modestly.

"Haha, I knew it, it's around 150 paragraphs!"

"That's scary too!"

A group of people discussed heatedly, envious and excited.

Needless to say envy.

Excited because they saw a monster.

In the days to come, this evildoer will definitely become a big shot.

It will be something they can be proud to talk about.

"A little more than 150 paragraphs?"

The reviewing elder frowned, 150 paragraphs is the elementary level of spell making.

However, at the elementary level, it is impossible to wipe out one hundred thousand tenth-level gods with a single slap, and it is also impossible to run back and forth on the road of gravity.

"You are humble, you should have a rank of more than 250?"

The auditing elder laughed, but he was shocked by his own thought.

"How should I put it... Forget it, let's experience it yourself!"

With a swipe of the ground, Ye Que released his aura, but only a part of it.

At that moment, the coercion of Duan 999 suddenly descended.

This is a rank that belongs to the law, without the rank bonuses of realm, pupil technique, bloodline, etc.


This is scary enough!

999 ranks! !

It is worth mentioning that-

The rank of the top seven-level method: 860-970

The rank of the top eighth-level method: 980-1100

This shit!

A tenth-level **** has the strength of a top-level eighth-level method.

However, what they don't know is that Ye Que is still hiding a part, otherwise he will be close to the top nine.


Mo Tianchen knelt down.

I really knelt down.

He tilted his head, frowned, doubting his life and said, "Is this just a little more than 150 paragraphs?"

"Damn it! How could there be such a high-level god!"

"There are many laws! But... from ancient times to the present, no one has been able to complete the multi-laws! It is useless even if there is a living pattern liquid. The more laws and the deeper, the more difficult it is to cultivate, and the more restrictions there are!"

This sentence makes sense.

For example, in the ancient Fayue, there are ninety-nine laws, and at the fifth level of law-making, one can fight with lower-level creations.

Moreover, most of the dharma lines of the ninety-nine laws have not been completed, and they have no ability to complete them.

Even so, it made her permanently stuck at the fifth level of the method, unable to make any progress.

Ye Que only possessed ten laws, but he had to complete one hundred thousand dharma patterns. This stuck his realm for too long. It was really not easy, but he was surprised to finish it.

And it is precisely because these people know that the more laws, the harder it is to cultivate, their mentality collapsed.

Mental activity for all: ? ? ?

"What kind of **** and evil is this! 999 paragraphs!"

Brother Zhang and Ma Zilian also knelt down.

They are methods, but compared to Ye Que, they are completely scum.

Even the auditing elder was taken aback.

He is a tenth-level method of making, and his rank is above one thousand. This kid is a tenth-level god, and he will soon reach his rank.

Everyone's worldview is affected.

This is no longer a matter of transcending history.

This is a big problem that crushes history and changes everyone's old ideas!

"This is not a thigh, this is a cosmic giant leg! My God, our Mo Tianzong is about to rise! Once we have such a genius, in the days to come, the Mo Tianzong will definitely surpass other true **** sects!" superior!"

Mo Tianchen murmured, now he can't wait to hug the opponent's thigh.

At this moment, he let go of his dignity, even though he was the son of a creator-level elder of Mo Tianzong.

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