God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1367: Turn on the wall-mounted speed-up?

The whistling sound kept ringing.

A group of gods rushed into the road, and suffered huge gravity suppression as soon as they entered.

"There is a gravity limit here, the more you go inside, the harder it is!"

A young man with long purple hair frowned. He was the first to go in, and now he has slowed down.

"Master Mo Tianchen, you are the eldest son of the elder Mo Tianzong. With your strength, these gravity restrictions can't trap you at all!"

Next to the young man, there was a young man following him.

"It's true, a 40-level tenth-level **** like me is already a rare genius. Among this group of gods, he can be called the number one. Even if there is a gravity limit, it can't help me. The number one is also me. of!"

As soon as the purple-haired youth finished speaking, he felt a gust of wind blowing from the side.

? ? ?

"Did someone pass by me just now?"

Mo Tianchen asked suspiciously.

The young man who followed him was also dumbfounded: "It was... quite suddenly, it should be just a gust of wind."

Mo Tianchen wiped the sweat from his forehead, nodded and said: "Yes! Even if it is a quasi-fabrication method, it cannot pass like the wind!"

He smiled consolingly after he finished speaking.

However, just after laughing, the wind hit his face again.

He choked.

"I heard that you want to solve me?"

On the 10,000-meter road, Ye Que ran a super terrifying repeated long-distance running.

He grabbed the strong man's thigh, and with a bang like a cannonball, he rushed to the end of the road in a second.

But before he crossed the finish line, he began to return, and it took him a second to return to the starting point.

At that time, the two reviewing disciples at the finish line had their hearts broken.

Originally, the game had just started, and the two of them still wanted to fight.

After all, this competition cannot be completed within three to five hours.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of the game, two faces appeared in front of them with a swipe of the ground.

One smiled sinisterly, and the other turned pale with fright.

Almost freaked them out.

Suddenly someone's face is in front of them, no one can bear it.

"Brother Zhang, did two people reach the finish line just now?"

The pockmarked disciple wiped the sweat off his face, doubting his life, and asked a question by the way.

"Maybe...maybe...two people should have reached the finish line...but logically, no one is on the road before the race."

Brother Zhang let out a breath, relieving his world view that was about to collapse.

"That is to say, in one second, he went from the starting point to the end point? Can't the elementary method of making it be done? Or he turned on the acceleration hang!"

The pockmarked disciple, his legs are a little weak, and his eyes are still dazed.

"Fake! It must be fake! We've been too tired recently and have hallucinations!"

Just as Brother Zhang finished speaking, those two faces appeared before the finish line again.


Ye Que grabbed the strong man's thigh, and from the starting point, he came to the finish line in a second.

His iconic old-fashioned smile, against the pitiful and helpless collapsed expression of the strong man, is very eye-catching.

With a bang, the weapons of the two disciples fell to the ground, and they were dumbfounded on the spot.

After conducting audits for so many years, the two have never seen such a pervert.

"Brother Zhang, go and inform the elders of the examination hall, let the elders come over, and say that there is an examination competition for creating a method to break into the realm of the gods. Of course, it may not be a method, or it may be a **** who has turned on the accelerated hang..."

The pockmarked disciple muttered.


Ye Que is on his way back again.

The speed along that road had already set off a gust of wind, slapping the faces of all the contestants indiscriminately.

Bang bang.

Mo Tianchen dropped his knife.

He clutched his heart, watching the afterimages in the wind, passing back and forth by his side, the world view has been split.

"Xiao Liu, tell me it's not true!"

Mo Tianchen rubbed his eyes, and murmured as he watched the afterimages in the wind still vaguely mixed with screams.

"Master Tianchen, I... I don't know either!"

The young man who followed Mo Tianchen was also dumbfounded.

Not only the two of them, but the other contestants were also stupid.

Where did this monster come from?

Long-distance running back and forth, making this gravity-restricted road as easy as drinking water.

"Not fun?"

Ye Que grabbed the strong man's thigh and ran back and forth.

The strong man screamed: "I was wrong! Brother, I was wrong!"

He almost foamed at the mouth.

The gravity suppression along the way is very terrifying.

He went from a state of zero gravity to a state of supergravity within a second. This is no longer a test of the physical body, but a destruction of the physical body.

His internal organs were ripping open, foam was spitting out at the mouth, and blood was mixed with it.

It was worse than killing him.

"You are right, it is this world that is wrong!"

Ye Que's laughter, to the brawny man's ears, couldn't help shivering, almost peeing in fear.


Screams and laughter echoed throughout the road.

The expressions of those gods who were struggling to move forward also changed from shock, bewilderment, and shock to cursing and hanging on the wall, and finally numb.

"Forget it, let's go our way, there is still wind blowing along the way, how comfortable it is!"

Mo Tianchen has already adapted.

"If he is really a god, then he must be this class, no, he is a super genius who is more monstrous than any class of Mo Tianzong!"

Xiao Liu glanced at Mo Tianchen, and really couldn't help but speak.

He thought Mo Tianchen would be angry, but Mo Tianchen also admired him: "If there is still a little gap between me and him, I will deal with it with all my strength. If the gap is too big, then look up! This person... I must hug my thigh!"

"Master Mo Tianchen, you are the son of the elder Mo Tianzong, you are the thigh!"

Xiao Liu smiled obsequiously.


Ye Que and the strong man flashed back and forth from their side.

"No, the one with strength is the thigh! After the game is over, I must make him a friend!"

Mo Tianchen looked at the person in the wind, flashing back and forth, with admiration in his eyes.

the other side.

Brother Zhang went to invite the elders from the Audit Hall.

"This place is personally supervised by the Audit Hall. Before the game starts, no one can enter. That person should be a lawmaker!"

The elder of the examination hall held a mirror in his hand, and there were many strange runes on the mirror, which were the same as the runes Ye Que saw when he entered the secret room.

"That person cheated, he must be punished severely! Elder!"

Brother Zhang respectfully looked at the elder in front of him.

This is a tenth-order method, an elder of the Audit Hall, and a strong man.

"Let me take a look!"

The elder stepped forward and came to the sky above the road. The mirror pointed at Ye Que. Immediately, a message came out from the mirror and penetrated into the elder's mind.

Suddenly, the elder's face changed drastically: "A tenth-level **** with a age of four thousand years..."

Brother Zhang suffocated.

He looked at the afterimage in the wind, and vaguely felt that... Mo Tianzong was about to make a sensation.

"Another...another rare evil genius..."

Brother Zhang muttered.

Also at this moment, after the old man in blue finished delivering the message to Ye Que, he immediately returned to the Huo family's heir.


The son of the Huo family said lightly.

The old man in blue shook his head and sighed: "This kid is arrogant and arrogant, I need to teach him some lessons."

As he spoke, he told the Huo family's son what Ye Que had said.


The son of the Huo family smashed the table beside him with a slap, and said with a gloomy face: "Okay! Very good! Ye, no matter whether you succeed or fail in the audit today, I will let you be eliminated! Get out of Motianzong forever!"

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