God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1366: very useful

Ye Que and Huo Chenyu left.

Only the wasteland-like Huo family was left behind.

The battle of Peak Creation lasted for three full days.

In the past three days, it gradually attracted the attention of various forces in the Moyuan Continent.

But no one interfered.

After all, the two sides in the battle are at a high level, so there is no need to intervene.

until the fourth day.

The Blood Cloud Palace, one of the ten most famous sects in the Moyuan Continent, collapsed suddenly. If the formation was not opened in time, it would have been buried deep in the ground.

After this incident, the master of the Blood Cloud Palace stopped and quelled the battle of peak creation.

But the enthusiasm for this matter has not diminished, and many people are discussing it.

Only Ye Que didn't think about it.

He absorbed the origin stone, absorbed many treasures, and finally raised most of the ten law patterns to the upper limit of 1000.

Of course, he still kept a hand.

Let the magic pattern of one of the laws only increase to 999 magic patterns.

Because when you reach 1000 magic lines, you will break through to the creation method.

He is in the card realm.

"The death of the road to the barren source stipulates that the first time entrants must be gods, and they must be gods under five thousand years old!"

Ye Que sighed.

For this reason, he did not dare to break through, for fear of losing the qualification to enter the barren source road.

After all, he misses those guys from the Longyuan clan very much.

"Brother Ye, do you still need to observe? I don't think it's necessary. I can go to the Zongmen trial."

Huo Chenyu walked into the room and said to Ye Que.

"Let's go, you can go for a trip!"

Ye Que got up and looked at the sky outside.

He will not choose among the top ten sects.

He wants to choose, and he also chooses the true **** sect.

The five true **** sects are Motianzong, Yuantianmen, Dengtiandian, Gutiangong and Motiangu.

They symbolize supremacy.

"The Black Sky Sect is the strongest, and there are many geniuses. If Brother Ye goes there, he can get better resources and treatment. The only thing to pay attention to is... the eldest son of my Huo family is in the Black Sky Sect."

Huo Chenyu thought that was the trouble.

"That's not a problem!"

Ye Que didn't think about it at all, he urgently needed resources for growth and more information, so going to the True God Sect was the most suitable.

"Okay then, let's go."

Huo Chenyu leads the way.

The two entered an ancient city.

Under the sect of the True God, the cities of all sides are protected, and the talented youngsters in the cities of all sides are also the fresh blood of the sect.

It is a good phenomenon to feed each other back and reincarnate.

City Lord's Mansion.

In front of the mansion gate, there were two old men sitting cross-legged in the void, and there was a blue teleportation halo between them.

"Anyone who wants to join the Black Sky Sect can enter the teleportation space!"

A young disciple beside the old man explained to Ye Que.

"Brother Ye, I wish you good luck!"

Huo Chenyu was waiting outside, while Ye Que stepped into the blue teleportation halo.

Brush the floor.

He came to a secret room.

Around the secret room, there were profound runes everywhere, and after he entered, the runes lit up.

"The tenth rank of the gods, the age of about four thousand years! I have the qualifications to participate in the examination of the gods!"

There was a mechanical sound from the rune, and then a door appeared on the wall.

"It can also measure age!"

Ye Que felt fresh, but he didn't stop, and walked directly outside the gate.

Outside the door is the martial arts arena.

On the martial arts arena, there are gods standing or sitting or floating.

Everyone was very quiet, one ignored the other, their faces were indifferent and arrogant.

Those who can come here are all geniuses with good qualifications, and it's normal to be arrogant.

"Your name is Ye?"

An old man in blue suddenly appeared from the void, and spoke to Ye Que indifferently, his eyes were indifferent, looking at Ye Que as if he were looking at a dead person.

Ye Que was very displeased with this look, and frowned, "You know me?"

"That should be you, the Huo family's son asked me to bring you a message, so listen!"

The old man in blue didn't wait for Ye Que's reaction, or in other words, there was no need to wait at all.

He continued: "Next, the words of the son—

Can the Huo family's compensation be useful?

Huo Chenyu left the Huo family because of you, you have to remember this!

The background of Peak Creation is not the capital you can rely on!

Come see me now, I'll be waiting for you a hundred thousand miles to the east! "

"that's it?"

Ye Que frowned, and said lightly.

The old man in blue felt the casualness of the other party, his eyes suddenly turned cold, with a kind of staring, as if he wanted to make Ye Que surrender.

Ye Que looked at him playfully.

"He is a guy with a backbone, but I have a word to give you, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind! One should not be too proud!"

The old man in blue said indifferently.

"Who is arrogant? Forget it, I won't talk to you about this, the other party has come to ask me, and I have to answer a few words."

"First, the Huo family's compensation is very useful. If the prince wants to give me some more, I will be very happy."

When he said this, the old man in blue had murderous intent in his eyes.

Ye Que ignored it and continued: "Second, Huo Chenyu is very easy to use, a hundred times a day, sticking to me every time, if I didn't want to participate in the assessment, she wouldn't let me leave the bed today!"

The killing intent of the blue-clothed old man became stronger and stronger, and his momentum was also very strong. He directly pressed on Ye Que, trying to make Ye Que surrender.

Ye Que still ignored it, and said again: "Thirdly, Mo Tianzong is not the capital that a junior of the Huo family can rely on. When someone better than you appears, in the eyes of Mo Tianzong, you are just a worthwhile person." No rubbish!"

The killing intent of the blue-clothed old man reached the extreme, and he suddenly restrained himself, and a smile appeared on the corner of his indifferent mouth: "Interesting guy."

Ye Que also laughed, but it was just cynical: "Fourth, I have an assessment and I am very busy. If you want to find me, let him come to me!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "Okay, okay, tell your master to go."

"Hehehe, young man, you are really interesting. Next, I wish you good luck."

The blue-clothed old man smiled deeply, and he also brought a warning to stand on a high position.

he's gone.

As soon as they left, someone sneered and said, "I roughly understand that someone has provoked Huo Shiyu, the inner genius."

Ye Que glanced at the man, he was a silver-haired young man.

"Huo Shiyu is a genius **** who can enter the barren source road, oh no, as early as three thousand years ago, he was already a top-notch method! He was favored by the elders in the sect!"

The silver-haired youth emphasized the last sentence.

"Brother, please be blessed! You will have a hard time messing with someone who is destined to become a top creation!"

A brawny shirtless man came over, pressing on Ye Que with a powerful aura.

He seemed to be reminding Ye Que, but he actually had another purpose.

"If I solve you, I should be able to attract Huo Shiyu's attention, and maybe the chance of passing the review will increase, right?"

The strong man stroked his chin, and pressed the aura of a tenth-level **** on Ye Que.

Ye Que felt it.

Not bad, the strength of 30 paragraphs.

This can be ranked within 400 on the road to the wasteland.


The bell rang.

A twisted road appeared to the west of the Martial Arts Field.

"All the gods, enter this path, and the first ten gods who can complete the journey in one day will be deemed to have successfully passed the assessment!"

A loud voice echoed in the world.

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