God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1350: Niu Kuangba who came out to eat skills


Ye Que ran away, so fast.

After all, there are many years of escape experience.

Long Hao ran the fastest, the first one disappeared, and the fission clone was running and making a move.

The three went their separate ways.

And the ability of the three to pull hatred is also leveraged.

Needless to say, Long Hao rebelled against his own clan and beheaded his own clan to make laws, which is a heinous crime.

Not to mention the fission clone, Ye Que almost wiped out the younger generation of the Longyuan clan, and had a sworn feud with the Longyuan clan.

Niu Kuangba is not weak either. It is the most shameful thing to infiltrate the enemy, attack the enemy, and eliminate the number of enemies.

"Follow them!"

Gritting his teeth, Long Chen roared towards the fission clone with the aura of the eighth-order method.

The one who attracted the most firepower was naturally Ye Que.

This guy almost wiped out the younger generation of the Longyuan clan, so he was naturally the first to be targeted.

The rumbling sound continued.

There are two seventh-level methods, plus an eighth-level method, Long Chen, to hunt down fission clones.

There are three sixth-order methods, go after Long Hao.

There is one seventh-level method and three sixth-level methods to chase after the bully bully, the real Ye Que.

"Damn you all!"

Ye Que's incarnation as Niu Kuangba, even if his identity is exposed, he still shows his crazy killing intent.

In fact, it is this guy who wants to attract more hatred.


His speed is very fast, bringing wind and thunder space and time.

Possesses 741 levels of strength, and has reached the super-top sixth level of strength.

Due to the acceleration of time and the assistance of various laws, its speed can reach the top seven.

"Die! You are all going to die! Hahahaha!"

Ye Que laughed wildly, without slowing down, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But his crazy and persistent killing intent really shocked everyone, including those who watched from afar.

"I didn't expect that Niu Kuangba turned out to be this kind of person!"

"This kind of person is the craziest. When we meet him, stay away if you can. If you can't, then join hands and kill him!"

People who watch from a distance have fear, but more hostility.

The purpose of Niu Kuangba is to target everyone.

And these people will naturally not let the bully bully run amok.



Ye Que was like light, skimming across the low sky, flying towards the place where Niu Kuangba was sealed.

He had expected that today would come, that's why he didn't kill Niu Kuangba.

"If you want to kill me, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Ye Que sneered.

Niu Kuangba once pushed him into the mouth of the giant python with vicious intentions.

Then he doesn't have to have a psychological burden.

"In the true mysterious realm, everyone is my mortal enemy! I will kill all of you, the treasure of the secret realm is mine!"

Ye Que was still roaring, his obsession had reached the level of distortion.

He knows that many people are paying attention to him, so the effect of saying this sentence must be outstanding.

As he expected, the faces of the group of people turned dark, and there was a faint murderous intent in their eyes.

"Leave this kind of people alone, and sooner or later something will happen!"

"It's just right, if there is a high-level method to chase him down, then we will also contribute!"

swipe swipe—

A group of high-level methods were also dispatched, and flew straight to Niu Kuangba.

cough cough.

Ye Que's mouth is really coquettish, and with just a few words, he attracted waves of hatred from all directions.

at this time.

On a certain mountain in the distance.

The real Niu Kuangba is full of vigor, stands on the top of the mountain, and fully blooms the power of the sixth level of the method.

On his face, there is arrogance, arrogance, unruly, and the excitement of conquering everything.

"Heh! Later, later, later, later, you never expected, I, Niu Kuangba, was reborn in a desperate situation. After breaking through and then standing, it has become a sixth-order method!"

He chopped the ground with one foot, and the mountain crumbled.

Niu Kuangba was suspended in the air, like an invincible **** of war.

"Later, wait, I'll come to you right away, I'll trample you down, and make you feel desperate. It's such a wrong choice to provoke me!"

He clenched his fists tightly, feeling that the world was at his feet.

"After killing you, within the secret realm, I will resound the name of Niu Kuangba throughout the entire realm. A passionate man should move forward bravely!"

Niu Kuangba looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, the laughter echoed between the sky and the earth.

At this moment, his desire was released.

"Those people I didn't like in the past, you will all die! The women I pursued but rejected me, I will squeeze you! Tian Luoyi, Xue Aili, I want to get you too! Sheng Tianming, the shame of the year , I will wash them one by one!"

Niu Kuangba smiled, and was slapped on the next mountain by a side slap, and couldn't get it out.

"I found out that Niu Kuang is bullying, everyone!"

The slap was followed by a happy voice.

"This **** really has ambitions. Those who don't like him will be killed, and those who have rejected him will also be killed. What's even worse is that he even peeped at Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili, wolfish ambition!"

"Everyone, go!"

A group of Fa-Zuo surrounded him, the slaps, the slaps, one after another, they were all extremely ruthless, and they all yelled at Niu Kuangba.

Niu Kuangba screamed from the beating, but his heart was bewildered.

"I just want to vent, is there something wrong?"

The above thoughts are the true portrayal of Niu Kuangba's heart.

Moo! !

The cow ran wildly and roared, shaking the sky and the earth.

"You all seek death!"

His domineering roar, but before it reached the critical point, he was slapped back.

The sound of bang bang bang continued, making this guy scream.

And this is just the beginning.

Ye Que's incarnation as Niu Kuangba attracted more people to fly over.

He used his fortune-telling eyes to see the scene of Niu Kuangba being beaten in advance, and he was surprised: "This guy has come out! It's good! He will eat skills when he comes out!"

Thinking of this, he turned into a shadow of a bull on the spot, and fled into the ground. In fact, he blew himself up and completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

But the pursuers in the rear didn't think so.

"Niu Kuangba disappeared into the ground!"

"He used a secret method and escaped far away. Everyone chase after him, we must destroy this crazy guy!"

"Hey, Niu Kuangba was blocked, he was surrounded and beaten by a group of people in front!"

"Good opportunity, come on, kill him!"

swipe swipe—

A group of strong men polished their blades and weighed the weapons in their hands, like visiting a kiln, rushing straight towards Niu Kuangba with a murderous look.

"Stop fighting! Don't fight any more!"


Niu Kuangba's head was full of holes, his nose was blue and his eyes were swollen, and he almost cried out.

But the more he begged for mercy, the more killing intent filled the crowd.

Boom boom boom!

A roar sounded.

Before Niu Kuangba had time to bid farewell to the world, he was gone.

This guy is also unlucky, and he took a wave of skills when he first came out.

He didn't even know how to die, why he was besieged.

But after Ye Que and others left, they pretended to be a scholar and stayed away from everyone.

"Killed a lot of creations, captured a lot of treasures, and found a remote place to swallow them!"

He calmed down and began to plan for the future.

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