God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1351: just kidding

"Ye Que!"

Tian Luoyi's voice suddenly sounded behind Ye Que.

Ye Que ran away, but after running halfway, he realized that he was not a bully.

"It doesn't matter, just run, I don't want to have anything to do with this bitch!"

He ran wildly.

"Ye Que!!"

Tian Luoyi's voice became heavier.

"Girl, see you another day, no, see you another day!"

Ye Que ran very fast and didn't give the opponent a chance.

"Now is not the time to look for him. Let's go to the deepest part of the secret realm first. Someone has returned from the space vortex. I heard that many secrets and treasures have been found!"

Xue Aili stopped Tian Luoyi.

Tian Luoyi gritted her teeth lightly: "Wait for me to come back and see how I deal with you!"

She turned around and went to the space vortex.

Let's talk about Ye Que.

He ran to a remote mountain, set up formations, and then entered the world inside his body, swallowing all the treasures obtained by beheading and making the method.

The sound of ding ding ding continued.

But for a while.

His momentum rose sharply.

"My rank has reached 750 ranks! Keep working hard, and when I reach 1,000 ranks, it will be the day when I break through to create dharma!"

The rank of the top five-level method: 620-730

The rank of the top six-level method: 740-850

Ye Que sat cross-legged in his body, calmed down and consolidated his foundation.

Three days later.

He woke up from sitting cross-legged.

"Long Hao, you came to me so soon?"

Ye Que and Long Hao exchanged contact information.

Just now, Long Hao found him.

"You bastard, did you find another way to kill the Longyuan clan's method?"

Ye Que smiled coldly, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He jumped out of the world inside his body and flew to the place Long Hao said.

Before going there, he used his fission clone to detect the reality and made sure that there was no danger before letting his real body go.

Although Long Hao is not a good bird.

But after all, he has the same enemy as him.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Ye Que is willing to join forces with the opponent as long as he can kill the Longyuan Clan's method.

"I knew you weren't dead."

Seeing Ye Que appear, Long Hao said in a cold voice.

Killing intent flashed in his eyes from time to time, most likely because he was worried about Ye Que's snatching of the cornucopia.

However, he didn't bother too much, and withdrew his cold gaze.

"What are you looking for?"

Ye Que said lightly.

"The space vortex deep in the secret realm has changed, and someone has come back alive!"

Long Hao said indifferently.

Ye Que frowned.

Long Hao continued: "I went to watch many high-level methods, most of them went inside, and Long Chen also went."

The meaning of this sentence is obvious.

"There is one eighth-level method missing, and the Longyuan clan still has a seventh-level method and a sixth-level method."

Ye Que said lightly.

"Isn't this opportunity big enough? Besides, I know the specific positions of these two statues!"

Long Hao said coldly.

Ye Que shook his head: "You hate your fellow clan so much?"

"This has nothing to do with you, do you agree to cooperate?"

Long Hao didn't care about fame, and asked Ye Que one last time.

"How to divide the treasures?"

Ye Que's words were considered a promise.

Long Hao restrained his coldness again, and replied: "Seven to three, you seven, I three! Of course, the premise is that one of them can be killed!"

"I'm not sure about killing the seventh-order, but I have a chance to kill the sixth-order! Then kill the sixth-order method!"

A coldness flashed across Ye Que's eyes.


Long Hao told Ye Que the plan, and after a while, the two started to act.

In the middle of the secret realm, a dry black riverbed.

The sixth-order construction method of the Longyuan tribe sits cross-legged on the black river bed and absorbs the essence of the water under the river bed.

Ye Que and Long Hao approached quietly.

"Wait, there are formations around!"

Ye Que opened the eyes of reincarnation, and saw through the maze around him. His eyes were vicious, and he also saw other formations that integrated offense and defense.

He pondered for a while, then said coldly: "We don't need to crack the formation, we have to arrange a formation that belongs to us around, so that it will be useless for the opponent to run away."

However, no one answered behind him.

Ye Que froze for a moment, his face gloomy.

He turned his head, Long Hao disappeared.

His face returned to expressionless.

"You fool me?"

Ye Que said indifferently, the law envelops the whole body, all blood vessels are opened, and the eyes of fortune, chaos and reincarnation are fully opened.

"Before that, I really want to join hands with you to kill the Longyuan Clan's method!"

Long Hao's voice came from above his head.

When he said this, he paused for a while, and then said: "But, I have more important things that I need to do, and if I want to complete this thing, I have to sacrifice your life!"

Ye Que looked up.

Long Hao stared at him.

In addition, Long Chen, the eighth-level method, and the sixth-level method have gathered here.

They cast a spell and sealed off the world.

Long Hao actually teamed up with them.

This is another countermeasure!

"I finally got you out! It's not easy!"

Long Chen grinned grimly.

"Niu Kuangba is dead, it's up to you next, God Ye Gu!"

The seventh-order making method held a knife, faintly about to chop at Ye Que.

That sixth-order method also has killing intent.

Ye Que looked at Long Hao expressionlessly, and said, "Do you really think they will let you go?"

Long Hao said indifferently: "I never thought they would let me go, but they swore in the name of Huangyuan Continent that as long as I bring you here, they will send someone I need here."

After all, he was not looking at the mortal person, but said to Long Chen: "My sister was frozen under the Ice Dragon Mountain, and now the time to punish her has come, send her here unharmed, I know that the Longyuan Clan capable of delivering it.”

After all, this was to kill Ye Que.

Moreover, he is also a bargaining chip.

The Longyuan clan must be willing to send his sister to the secret realm.

"You want to defile her again?"

The seventh-order making method was ridiculed, and the tone was full of sarcasm.

Long Hao remained expressionless, and continued to repeat: "I swear in the name of Huangyuan Continent, even the true gods will not be able to disobey, otherwise the soul will be destroyed, and you can't bear the consequences! Send her here unscathed!"

Long Chen smiled: "What's the rush? Isn't it just a method that scum like you likes to play tricks? Let's join forces and kill him. People like you should like it the most!"

Long Hao remained silent.

Long Chen felt offended, and added another sentence: "It's just like your parents' dirty methods."

"Hand over her!"

Long Hao said coldly.

The atmosphere is stiff.

"The most important thing is to kill Ye Que!"

The seventh-order method reminded Long Chen.

Hearing this sentence, Long Chen laughed suddenly: "It's just a joke."

With a wave of his hand, a cold female corpse appeared in the air and fell to the ground.

"Here, your sister is unharmed, I brought it here for you! Don't blame me, your sister was already a corpse before the deal between you and me, so I brought her here unharmed!"

Long Chen laughed so hard that tears almost came out of his eyes.

The seventh-order and sixth-order methods were taken aback for a moment, and then they also laughed.

"Let me tell you a secret. Although your sister's master is a woman, she is an unscrupulous guy. In order to obtain a certain creation-level treasure, she gave your sister to Long Yun, a creation-level senior of the same family. Do you know what this means? Your sister died of humiliation!"

"Hey, she is so miserable! She was defiled by you, then played with by the creation, and finally committed suicide, Long Hao, blame the reason, you killed her!"

Long Chen laughed loudly.

Long Hao hugged the corpse, his pupils shrank, and his spiritual pillar collapsed.

He stepped back, and said with red eyes: "I thought that my crime could be used as a bargaining chip to exchange her, but you guys still attacked her!"

Roar! !

The dragon roared and the wind and clouds moved.

He transformed into a dragon, and the golden dragon body began to bloom with purple awns, and a wave of spiritual illusion swept the audience.

"I want to kill all of you! You want to use the dragon secret technique to pull me into the illusion and die together? Just dream! I have mastered the illusion secret method of my family, spiritual stealth, let's go to the illusion together! I will torture you to death! You family scum!"

Long Chen had already made a plan.

Not only did he want to kill Ye Que, but he also wanted to kill Long Hao, so from the beginning, he was unscrupulous towards Long Hao.

"Ye Que, you also come to the illusion, and I will make you feel all kinds of pain!"

Long Chen transformed into a dragon, his body gradually became illusory, and finally disappeared like sneaking in the dark night.

What is missing is the seventh-order and sixth-order methods.

Ye Que felt the invasion of the spiritual illusion, he accepted it without resisting.

At the same time, the Nightmare Bloodline was activated.

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