God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1349: earth-shattering reversal

Thirteen Zunfa and Niu Kuangba VS Fission Clone and Long Hao.

The situation has changed.

It became so fast that everyone was stunned.

No one expected that Ye Que would join forces with Long Hao.

However, everyone expressed their understanding.

"Long Hao has a lot of bad deeds, and his parents are not good people. He has always hated his own people, so it's not surprising that he can do such a thing!"

"Yeah, Ye Que has a grudge against the Longyuan Clan, so it makes sense for him to team up with Ye Que."

"It's all a bunch of stinky shit, so don't worry about joining forces or not, just watch the fun."

"The two of them teamed up can't beat more than a dozen Zongfa. If you dare to fight head-on, you can only die!"

There are many people watching from afar, and there are also many heated discussions.

Most of the reversals towards Long Hao were just a mocking smile.

The center of the war.

"A dog can't change eating shit, a scum is a scum!"

Long Chen's face was gloomy, and his anger and hatred increased sharply because of the death of two fourth-order statues of the Longyuan clan.

"They might attack me!"

The only fourth-order statue is trembling. He belongs to the Hongyuan clan, and he is very scared now.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Niu Kuangba, Ye Que, flew to the side of the fourth-order method, staring coldly at the fission clone and Long Hao.

Seeing this, the fourth-order construction method was overwhelmed with gratitude: "Thank you, Brother Kuangba!"

"We have fourteen statues, and you only have two, you can't control yourself!"

Long Chen killed it.

"Send you a ride!"

The three-level seven-level method has also been shot.

The six statues and the sixth-order construction method also followed.

The remaining two fifth-order statues and one fourth-order statue followed closely behind.

"Don't worry, the other party can't touch you!"

Ye Que swears to the fourth-order statue, the light effect of the shot will shake the world, making it difficult for those who are watching from a distance to see the scene of the battle clearly.

Rumble! !

The might shakes the heavens and the earth.

Moves such as secret techniques, bloodlines, talents, etc., descended in an instant.

Fission clone and Long Hao dodge each other.

To tell the truth, it is difficult for them to deal with the siege of a large number of people and high-level methods.

Of course, the fission avatar has nirvana, even if it dies completely, it can be resurrected from the deity.

So he was not afraid, and rushed forward.

But Long Hao didn't have Nirvana, he really died after he died.

"The fourth-order method that can kill two Longyuan clans is worth it! Hahahaha!"

Long Hao is not stupid, he ran away after killing someone.

"Family scum, I will personally kill you!"

Long Chen made a move.

But before making a move, Long Hao's eyes flashed sinister.

He suddenly said domineeringly to Niu Kuang: "What are you waiting for, act quickly! You are the one who asked me to contact Ye Que, and said that you want to reduce the number of spells in the secret territory to reduce competition!"

This guy is very smart, he wants to use countermeasures to attract Long Chen's mind.

And this trick is extremely effective.

Because Long Hao reversed just now, this made everyone more vigilant in their hearts.

swipe swipe—

Almost all the spells cast spells to protect themselves and stay away from everyone around them. Their eyes were all looking at Niu Kuangba vigilantly.

Although, they don't think Niu Kuangba will reverse.

After all, what Niu Kuangba did before was seen by everyone, and he and Ye Que were deadly enemies.

Long Hao said this, probably to divert attention.

However, it is good to have an extra heart, otherwise, if you are cheated to death, you will really die.

"Hahahaha! A bunch of idiots!"

Long Hao was really diverting his attention, he didn't think that Niu Kuangba would turn around.

But he was unintentional.

Niu Kuangba's divine sword was drawn from the body of the fifth-order method.

Then, he flew out of the light effect indifferently, and said coldly: "There are too many crafting methods in the secret territory, and the competition is too great, so it must be reduced! Otherwise, my growth rate will slow down!"

He spoke slowly.

At its feet are the corpses of a fourth-order and two fifth-order statues.

Yes, among Long Chen's thirteen masters, the weakest three were overpowered by Niu Kuang, that is, Ye Que solved it.

And Ye Que also reached the limit.

His strength is at the top sixth level, it is difficult to kill the same level, and it is not easy to kill the fifth level.

But he did it anyway.

"Long Hao, why are you running?"

Ye Quebu's game is for today, to try to wipe out the opponent's number of spells.

he said.

The other party wanted to kill him.

He will kill back.

Although, the means are not very glorious.

However, he grows stronger and sharpens here alone, without background and helpers, facing powerful enemies, he can only do everything he can.


big reversal.

Shocking reversal.

No one expected that Niu Kuangba would actually kill the people on Long Chen's side.

Long Hao didn't expect either.

His brains are gone.

"I'm just talking, are you serious?"

He muttered, really hovering in mid-air.

"Let me count. There is still one sixth-tier statue, one seventh-tier statue and one eighth-tier statue left in the Longyuan Clan. There are still too many."

"The Fire Origin Clan and the Blood Origin Clan each have a seventh-tier statue, and each have a sixth-tier statue."

"The Hongyuan clan has three statues and six ranks."

Niu Kuangba arrogantly and calmly counted the number of people, as if he was counting the cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Everyone was shocked.

Sheng Tianming was stunned, Sheng Chuxue covered his mouth, Qing Xianyu was stunned on the spot, and the rest were dumbfounded.

The person who shouldn't be reversed the most, turned out to be reversed.

"Niu Kuangba! Aren't you and Ye Que mortal enemies? Why did you kill our people!"

Long Chen was furious.

He had made friends with the other party before, but he didn't expect that the other party had such a **** purpose.

Niu Kuangba spread his hands: "My mortal enemy is not only him, but also you!"

He drank in a low voice: "Do you know, why did I become so strong?"

Everyone was silent.

They are angry.

But they wanted to know why Niu Kuangba did this.

"Because I got a lot of treasures in the secret realm! But with your appearance, my chances of getting treasures have become lower!"

"So, you all deserve to die!"

"Half a year is coming soon, I don't want to miss the only chance to become stronger, you all die! If you die, I can win more treasures in the secret territory!"

Niu Kuangba laughed wildly and crazily.

Everyone's face was completely gloomy.

The problem Niu Kuangba said is also everyone's problem.

Within half a year, treasure hunting in the secret territory.

The competition is fierce and the time is short. No one wants everyone else to die, leaving only himself alone.

But everyone was just thinking about it, and they didn't expect that Niu Kuangba would take action.

"I really didn't expect that you would be so crazy!"

Long Chen twisted his neck, killing intent soared.

"Destroy the Bull Kuangba!"

"Kill this disgusting guy!"

"Destroy him!!"

Long Chen and other ten masters were all powerhouses of the sixth to eighth ranks. They were angry and enveloped Niu Kuangba, Fission Clone and Long Hao with killing intent.

Niu Kuangba, that is, Ye Que smiled with satisfaction when he saw this.

"This identity has been used to the extreme, enough! It's time to run away!"

Ye Que frowned, and his eyes signaled the fission clone.

Long Hao was more of a thief, taking advantage of everyone's attention on Ye Que, he ran away ahead of time.

Also at this time.

Under the earth in the distance.

There was a roar.

Immediately afterwards, the real Niu Kuangba appeared.

He looked up to the sky and roared angrily: "Niu Yuan's sincerity, help me break through! Now, I have already made the sixth level of the law, and I will be persuaded later! You never imagined it! Hahaha, I will let you experience despair!"

he laughed.

Laugh at yourself for revenge.

Laughing at one's own reputation can resound through the True Mystery Realm and the Wildland Continent.

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