God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1346: Kill a Ye Que to compensate you

Men are not a good thing.

Ye Que praised this sentence, but Tian Luoyi was stunned.

Are you that unruly?

You are a man yourself.

"Well, I firmly support Miss Tianluoyi, as long as you don't do anything, everything you say is right!"

Ye Que didn't want to fight this bitch.

This girl is a top-notch ninth-order method, and she still has a source.

If he went up to fight with the other party, he could be slapped as Shaqima with one slap.

"you sure?"

Tian Luoyi said with a funny smile.

She knew Ye Que's shameless virtue, but even if she knew, she couldn't be immune.

Otherwise, how could there be so many scumbags in this world.

Ye Que's chaotic eyes could see that Tian Luoyi's killing intent gradually increased, but curiosity and reluctance increased, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes, sure!"

He said seriously.

As long as you don't move your hands, you can say anything.

"Well, tell me, how did you manage to absorb everyone's treasure essence unconsciously?"

Tian Luoyi looked serious, and while speaking, white feathers like heavy snow slowly fell from the sky, turning this place into a world of white feathers.

Ye Que narrowed his eyes and realized that the space around him was imprisoned.

He frowned.

"You don't have to say anything, just give me the essence!"

Tian Luoyi said again.

Ye Que coughed: "I'm sorry, the essence has been absorbed by me... How about, why don't I write an IOU and pay you back next time?"

Can you still owe this thing?

Tian Luoyi stopped talking, and Ye Que was hairy with that look.

"Or should I give you another essence? Milky white, worth billions, and rich in nutrients, it can be taken orally or stored in the body!"

Ye Que has his own agenda.

Tian Luoyi's eyes lit up, and he asked, "What essence?"

The next words are a little crazy, so I don't know what to say.

In short, another hunt and kill battle has begun.

Ye Que has the law of space, forcibly breaks through the space confinement, and runs away.

This **** was serious and killed him several times.


Tian Luoyi's face was like an apple, red and hot.

But her hand is not hot at all, it is so cold that it can freeze to death.

Rumble! !

The overwhelming white feathered swords beat Ye Que into a hedgehog.

Ye Que came out of Nirvana, and said while fleeing: "Stop beating me, I will make it up to you! I really will make it up to you!"

He really wanted to end the conflict in front of him.

But these words fell into Tian Luoyi's ears, quite distorted.

"You still say!"

Tian Luoyi's body became even hotter, and Bai Xue's skin turned red and hot. When he touched his hand, the sky and the earth trembled, and the divine light descended, burying Ye Que in the mountain.

"Don't think about it! If you fight like this, you won't be able to solve the problem at all. I really want to compensate you. If you beat me to death, you will lose money!"

Ye Que walked out from the shattered mountain, holding his waist, it hurt too much.

He looked at Tian Luoyi, who was blushing all over her face. This girl is good-looking, but she is too ruthless.

"What the hell, don't give me a chance, otherwise I will serve you with meat whips every day, and I will pour you essence every day!"

Ye Que was cursing in his heart, he wasn't afraid of leaking his thoughts, anyway, there were twists and turns.

"Tell me, how to solve it?"

Tian Luo Yili was on the boulder, wearing a pure white feather coat, as holy as snow, but it also made his face redder.

"You know Ye Que, right?"

Ye Que started to fool people again.

He is now a bully bully, and he is actually right to say that.

But unfortunately, Tian Luoyi knew that he was Ye Que.

So as soon as this guy opened his mouth, Tian Luoyi's face turned dark, and his coldness gradually became stronger, and her speechless and helpless emotions were forcibly suppressed by her.

"Hmph! Yes, you continue to talk!"

Tian Luoyi wants to see what these two guys are up to.

"Three days later, Ye Que and I made an appointment to fight in the palace group. It was the place where Ye Que killed Huo Yuanzhi and others last time and summoned the true **** of good fortune."

Ye Que looked serious, and his chaotic eyes had been observing the other party.

Tian Luoyi's face turned even darker.

It's really speechless to challenge yourself.

"You also know that there are so many treasures on Ye Que's body that it's scary. When the time comes, come over and wait for me to kill Ye Que. All the treasures on him will belong to you! How about it?"

Ye Que spoke sincerely.

Tian Luoyi didn't speak, and looked at Ye Que with hairs.

After a while, she said, "What if you lie to me again?"

"Then I'll let you handle it!"

Ye Que thought about fooling around first, and then settled the troubles in front of him.

Tian Luoyi was taken aback for a moment, and the corner of his mouth was a bit playful: "Are you sure?"

"As Niu Kuangba, I swear to Huangyuan Continent that if I lie to you again, I, Niu Kuangba, will die a terrible death! There will be five thunders from the sky, and I will be robbed when I go out!"

Ye Que's expression was serious without any falsehood.

Just when his words were spread out, Niu Kuangba, who was practicing somewhere underground in the secret territory to break free from the shackles, felt a chill on his back inexplicably.

"Don't swear! In front of me, your tricks are useless. If so, we have agreed. If you dare to lie to me, you will let me handle it!"

Tian Luoyi is not afraid that the other party will break the contract, she is confident that the other party will keep their promise.

Just because of her strength, very strong.

"Then I'll go first, and don't talk about those essences, it's good for everyone."

After Ye Que told Tian Luoyi the time and place, he smiled, turned around and ran away.

"Hmph! You're doomed! Let me deal with it then, and see how I teach you a lesson!"

At Tian Luoyi's level, the emphasis on resources is really not very high.

More than 90% of the family's resources are devoted to her.

She came to the secret realm mainly to hone herself.

Therefore, she agreed to the other party's solution.

Ye Que ran away.

He ran so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Huh! Finally escaped a catastrophe!"

While he breathed a sigh of relief, he also finished absorbing the essence in the cornucopia.

Slightly release the momentum.

"That's right, I've reached segment 730!"

The corner of Ye Que's mouth twitched, and he became more confident and motivated to find resources.

It is worth mentioning that-

The rank of the top three-level method: 380-490

The rank of the top-level fourth-order method: 500-

The rank of the top five-level method: 620-730

At present, he has reached the pinnacle of the super-top fifth-order manufacturing method.

At this level, he can fight undefeated with the peak method in the universe.

As for the monster like Gu Fayue, it's another matter.

She was not outstanding in the Divine Spirit Realm because there were not many laws.

After the law-making period, the number of laws gradually increased, and then they gradually rose and became famous Dharma gods.

When Gu Fayue reached the fifth level of law-making, she was able to compete with low-level creations, relying on multiple laws.

"There are only three days left, go search for more resources, and try to raise your strength to the level of the sixth level of law-making!"

Ye Que turned into a golden firefly mode, activated the treasure-gathering ability of the cornucopia, and carried out another locust-like search.

until three days later.

"Section 741! Has reached the strength of the top-level sixth-order method!"

Ye Que smiled coldly.

The rank of the top-level fourth-order method: 500-

The rank of the top five-level method: 620-730

The rank of the top six-level method: 740-850

[Author's digression]: There is still one chapter in an hour, and I will finish coding without stopping

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