God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1345: it doesn't smell good


A bunch of girls got deportation orders.

This is clearly a treasure trading conference for the opposite sex. Why are you a man here to join in the fun?

"Are the girls holding Water.Longjing Paradise?" (cough cough...please ignore)

Ye Que was still brazenly rubbing, as a golden luminous body, he was dazzling wherever he rubbed.

"So what?"

A certain handsome girl glared at him, although she didn't know what that paradise meant.

But she just didn't want the other party to succeed in words.

"Then add me, I have treasures here."

Ye Que took out a bunch of treasures.

Most of the essence of these treasures was gone, and they were all sucked away by him, but the essence on the surface was still left, which was used to deceive people and trade.

"The trade fair here is organized by two strong men, Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili. If you want to participate, you must ask for their consent."

A junior law-maker recognized the identity of Niu Kuangba, so he put away his contempt.

Although, she also wanted to drive him away.

However, if the other party insists, there will be a lot of trouble.

So she took out the names of Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili.

Ye Que's appearance caused a lot of commotion, and Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili soon found out.

"It's Ye Que, the unscrupulous guy."

Tian Luoyi's expression was slightly weird.

"Do you want to keep him?"

Shirley asked her friend for advice.

"Leave him here for now, I want to see what the **** he's up to!"

Tian Luoyi was mostly curious, and the other part was to see what Ye Que would do at this kind of women's treasure fair.

In other words, she wanted to see what kind of person Ye Que was.

So, Ye Que stayed.

He didn't do anything, just suspended under a certain attic, acting as a big golden light bulb.

"Go ahead, I'll just take a look. It's rare to see so many beautiful girls."

The guy squinted his mouth.

But as a straight man of steel, how could he covet the beauty in front of him?

Absorb the treasure, isn't it fragrant?

Increase the magic pattern, improve the rank, isn't it delicious?

What's the use of beauty?


Aren't our elder sister and Yaoyao beautiful?

There is also Snow Girl, six forms, six styles.

Not to mention them, there are a lot of wild flowers.

"Oh, man!"

The gods and Zaofa disgusted and sneered at Niu Kuangba's brother-pig look.

But the more this happened, the more satisfied Ye Que was.

What he wants is to quietly absorb the essence of the treasure.

Ye Que's treasure-gathering ability starts and stops from time to time.

The girls are trading treasures, and he absorbs the essence of the treasures from them.

"White prostitution is delicious!"

This guy was suspended in the air, acting like a light bulb in a carefree manner, with a comfortable look on his face.

But in the eyes of the opposite sex, it is no different from wretched.

"It turns out that he is this kind of person."

Tian Luoyi frowned lightly, her favorability for Ye Que, a man who knew how to do everything with his own hands, declined, and his curiosity also disappeared a lot.

Xue Aili is gentle, but also meticulous.

She compared what Ye Que had done before, and guessed that this guy would definitely not be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"This guy didn't even make it to the top ten of the sexiest rankings, which means he's not a sexist, and every time he does things, he seems to be out of order, but in fact he has a deep meaning and purpose in it, Luo Yi, he must have a purpose! "

Xue Aili also frowned slightly, but her thoughts were different.

After the gathering at Deadwood Cliff, no one dared to gather together, and each called friends to conduct private transactions.

This is the private trading party they formed.

"This is..."

Tian Luoyi raised his expression and began to observe Ye Que carefully.

She even used Tianyuan Divine Eye.

Using the source, instantly resonates with Ye Que.

Source and source, although different, can resonate.

Ye Que was half-awakened and felt it.

"This **** is using Yuan again, every time she meets me, she uses it!"

I didn't think it once or twice, but it was used in front of him many times, and he became vigilant.

Ye Que immediately turned off the treasure gathering ability, and squinted his eyes to observe Tian Luoyi.

This observation made my heart jump [biquge www.biqugex.me].

Because, when he saw Tian Luoyi's expression, it turned black, and there was a faint cold breath spreading.

"Eh... she found out?"

Ye Que withdrew, ready to run away.

"The essence of everyone's treasures has been reduced by half, Niu Kuangba, how do you explain it?"

Tian Luoyi transmitted the sound, and the power of its top-level ninth-order method gradually descended on Ye Que.

She felt inexplicably rejoiced, and instead gritted her teeth.

Sure enough, she knew that this guy was worthless, and he looked like a lecher, but he was actually trying to steal other people's treasures.

Yes, she didn't see the cornucopia, but accidentally discovered that the essence of everyone's treasures was much less.

Even her own treasure, its essence, was lost.

This must be done by Ye Que.

Just like the last Deadwood Cliffs party.

If you are not vigilant at all times, the essence of treasures will be sucked away.


"what is that?"

Ye Que was stunned for a moment, his face suddenly changed, and then he looked at the eyes in the air, and his pupils shrank violently.

Tian Luoyi looked subconsciously, but saw nothing, and then reacted.

"Shameless! How dare you play tricks on me!"

Tian Luoyi became furious, and went to chase Ye Que himself.

Xue Aili wanted to follow, but was stopped by Tian Luoyi.

The trading conference will continue, and she needs to sit in charge.


Ye Que adopted the golden firefly mode and turned into golden light. In terms of time acceleration, he went straight to the depths of the secret realm at the speed of a top-notch sixth-order method.

The rank of the top five-level method: 620-730

He is rank 669, the strength of the super-top fifth-order method.

But there is time to accelerate, the speed reaches the top six level, very fast.

During the flight, he continued to use nightmares and reincarnation eyes as cover, and the fission clone continued to mislead the opponent.

However, the effect is minimal.

"Damn, I'm going to reveal my secrets! It seems that the identity of this bully bully must be used quickly! Use as much as you can!"

Ye Que faintly felt that Tian Luoyi knew something.

He is like light, flying fast.

But Tian Luoyi is not a vegetarian either. He has a top-notch ninth-level manufacturing method and hides the source of heaven. No matter how fast he is, he is still limited by the gap in realm.


Heaven and earth are reversed, east, west, north and south are reversed.

Ye Que headed north, but the south, east, and north were reversed. As he flew, he flew to the south, that is, he flew backwards.


He hurriedly turned around, but it was too late, and after a face-to-face meeting, he met Tian Luoyi.

This guy, if he's unlucky, he'll get stuffed between his teeth when he drinks water.

You say you, what to say is not good, you have to say shit.

This reminded Tian Luoyi of the embarrassing things before.

Fuck the other way around, isn't it just lying in the groove?

Tian Luoyi thought of the last time, when she kept talking about shit, her face turned red.

That red is either shame or anger.

"No man is a good thing!"

Tian Luoyi is about to make a move.

"Yes! Men don't have any good things. How about it, be a civilized person and use your mouth but not your hands, okay?"

Ye Que was serious, and he had lost his face to the sky.

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