God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1347: battle night

The gray sky was much darker than usual.

Because it is night.


Several rainbows flew from the far sky, and finally hovered in a mountain range.

"Hey, Fairy Qing, you're here too."

A woman from a certain ethnic group said in surprise.

Qingxianyu wears long hair, like a black waterfall, and has an immortal temperament.

She stared at a purple mountain top a million miles away, and smiled softly: "I heard that Ye Que is going to fight Niu Kuangba to the death, how could I not come for such a big event."

The female craftsman raised her brows, and said with a little deep meaning: "You are the super-top third-order craftsman of the Qingyuan clan, the top genius in the clan, and I heard that you have a marriage contract with Xue Yimei of the Bloodborn clan?"

The meaning of this sentence is deep.

Xue Yimei was the hidden Son of the Blood Origin Clan, who was later beheaded by Ye Que.

After that, the Blood Origin Clan was in chaos, and the marriage contract between Xue Yimei and Qing Xianyu was terminated.

It stands to reason that Qing Xianyu, who has always been displeased with the marriage contract, should be grateful to Ye Que.

"It's been a long time."

Qingxian remained silent, her smile gradually subdued, and she silently looked at the purple mountain top a million miles away.

No one knew what she was thinking.

Only she knows.

She was actually worried about Ye Que, about that ancient **** who only knew a little bit.


More and more creations came, and even more gods.

In order not to scare Ye Que away, they gathered a million miles away from the top of the purple mountain and watched from a distance.

Of course, there are also certain methods and gods who have not watched from afar.

"Set up a lore array!"

The seven creations of the Longyuan clan, led by the eighth-level formation Long Chen, ordered coldly.

All the gods in the clan took out the killing array and arranged it on the top of the purple mountain in advance.

The eight masters of the fire source clan, blood source clan and Hongyuan clan also showed their own skills, arranged formations, accumulated ultimate moves, and discussed the plan to kill Ye Que.

"Can he win?"

Sheng Chuyin's cousin, Sheng Chuxue, asked Sheng Tianming beside her.

Sheng Tianming is a creation, but he can't see the difference between Niu Kuangba and Ye Que.

He is a creation of 7,000 years, but it does not mean that he is a strong man in the realm of creation, but compared to his peers, he is unbelievably evil.

And there is no source in his body, and he cannot directly see through Ye Que's identity like Tian Luoyi did.

Therefore, he really thinks that Niu Kuangba is Niu Kuangba and Ye Que is Ye Que.

"Both of them are different, it depends on the situation."

Sheng Tianming hangs in front of the dilapidated ruins thousands of miles away. People don't say harsh words, but words are like gold.

"Will you save him? Of course, Hatsune doesn't know what's going on here yet."

Sheng Chuxue hoped that Sheng Tianming would make a move.

"The me back then was him. If it were me, I would never let anyone save me, because that would be a disgrace to a genius!"

Sheng Tianming's words stunned Sheng Chuxue's expression.

"It turns out that the ancient **** has such a high status in Brother Tianming's eyes."

Sheng Chuxue stopped talking and waited for the battle to start.

Actually, according to Ye Que's temperament, he wished for someone to help him.

Whether a genius is a genius or not, the most important thing is to survive.

Time passed bit by bit.

More and more creations and gods gathered, and they were all watching from a distance, looking forward to the battle between Niu Kuangba and Ye Que, and also looking forward to how Ye Que would escape from the possible ambush.

People in the barren land continent don't know anything about it.

Although the power that can make the secret realm instantly disappear, the power that restrains everything in the dark still exists.

This is the last means of protection given by the true **** of good fortune to the younger generation.

Under this limited power, the true **** cannot explore the secret realm without using all his strength.

If fully charged, the secret realm will be destroyed.

And this is exactly what the true **** does not want to see.

So, they are helpless.

Not to mention the rest of the people, they can't detect anything.

However, creations and the creatures below them can still enter the secret realm.

But the geniuses of the Wilderness Road are still inside, and they can only enter after half a year.

Therefore, there are not many real strong people in the secret realm, and they are all growing geniuses.

Speaking of the place of decisive battle.

Before the top of the purple mountain, Ye Que came to the top of the mountain as a bully bully.

With his hands behind his back, he is suspended in the void, with a yellow divine light on his body, and his temperament is overwhelming.

"Brother, when Ye Que arrives later, if you fight him, it's best to kill him. If you can't, we will fight."

Long Chen and others made a method to transmit sound to Niu Kuangba.

They took good care of Niu Kuangba's feelings.

Niu Kuangba frowned slightly, but still nodded.

Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili saw all this in their eyes, and the only two who knew the truth, Wuyu Ye Que's operation, were also curious about what this guy would do next.

Underground somewhere in the secret realm.

"Hurry up! I am in a desperate situation, and I have realized the true meaning of Niu Yuan!"

Niu Kuangba is sealed and cannot practice, but he can understand his state of mind.

He realized that his strength was increasing, and he was about to break through the power of the seal.

"Hahahaha! I will be able to go out soon! When the time comes, I will persuade you later! I will definitely make you pay the price!"

"Of course, you are just a stumbling block to me. When I go out, I will definitely let the name of Niu Kuangba resound throughout the True Mystery Realm and the Barren Yuan Continent!"

Niu Kuangba laughed excitedly.

at this time.

The decisive side.

Everyone didn't have to wait long.

Ye Que really came, and people couldn't help admiring his courage.

"You're here. Actually, you don't have to."

With his hands behind his back, Ye Que stared bull-eyed at Ye Que who came from the void. He didn't say much, but his tone was filled with admiration.

The fission avatar is holding a heavy wheel, blood, secrets, and laws are fully opened, just like a **** of heaven with peerless elegance.

He said, "But I'm still here."

"Yes, I knew you would come!"

When Ye Que said this, he paused for a moment, and his tone was even more admiring: "Because you are definitely not a mediocre person. Needless to say, you are handsome, you are born with it, but you can't hide your strong temperament and enchanting appearance. !"

The fission clone smiled playfully, shook his head and said, "I know it's dangerous here, but I'm here anyway, do you know why?"

Ye Que smiled and said nothing.

"Because you are indeed very strong. You are a little less handsome than me in terms of handsomeness, but other than that, your strength is your temperament! I am the same kind of person as you, so I am here! I will fight with you ! Settle the grievances!"

The fission clone said lightly.

The way these two guys fight is quite ritualistic.

Let's talk about each other first.

Most people think there is nothing special, after all, geniuses are like this.

Only Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili were speechless.

boom! boom!

The momentum of both sides is soaring, and the tyrannical strength is soaring.

"Not much to say, let's fight!"

"Today, only one person can get out alive!"

Ye Que and the fission clone were full of momentum, they refused to give in to each other, and their tone was full of murderous intent.

Suddenly, both sides cast spells, and an overwhelming attack appeared.

Rumble! !

The Great War broke out.

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