God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1301: ancient battlefield

Ye Que is very strange.

He has 144 ranks, and he still hasn't broken through to the realm of the law-making gods. This talent is not usually scary.

Of course, there is no such precedent.

It is rumored that in the long history of Huangyuan Continent, there were people who accumulated their ranks up to 200 ranks before transforming into a method.

That kind of manufacturing method can be called the top of the top.

"My brother only broke through to making a law when he accumulated his ranks to 140. Liar Ye, you are better than my brother."

Sheng Chuyin tilted his head, opened his small mouth slightly, and expressed his puzzlement that Ye Que hadn't broken through to create a method.

Ye Que was also very confused.

He is different from the metamorphosis of other methods.

From the beginning of the system, a breakthrough path was prepared for him.

If you increase the number of spell patterns of the ten rules to 10,000, you will be able to make advanced spells.

Converted into ranks, he must reach at least 1000 ranks before he can break through.

This **** is going to be day and night...

It is simply a nightmare level of difficulty.

"It's too difficult for me. I have to save so many magic patterns. It seems that I can only find ways to find treasures that increase magic patterns!"

Ye Que's eyes lit up, and he once again set his sights on Sheng Chuyin. (Ye Paipi and Hatsune, bitch! [○?`Д′?○])

Sheng Chuyin raised her head and said with a smile, "Liar Ye, what do you want to say to me?"

She likes to chat with Ye Que, she has no scruples, and she can say whatever she thinks.

Seeing Sheng Chuyin's innocent expression, Ye Que hesitated for a moment and said, "The real mysterious realm, when will it start?"

Cough cough, forget it, let's wait for a while and find Sheng Hatsune again.

"Three hours later, it will be the same time as the opening time of the Wilderness Road."

Sheng Hatsune curled her lips, she thought Liar Ye was going to tell her some dirty jokes again.

At the beginning, Liar Ye especially liked telling dirty jokes to her.

At first, she was shy.

Later, I felt that it was very exciting, so I was willing to listen to it.

Three hours passed by in a flash.

All the geniuses of the Wilderness Road were teleported to the square one after another.

This time, Ye Que stood at the front.

After all, it is number one.

The faces of the group of super-top makers in the back turned black to carbon.

If this **** doesn't go down for a day, they will suffer forever.

"Hi, let's meet again, I'm number one!"

Ye Que waved his hand to the people behind him. That way, he was not ordinary coquettish.

"Ahem! Be quiet!"

In front of him, there are still several characters standing, which should be at the level of creation.

They spoke.

Only then did Ye Que withdraw his hand, but his face was still cold.

Because among those few characters, one is a creation of the fire source clan.

He is familiar with this creation.

He once forced the old patriarch to kneel down.

The creature looked at him indifferently, not hiding the murderous intent and targeting in its eyes.

This aroused Ye Que's killing intent.

"When I get to the True Mystery Realm, I'll give priority to targeting the Fire Origin Clan."

Ye Que said coldly in his heart.

He didn't use folding to cover it, the creature could easily see Ye Que's thoughts, and his face immediately became gloomy.

"The road to Huangyuan has been closed. Next, the True God will lead everyone to the wasteland outside the Huangyuan Continent, and enter a mysterious and mysterious realm!"

The patriarch of the Shengyuan clan opened his mouth, making everyone's expressions change.

"According to our investigation, it is the place where an unknown true **** who died for a billion years fell, and the resources contained in it are countless!"

"Next, you will go to the True Mystery Realm to explore any treasures."

"You only have half a year. After half a year, all the strong people on the barren land can enter it, including the creator gods!"

When the patriarch of the Shengyuan clan said this, everyone's excited hearts were immediately suppressed.

Half a year, only half a year.

The time was very tight, and many people secretly decided that they must seize the opportunity.

"I want to become a law-maker as soon as possible, a true mystical realm, this is my chance!"

Ye Que made a decision, he must go inside and get more top-level treasures.

"Secondly, we are still inside and found a special treasure of the true god!"

"Although the true god-level treasure is flawed, its function is very practical, and it can coexist in the realm of reflection!"

A realm of symbiotic reflection?


"Once everyone enters the true mystical realm, their bodies will be reflected in an ancient battlefield created by their minds."

Ye Que understood this.

Isn't it just copying yourself and entering a virtual space?

Entering the True Mystery Realm, you can copy another self and enter the virtual ancient battlefield.

Ye Que felt that the only function of this thing was to shorten the distance between everyone, enhance communication, and play a role in mutual supervision.

"So, don't think about wantonly killing fellow mainlanders, whether they are from the universe or aborigines, you must not kill each other!"

The patriarch of the Shengyuan clan snorted coldly.

"What if there is a personal enmity?"

Long Yuantong opened his mouth, and glanced at Ye Que coldly.

"You can notify the supervisor through the ancient battlefield!"

The patriarch of the Shengyuan clan said indifferently.

From the moment these words came out, many people's killing intent locked onto Ye Que.

Ye Que was expressionless.

He is fearless.

Besides, it's really not certain who will kill who in it.

"Of course, in order to encourage everyone to practice treasure hunting inside, there will be various ranking lists on the ancient battlefield."

"Anyone who jumps to the first place in a ranking list will get a thousand exchange points for free."

"Anyone who jumps to the top of the five ranking lists will get 5,000 exchange points for free."

"By analogy, if you can jump to the top of the ten ranking lists, you will get 10,000 exchange points for free."

"The highest cap reward can reach 100,000 exchange points."

Everyone seemed to understand what the patriarch said, but they were very excited when they heard that there were rewards to take.

"All kinds of rankings? Don't care, if you can make it to the list, you will never be low-key!"

Ye Que didn't need any morals in order to increase the magic pattern.

"Everyone, get ready! Now, the true **** is about to come and lead you to the wasteland!"

As soon as the patriarch of the Shengyuan clan finished speaking, an incomparable power of the true **** descended on this place and enveloped everyone.

Ye Que felt his eyes blur, and when he appeared, he had already come to a strange black land.

look up.

The mountains and rivers are black, the sky is gray, and there is no end in sight.

Surrounded by wreckage and ancient pits, it is very desolate.

"This is the real mysterious realm?"

He watched for a long time, but didn't see a single person.

It seems that everyone was sent here randomly.


call out-

Part of Ye Que's thoughts were pulled to another place.

That place was an ancient battlefield, surrounded by all the geniuses of the Huangyuan Continent.

Well, this should be the realm of symbiotic reflection.

"What about the ranking list?"

Someone asked next to him.

What to say, what to come.

whoosh whoosh—

On the flat ground, blocks of black stone monuments rose up.

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