God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1302: Brilliant leaderboard

Ye Que looked at the stone tablets with a dignified expression.

"The ranking list with the highest combat power!"

"The highest ranking list in the realm!"

"The fastest ranking list!"

"The ranking list with the strongest defense!"

Ye Que felt that none of this had anything to do with him.

There is no way, high-level construction methods, even seven-thousand-year creations are also included.

In these rankings, he can't get the first place.

Continue to look at other ranking lists.

Looking at it, his face darkened.

Not only him, but others were also struck by lightning.

"Nimma, the darkest ranking list? How the **** can there be rankings?"

"Don't talk about it, here is the cheapest ranking list."

"I'm stupid, the ranking list for the most owners of secret techniques, the most black-bellied ranking list, the most handsome ranking list, the most beautiful ranking list, the sexiest ranking list..."

One by one was stunned.

Ye Que was about the same.

There are too many of these weird ranking lists, so many that he can't count them.

Are you sure this isn't a joke?

At this moment, waves of golden light flashed on the ancient battlefield.

"The initial ranking is being arranged! Don't panic!"

The patriarch of the Shengyuan clan spoke again.

When the sound came out, everyone panicked.

They looked at the ranking lists of the sexiest, the most sinister, the cheapest, the most coquettish, etc., and panicked in their hearts, fearing that they would be on the list.

"Oh shit."

Ye Que subconsciously covered his heart with his hands, and his heart skipped a beat.

He knows best what he is.


It is estimated that it will be on the list.

handsome brush—

All ranking steles, all appear the original ranking.

"The highest combat power ranking list, the first place, Sheng Tianming, this is a creation of seven thousand years!"

"The highest ranking list in the realm, the first place in the ranking list for speed, defense, attack, etc., is all Sheng Tianming! It's scary!"

"After all, it is a creation of seven thousand years."

Many people are amazed that such a thing cannot be envied.

Of course, there are also second to tenth places on the ranking list.

But everyone doesn't care, they only care about the first place.

After all, if you want to get rewards, you must at least get the first place, so no one will pay attention to the second to tenth places.

"Hahahaha, Long Yuanshi has reached the top of the most beautiful ranking list!"

Someone pointed at a ranking stele and laughed, and the sound was so loud that it could be heard throughout the ancient battlefield.

Many people spray rice.

"I didn't expect that, when you usually look good, you're actually an old pervert behind your back!"

"I feel that this guy's popularity will surpass that of the Seven Thousand Years Creation from now on!"

"It's not easy for him. Among thousands of geniuses, it's terrifying to be number one!"

A group of people laughed and recorded all this scene.

Long Yuanshi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he would be the number one in the sexiest ranking list, and when he heard the loud laughter, he was about to explode.

But he had no choice but to explode on the spot.

"What! Bad luck!"

The faces of many Longyuan clan's creation methods and gods are black.

As the son of the patriarch of the Longyuan Clan, Long Yuanshi is not as famous as Long Yuantong, but it is not low.

Damn it, it's the Longyuan Clan's face that they've lost by reaching the top of the ranking list.

People in the wilderness continent can also see everything on the ancient battlefield.

At this time, the people of the Longyuan clan have exploded.

But the True God of the Longyuan Clan just sighed silently and shifted his gaze to the distant sky.

This true **** just wants to be quiet now.

"Turtle son, when you come back, I will break your leg!"

The patriarch of the Longyuan clan was so angry that he jumped.

"I don't love him anymore."

There are girls who admire Longyuan Stone, and they have completely recognized the essence of this product.

"He is so lustful, maybe he also loves men?"

Some men, with a hey smile, caused chills down the back.

At this time, the entire ancient battlefield became lively.

The Longyuan Stone is just one of the brightest.

There are other bright ones.

"Wow, the number one on the most beautiful list is indeed Tian Luoyi from the Tianyuan Clan. She is not only beautiful in person, but also the most pure beauty in spirit!"

"The most handsome, it really is Sheng Tianming. Fortunately, he is a cultivator who doesn't like the opposite sex. Goddess Tianluoyi will always belong to everyone."

"After seeing so many very good rankings, I just don't know which ranking Ye Que, who has always made a big fuss, got on? Or didn't he get on any of them?"

Some people were talking about Ye Que.

No way.

Ever since this guy came to Huangyuan Continent, the things he has done have become bigger and bigger.

First, he started killing on the road of Huangyuan, and then won the first place, which has shaken the road of Huangyuan since then.

Later, on the Flaming Purgatory Terrace, with the title of King of Facial Paralysis, he easily walked up to 221 steps and slapped Long Yuantong in the face.

In addition, Ye Que had been hunted down before, and had slaughtered the gods of the Hongyuan, Huoyuan, Bloodyuan, and even Longyuan tribes.

These things have pushed his popularity to a certain height.

"do not talk."

With tears in Ye Que's eyes, he wanted to leave here.

Because he did top the rankings.

"Fuck! Ye Que is awesome!"

"Hahaha, Ye Que is the number one on the most coquettish list! I thought the person who won the first place on this list was a woman, but I didn't expect him to be even more flamboyant than a woman!"

Many people gave the thumbs up and looked for Ye Que everywhere. Their voice was indescribably admirable.

"so far so good."

Many women who usually show off breathed a sigh of relief, and were very grateful to Ye Que.

If it wasn't for Ye Que, they would probably be on the list.

Ye Que, on the other hand, once again became the most eye-catching existence, second only to Long Yuanshi, who was the most beautiful and number one.

Not to mention the ancient battlefield, people in the entire Huangyuan Continent are **** off.

"Hehehe, Liar Ye is really extraordinary. How can the man chosen by this girl be mediocre!"

Sheng Hatsune's crisp laughter was full of agility.

She may have misunderstood the understanding of the extraordinary and the mediocre.

"Hmph! You really are a lowly refugee. No matter how you pretend to be a genius and serious, the ugliness in your heart will never be changed!"

"Stupid, coquettish, ugly man, disgusting guy!"

A woman with heavy make-up stood beside Long Yuanshi, venting her anger for Long Yuanshi, and by the way, insulting Ye Que.

"Nonsense, my Ye brother has always been funny and shameless! Is it as ugly as you said!"

"My brother Ye is not bored and coquettish, but bright and coquettish!"

"Yes, he is the most inspiring and passionate genius!"

Many people are addicted to ridicule.

Ye Que saw that he couldn't hide, so he decided not to hide. Opening up to the point would make him feel more relaxed.

So, he had a showdown.

This guy arrogantly raised his chest and looked up at the woman with heavy makeup, quite coquettish. Said coquettishly: "Actually, people are different from each other, just like my coquettish is temperament, your coquettish is smell, mine Showy, dazzling, your showy, pungent ~ nose!"


Such coquettish words instantly blinded everyone.

"As expected, he deserves to be the most coquettish ranking list, the number one man!"

Someone almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, the most shocking scene came.

Following Ye Que's incomparably coquettish words, the most coquettish ranking list suddenly changed from a black stone tablet to a golden one, and the number one on it even burst out with colorful light.

"Damn it, it's sublimated!"

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