God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1300: true mystery

"That's right, more than a hundred magic patterns have been added."

Ye Que sat cross-legged in his body, and glanced at the dharma pattern with satisfaction.

He had already walked away from the Flame of Purgatory, setting a new record at the time, 221 steps.

"Next, get more magic patterns as soon as possible!"

Ye Que sat cross-legged to recuperate, and when the road to the barren source was about to open, he left from the world inside his body.

"Liar Ye, you just came out! By the way, the road to Huangyuan is temporarily closed."

Sheng Hatsune was sitting on the stone table, wearing a short skirt, her two tender white legs dangling.


Ye Que sat on the stone chair and asked in surprise.

He is still planning to go inside to win a higher ranking.

"Hey, you don't know, a certain method of the Xueyuan tribe accidentally walked to a wasteland outside the Huangyuan Continent and found a relic of a true god."

Sheng Hatsune put away her long legs, sat cross-legged on the stone table, and spoke mysteriously.

Ye Que frowned.

Outside the barren continent?

"Didn't there be many high-level crafting methods and creations on the road to the barren source last time? They went to the ruins of the true god!"

Sheng Hatsune lowered his head and said in a low voice, the soft fragrance lingered in his nostrils.

When she has any secrets, she is always the first to tell Ye Que.

"Closing the road to the wilderness this time is to let everyone go to the ruins of the true god?"

Ye Que got to the point.

"That's right! But only the geniuses of the Wilderness Road can enter, and other practitioners will have to wait another half a year before they can enter the ruins."

Sheng Chuyin patted Ye Que's shoulder with one hand, and said: "This is to prevent some strong people from plundering wantonly. Anyway, you go in first, and you can take the lead."

Compared to Sheng Hatsune's surprise, Ye Que seemed extremely calm.

He asked: "Hatsune, is there a world beyond the barren land?"

"I don't know about this. The elders have never told us this. The only thing I know is that the scope of the road to Huangyuan is beyond the land of Huangyuan."

"It leads outside the barren land, and the end point is the ultimate mystery. It is very far away, even if it wins the first place, it is still far away."

"That place, I feel very dangerous, the ultimate mystery, has been flowing taboo darkness, whichever universe it drips into, that universe will suffer misfortune."

Holy Hatsune Road.

The universe of the ancient gods was affected by taboo darkness.

Ye Que nodded, then raised his head, looking solemnly at Sheng Hatsune.

Sheng Chuyin's heart moved, he changed from sitting cross-legged to squatting on the stone table, approached Ye Que, opened his eyes wide and said, "Liar Ye, do you have any shocking secrets to tell me?"

You are wearing a short skirt, squatting on the stone table, pay attention to your image.

Ye Que swore that although he saw something, he definitely didn't think about it, because he did have other things.

He nodded solemnly, and said in a low voice: "Hatsune, do you have any treasures to increase the pattern?"

"Hmph! Liar Ye, you're trying to fool me again!"

Sheng Chuyin thought it was something, and glared at Ye Que, but after thinking about it, he said: "I have, this time it's really mysterious, my brother won't let me go, he wants me to practice in the family, and he specially gave it to me." [567 Chinese www.567zw.top] prepared training resources."

As she spoke, she took out two Fire Origin Fruits, one Holy Origin Fruit, and ten bottles of tattooing liquid from the storage ring.

"Here, I don't have much, I'll give you some, don't waste it."

Sheng Hatsune laughed smartly and cutely, his eyes were full of moons.

Ye Que coughed, and accepted it shamelessly: "Hatsune, I knew it, I saw the right person!"

"Oh, don't be so ignorant! Hatsune will be yours sooner or later."

Sheng Hatsune squatted in front of Ye Que, covering his red face with classic hands.

This is more funny than loli, and he started to think about it again.

Ye Que looked at it with a smile, and swallowed the fire source fruit, the holy source fruit and the tissue growth liquid all.

"Ding! Please choose the law that needs to increase the magic pattern!"

"Ding! Please choose the law that needs to increase the magic pattern!"

He chooses the laws of chaos.

The spell pattern increases, and the rank also increases.

Ye Que released his aura slightly, and felt from it that his rank had reached 144.

This shit...

This tenth-level god, oh no, just came to the quasi-law-making realm, and has such terrifying strength.

"Wow, Liar Ye, you actually have a power of 144 stages! You, you, you! Why haven't you broken through to create a method yet?"

Sheng Chuyin moved his head closer to Ye Que again, and there were great doubts and surprises in his small eyes.

"Do I have to break through to make a law?"

Ye Que was a little embarrassed. Looking back now, it seemed that he had very little information about making the law.

His breakthrough was a systematic arrangement, and he didn't know how other lawmakers made breakthroughs.

Now ask a little girl in the Divine Spirit Realm, there is indeed something.

"Duan 100 is the lowest rank for making a law. Most gods, no matter how low their previous rank is, once they hit the law-making realm and reach at least 50 ranks, they have a chance to transform into a law."

"But this probability is too low. Once the impact fails, you will lose the opportunity to impact the law."

Sheng Hatsune is talking about the general situation.

Many gods know that it is difficult to improve their ranks, so they choose to attack the law-making realm in order to hit a higher rank. This is the reason for their breakthrough.

Of course, this has great risks. Once the breakthrough fails, there will be no chance to break through the law again.

The reason why there are so few creations in the universe is because their rank is extremely low, weaker than the gods of the road to the barren source.

But there is no way, their limit is there, they can only choose to fight.

If you want to reduce the risk, you can only accumulate more ranks.

"Some gods, with good talents, will try their best to hold the rank to the highest level and minimize the risk"

"For example, a scum like me, oh no, a talented and invincible girl like me needs to hold back to level 120 before she can transform into a method. This type of method is super top level!"

There is cunning and pride in Hatsune's beautiful eyes.

Ye Que coughed twice, signaling Sheng Chuyin to sit on the stone table, otherwise the girl would be squatting on the stone table, still leaning so close to him, and wearing a short skirt...

Well, he can't keep looking at it. Although it is good-looking, he feels that being a person should not be too wicked.

"Go on."

Ye Que breathed a sigh of relief, Hatsune sat on the stone chair next to him, kicked the small stone, and kept explaining.

This time, Ye Que understood a lot of information about making the law.

Metamorphosis of most gods:

The breakthrough of the gods to create the law, in addition to continuing to increase the magic pattern, more importantly, integrate the law with the body.

When the law is integrated with the body, and the ranks are accumulated to a certain level, the law will transform into a sea of ​​laws, and the practitioner will then break through to the realm of the law-making gods.

Generally speaking, when you accumulate to 99 levels, you will 100% transform into a method.

The metamorphosis name of this process is called quasi-fabrication.

The transformation of a few top gods:

The rank needs to be accumulated within 100-120 ranks, the law transforms into the sea of ​​laws, and the cultivator breaks through to the realm of the law-making gods, and it is a super-top level.

The basis for the above two transformations is determined by talent.

The better the talent, the higher the rank you will accumulate, and when you break through, you will be at the top.

"At the Divine Spirit Realm, a high rank does not mean talent is good. Some super-top gods break through to create a method, and the rank is only 100, which will be very mediocre."

"If you want to stay at the top, you need not only hard work, chance and luck, but also the influence of your own talent."

Sheng Chuyin seldom sighed, and it was not without reason that the higher he went, the more difficult it was.

"You talk about it."

Sheng Chuyin cast a sideways glance at Ye Que.

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