God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1299: this is the gap

The limit of Long Yuantong is 150 steps.

At first, Ye Que thought he was awesome, after all, he spoke so arrogantly.

Unexpectedly, he was just a conceited and arrogant guy.

Ye Que shook his head, starting from 172 steps, and went up to 200 steps step by step.

He, ignore others.

Now, he is only climbing forward to challenge his own limit.

There was a roar from behind.

It belongs to Long Yuantong.

He growled.

Standing on the 150th step, Long Yuantong's whole body was crushed, and there was still flames burning in his body. He had reached the limit and could not go up.

But he was unwilling.

How can a mere ninth-level **** go so far?

He is a top-notch sixth-order method! !

"No! I still have to go up!"

Long Yuantong's face was ferocious, and the ugly posture of being trampled under his feet was undoubtedly revealed.

He lifted his foot and walked up the 151 steps.

Ka Ka Ka, the whole body is trembling, about to be dislocated.

But he doesn't care, he just wants to go up.

There was a click and his legs were broken, but he still walked up to 151 steps.

"As expected of Yuan Shengzi, in such a limit, he still refuses to admit defeat, and still breaks the mirror in a desperate situation! Really inspirational!"

Long Yuanshi has a tricky angle and speaks strangely.

Originally, Long Yuantong's current behavior was really as Long Yuanshi said, full of inspiration.

But this guy provoked Ye Que from the very beginning, uttered wild words, and angered everyone.

That sense of motivation is long gone.

Especially this guy who has been pretending to be aggressive, and now he is being slapped in the face, which makes the inspirational mood of self-breakthrough even more rotten.

"Hahaha! Come on! Inspirational and touching Yuan Shengzi!"

Why does it make people feel so happy to say this about a wicked person of a certain true **** race.

"If you can't pretend to be coercive, you will be slapped, the son of self-inspirational source! Come on! Hahaha!"

Let's not talk about gossip for the gang of gossips below. Ye Que felt it at the beginning, but he didn't expect certain words to be said, and every word would be heartbreaking.

"It should be called the Holy Son of Enthusiasm and Inspirational Source. I am full of enthusiasm now, ah, so frankly inspiring!"

One and two are booing.

They each had a memory crystal, and recorded the whole process of Yuan Shengzi from pretending to be slapped in the face.

Adding these words now instantly gave these records a soul.

"It's all him..."

Long Yuanshi shouted angrily, but not everyone could be scolded by him, and some big bosses made him shut up with just one look.

Long Yuantong above, his heart hurts, his face hurts, and his whole body hurts.

He managed to get to the 151st step. He was angry when he heard the slap in the face behind him, but he didn't have the energy to refute.

Long Yuantong already knew that he was planted today.

No matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only bow his head.

"It's just a ninth-level god!"

Long Yuantong looked up reluctantly, wanting to see if Ye Que, who was still on the 172 steps before, had stopped.

Just looking at it made him suffocate.

Ye Que actually walked up to 190 steps.

Coincidentally, Ye Que seemed to have sensed something, and turned his head to look down.

When the two looked at each other, the scene was very exciting.

Ye Que's eyes were very calm, without any emotion, but when they met Long Yuantong's eyes, he was shocked.

This look did not regard him as an opponent at all.

In other words, he is not qualified to be the opponent of the opponent.

"Damn it!"

Long Yuantong roared ferociously, his back was bent.


This is the gap.

He pretended to be arrogant, to make Ye Que realize the gap between Ye Que and him.

And now, the gap really came out.

However, he is weak and Ye Que is strong.

It's cruel, it's realistic.


Long Yuantong couldn't bear the continuous burning and pressure. After his legs were broken, they snapped and broke again, and knelt down on the steps.

Ye Que heard the sound of kneeling, and also heard the laughter from below.

His heart is like still water, he doesn't care about the existence of Long Yuantong, and the other party can't make him feel his presence.

Continue step by step and go up.

"Ding! Your mastery of the law has deepened!"

"Ding! Your mastery of the law has deepened!"

Ye Que was stunned as he walked.

What the hell?

Going up this way, can you increase the magic pattern?

He hurriedly checked the data.

Sure enough, the magic lines of the ten laws are increasing one by one.

"There are still such effects!"

Ye Que learned from Sheng Chuyin's mouth that walking on the Purgatory Platform cannot increase the magic pattern.

"It may be the credit of the True God system!"

Ye Que suppressed his excitement, only feeling full of motivation, and his eyes were bright.

"Come on!"

Every step he takes has more confidence and motivation, and his willpower has also increased a lot invisibly.

Although, the pressure is still there.

However, it is not as big as before.

Just because you go up, you can still get magic patterns.

"Hey, look! Ye Que's movements have become faster!"

"Damn it, could it be that he strengthened his willpower again while climbing?"

"It's so inspiring and passionate!"

The booing guys below were not making fun of the unlucky Long Yuantong, they all looked at Ye Que in amazement.

This guy is really a pervert.

Long Yuantong's heart was broken when he heard it.

He no longer wanted to see Ye Que's changes, and walked down the steps step by step with a livid face.

Soon, he left the flame purgatory platform.

"Just now, who was teasing me?"

Long Yuantong said in a deep voice.

"Brother, these are the few."

Long Yuanshi refers to those most eye-catching guys.

"Looking for something?"

The most eye-catching ones are either people from the true **** race, or the existence of seventh- and eighth-level fabrication methods.

They attracted firepower and were not afraid of Long Yuantong at all.

"Okay, I remember it!"

Long Yuantong originally wanted the other party to kneel down, but now, he could only blush, throw a few harsh words and leave.

Long Yuanshi didn't dare to BB, and ran after Long Yuantong.

"Don't you call me daddy?"

Some people still remember the Haikou that Long Yuanshi boasted about before.

Hearing this, Long Yuanshi ran even faster.

"Ding! Your mastery of the law has deepened!"

"Ding! Your mastery of the law has deepened!"

As Ye Que walked up, the magic pattern continued to increase.

This guy is very thieves, deliberately staying on the steps more, so that the magic pattern can be increased as much as possible.

But this method doesn't have much effect.

If you stay on a step for two or three seconds, the magic pattern cannot be increased.

He needs to keep going up, and the magic pattern will continue to increase.

"Very good! My goal is the last nine thousand steps! This is my motivation in the future!"

Ye Que wiped off his sweat and reached the 200 steps in one step.

He raised his head, looked at the higher steps, and said in a deep voice, "You can still walk!"

"Look, the paralyzed king has reached the 200th step!"

"This guy is so **** strong, he cured my obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

"He didn't show it the whole time, he felt half pain and hideousness, hey, I'm stupid!"

"My mentality is already balanced, and I can't compare with this at all. As for obsessive-compulsive disorder, hmph! I don't believe it. If he goes up, he will still have facial paralysis!"

Without Long Yuantong being an eyesore, the people below began to gossip again.

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