God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1294: I am number one

His voice was mixed with law, and it spread far away, and everyone heard it.

Everyone stared blankly at Ye Que, with many small question marks in their minds.

The Longyuan stone almost exploded on the spot.

He stared at Ye Que, panting continuously, mainly out of breath.

Other ways of making are also uncomfortable. Seeing Ye Que get a blessing in disguise, the feeling is indescribably uncomfortable.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Laughter as light as a jade plate came from behind.

Ye Que looked over with a smile.

"Yeah! I knew Ye was a liar!"

Sheng Chuyin stretched out his right hand, and gave Ye Que a thumbs up.

On that cute little face full of aura, there is a beauty that can make the world eclipsed.

"You're welcome, I'm just lucky. Thanks to everyone's blessings, I won the first place."

Ye Que, that bitch, started expressing his thoughts while talking.

The point is, what he said is really true.

On the road to the wilderness, if these people hadn't been eager to chase him down, he might not have won the first place.

The three clans of Long Yuanshi and Huoxuehong all collapsed, their faces darker than the bottom of the pot.

"Thank you everyone! As for winning the first place this time, I think the first thing I want to thank is Sheng Hatsune. Without her spiritual support, I might not have won the first place!"

Ye Que really started to speak for himself.

Everyone's face is black.

This is the first place, although it is shocking, but it is not like this, right?

It seems that our barren land has no tradition of giving speeches, right?

"Secondly, I also need to thank Brother Long Yuanshi. Without his plan to chase and kill me, I would not have won the first place! Hey, Brother Long's good intentions, I have a deep understanding, Brother Long is a good person !"

Ye Que showed off his white teeth, which reflected a dazzling light under the sun, which symbolized sunshine (black belly) and sincerity (coquettish).

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and gave Long Yuanshi a thumbs up.

puff! !

Long Yuanshi was furious, his qi and blood reversed, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Brother Long, don't get excited, you don't have to thank me."

Ye Que's smile caught everyone's eyes, and they felt inexplicably cold.

Damn, it looks like an old Yinbi at first glance.

"Well~ I won't talk about the rest of the methods. In short, without you, I wouldn't be where I am now!"

Ye Que was like a leader, with his hands behind his back, his eyes scanned the top-notch craftsmen behind him, and there was a kind of appreciation in his eyes, as well as your great emotions.

Don't talk about that, he's not an ordinary disgusting person.

The geniuses of the multiverse present here today, as well as the geniuses of the three hundred core races, felt a chill in their hearts, and thoroughly recognized Ye Que's character.

"I can't afford to be offended, look at this guy's expression and tone of voice, a typical old Yinbi!"

"Be careful in the future!"

Many people whisper.

"Liar Ye, stop talking, be quiet."

Sheng Hatsune shouted.

Ye Kuang nodded, and turned around in a dignified manner, with the aura that I am invincible and eternally respected, I almost spit out a group of people.

This guy is really disgusting every second.

Then, everyone was quiet.

The true **** did not show up, but the words of the true **** still spread across the square.

The main point is to warn everyone not to use the strength in the body to fight, and after this experience, there are five days to let everyone lose the points in their hands.

After this, everyone left and went straight to a nearby store.

"Ye Que!!"

Long Yuanshi gathered a group of people and surrounded Ye Que.

"You guys, still want to do it?"

Ye Que was about to turn into a giant turtle.

Having said that, he added: "I am number one!"

It's okay if you don't say this, but once you say it, the dragon yuan stone will be blown up.

"Hack him!"

Long Yuanshi picked up the knife and chopped it off.

"Who dares!"

Sheng Chuyin jumped out. She was smart. When she was in the square, she notified the cousins ​​of the Shengyuan clan and many guards in advance.


A large number of people surrounded Long Yuanshi and the others.

Sheng Chuxue hesitated for a moment, sighed, and walked over.

She couldn't forget the look in Sheng Chuyin's eyes, and she was also aware of Ye Que's status in Chuyin's heart.

So, she chose to help.

Moreover, after the previous two-level reversal, Ye Que suddenly became the number one, which made her have to admire the opponent's means.

She walked closer and said indifferently: "Get out of the way, he is a member of my Shengyuan clan, if you want to make a move, ask us first!"

"He killed so many of us! Can't go anywhere today!"

Long Yuanshi pointed at Ye Que.

Ye Que smiled and nodded: "Stop pointing, that's right, I have a showdown, and I am number one!"

How many times do you have to say this!

Really black belly.

Long Yuanshi's body became unstable, and he almost ran away.

"Isn't it normal to fight, kill, and die on the road to the barren source? If you feel dissatisfied, you can sue the true god. I want to see who is messing around!"

The high-level method is not there, Sheng Chuxue is in charge, she has iron teeth and copper teeth, and every word is overwhelming.

People from the Longyuanshi and Huoxuehong clans really couldn't speak a word.

After a long time, Long Yuanshi said coldly: "Let's wait and see!"

As they spoke, they took out the wild source tokens and went to various stores to buy the resources they needed.

Long Yuanshi was in a very bad mood, he came to the shop that sold the tattooing liquid, and said coldly: "Get out of the way!"

His rampant and arrogant energy displeased many people.

But if you don't like it or not, you still have to let it go.

After all, they really couldn't offend the son of the patriarch of the Longyuan clan.

"I want 90 bottles of tattoo solution!"

A bottle of tattooing solution is worth 100 exchange points.

Ninety bottles of tattooing liquid, worth 9,000 exchange points.

Long Yuanshi took out the token, which has 9909 exchange points.

The exchange point for the gods is 1,000 minus the number of ranks on the road to the wilderness.

The exchange point for creating a method is 10,000 minus one's own rank in the Wilderness Road.

For example, Long Yuanshi, his ranking on the road to the wild source reached 91st.

That's ten thousand minus ninety-one.

However, before the token in his hand was taken over by the boss, someone pushed him away from behind.

"Get out of the way, the number one is coming!"

Ye Quejian was so angry that he poked open the Dragon Origin Stone with his elbow, and at the same time took out his token, put it on the counter with a slap, and said richly, "Boss, here are 100 bottles of tattooing liquid!"

He is number one.

Unfortunately, he is a god.

The calculation method of the exchange point of the gods should be one thousand minus the number of rankings in the road to the wild source.

It stands to reason that the exchange points he has obtained are only 999 points.

However, the first place is a special reward.

Regardless of the level, whoever gets the first place can get 10,000 exchange points.

It is worth mentioning that the first place is a place of honor.

Except for the creation, any method of creation will not be contested. This is the tradition of the road to the barren source.

In fact, it's mainly because it's not very attractive.

The top exchange points are all about the same.

This is also the reason why there are few ranking fluctuations in the top 100.

Everyone just needs to stabilize their rankings and be killed by others who come from behind.

Therefore, the first place is more symbolic to them.

But Ye Que didn't have that kind of concept, it's a **** not to take advantage of the cheap, so he won the first place.

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