God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1295: The path of evolution

"I am number one!"

Ye Que was afraid that others would not know, so he yelled again on purpose.

Sheng Chuxue and his gang were speechless.

All right, all right, I know you are number one, you are very awesome, so stop yelling.

Not to mention the others, they all looked at him with slanted eyes.

"Hmph! I am the number one friend!"

Holding a big iron rod, Sheng Chuyin arrogantly stood beside Ye Que, almost treating herself as a real god.

The faces of Sheng Chuxue and the others turned even darker.

Who did this girl learn from?

Besides, when your brother was the number one every day, he never saw you so proud, right?

"Ye Que!! How dare you push me?"

Long Yuanshi gritted his teeth with a gloomy face, and almost made a move.

"It's crowded here, and it's normal to be pushed. Of course, you are weak, and you will fall to the ground if you are touched. If you are so precious, you'd better not come here."

Ye Que played with taste.

Hearing this, Long Yuanshi was so angry that smoke rose from his seven orifices.

Which means he looks like a bitch.

"Okay! Very good! You have been completely targeted by me! From now on, be careful yourself!"

Long Yuanshi took a deep breath, bought the tattooing liquid he needed, and left.

Those who left with him were also the creation methods of the Huoyuan, Bloodyuan and Hongyuan tribes.

They took a deep look at Ye Que and left.

"First place, do you want to buy it?"

the boss asked.

Ye Que saw Long Yuanshi leave, so he put away the barren source token, and said flatly, "I won't buy it."

boss:? ? ?

The one who dares to love you is here to disgust Long Yuanshi?

Didn't you ever think that you disgusted me too?

Naturally, Ye Que wouldn't go to buy Shengwen Ye, he came here to deal with Long Yuanshi.


Ye Que put away the token, went to the Court of Laws next door, spent 10,000 exchange points, and bought 100 rules.

1 rule, worth 100 redemption points.

100 rules, worth 10,000 exchange points.

Before buying, he asked, the Court of Laws does not sell top-level laws, such as chaos, destruction, creation and so on.

"Is there a law of space and time?"

Ye Que asked.

"That thing... you'd better not touch it. Of course, if you ask why, I can't give you an answer unless you ask the true **** yourself."

The boss seemed very taboo and didn't talk to Ye Que much.

Ye Que was thoughtful, and finally left.

He went to the holy source world, entered the residence of the holy source clan, and arranged several formations, and finally entered the inner body world.

In the world inside the body, he has arranged multiple secret, isolation, monitoring and other formations.

After doing this, he took out the source of the hundred rules.

"The road to the Fashen, I know it's difficult to walk, and I also went straight into it, but now it seems that I have to abandon it."

Ye Que made this decision as early as when he was at the Flaming Purgatory Platform.

The old man in the wooden house was right.

If you want to step on the highest step of the Purgatory Terrace and win the Heavenly Jade, you must focus on the realm.

His willpower is amazing, and he could have gone to a higher level, but because of his realm, he was suppressed.

Only when the state is high can one continue to step on higher levels.

"If I take the path of the Dharma God, five hundred years is not enough for me to practice! My realm will always be suppressed."

"Forget it, the ten rules I have now are enough!"

"Didn't the old patriarch also walk the path of the Dharma God, and he still reached the pinnacle of creation!"

Look at Sister Fa, she has practiced for hundreds of millions of years, and she has 99 laws, but her realm is stuck at the fifth level of law-making, and she has no further progress.

This is very fatal to him.

Because if you want to go to the stage of purgatory, the higher the realm, the better.

In that place, no matter how high the level is, it is useless. The Purgatory Platform ignores the level and only targets the body and soul.

"If the universe I'm in is safe, I can take the route of the Dharma God. Now... let's raise the realm honestly!"

Ye Que poured all the sources of one hundred laws on the sacred tree of Dharma, waiting for the birth of the divine fruit of Dharma.

"It's a good thing not to follow the path of the Fashen! It will make me stronger as soon as possible, and I can get the Heavenly Jade in advance!"

As Ye Que talked, he thought of his own wife.

Our daughter-in-law is a **** of Dharma, so why bother to go that way by myself, just match men and women.

He was in the world inside his body, waiting all the time.

Ten days later.

On the holy tree of Dharma, there are ripe fruits of Dharma God.

Ye Que smashed his mouth, greedy: "One source of laws can produce two fruits, and one source of laws can produce two hundred Dharma fruits! Big profit!"

This is much more cost-effective than buying a tattoo solution.

Pick off the Fashen fruit and swallow it mouthful.

"Ding! Your mastery of the law has deepened!"

"Ding! Your mastery of the law has deepened!"

Let's calculate how many magic patterns can be added.

The origin of 1 law can form 2 Dharma God Fruits.

The origin of 100 laws can produce 200 Fashen Fruits.

1 fruit can increase 5 magic patterns.

200 fruits can increase 1000 spells.

This guy won the first place by accident, and he flew into the sky in an instant.

Ye Que kept devouring the magic fruit, and the spell pattern improved by leaps and bounds.

After devouring 95 Fashen Fruits, all his laws reached the upper limit of 1000.

boom! !

His realm has directly broken through from the ninth level of the gods to the tenth level of the gods.

"Ding! The host has reached the tenth level of the Divine Spirit Realm, opening the road to advanced law-making!"

"Ding! The host has reached the tenth level of the Divine Spirit Realm, opening the road to advanced law-making!"

Abandoning the path of Fashen, his realm is no longer bound, and he moves forward all the way.

The data has changed.

He looks at the data.

It’s as follows—(Advanced approach to law-making, take a good look ~ final exam)

[Spell pattern 1: 1000/10000 (Dark pattern, when it reaches 10000, it can break through to the first level of spell making)]

[Spell pattern 2: 1000/10000 (counterattack pattern, when it reaches 10000, it can break through to the first level of spell making)]

[Spell pattern 3: 1000/10000 (time pattern...)]

[Spell pattern 4: 1000/10000 (Space pattern...)]

[Spell pattern 5: 1000/10000 (wind blade pattern...)]

[Spell pattern 6: 1000/10000 (cold rain pattern...)]

[Spell pattern 7: 1000/10000 (Thunderstorm pattern...)]

[Spell pattern 8: 1000/10000 (Water pattern...)]

[Spell pattern 9: 1000/10000 (Chaos pattern...)]

[Spell pattern 10: 1000/10000 (to destroy the pattern, when it reaches 10000, it can break through to the first level of spell making)]

Note: When the number of magic lines exceeds 1000, the host enters the quasi-spell level, the more magic lines it has, the stronger the quasi-spell strength.

Another: Laws transforming the sea can become a law-making realm. Because the energy required in the process of strength transformation is too large, the system cannot provide the ability to collectively increase the magic pattern.

Ye Que's mentality collapsed.

Add 10,000 magic patterns... (Because some numbers are too huge and affect the perception, so they are expressed in a mixture of numbers and Chinese characters)

Moreover, this time no longer provides the ability to collectively increase spells.

For example.

A magic fruit can increase 5 magic patterns.

Before, he devoured this magic fruit, and added 5 spells to all ten laws.

But now, he devoured this magic fruit, and he could only add 5 magic patterns to one of the laws.

"I have ten rules, one requires 10,000 spells, and ten is 100,000 spells!"

Ye Que's trembling heart, his dishonest face.

"Fortunately...fortunately, I gave up the path of the law **** ahead of time...otherwise...otherwise I have 99 laws, and if I want to break through to create a law, I need to add 990,000 magic lines to them."

With so many magic patterns, he would have to practice at least tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years, to accumulate them.

Damn it...

Fortunately, this guy let out a long breath.

At the same time, he also deeply understands the difficulties of my sister Fa.

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