God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1293: died?

Boom boom boom!

Ye Que bombarded the law wall with all his strength, really using all the methods of pupil technique, law, secret technique and so on.

But without exception, all are useless.

This is a lawful wall created by many top-notch manufacturing methods.

Even if he breaks through to create a method, it is estimated that it will be difficult to compete.

"Keep an eye on him!"

Long Yuanshi didn't give Ye Que a chance, even if he found a new position, he was still staring at Ye Que.

He hated the other party, but he didn't dare to underestimate the other party.

The gods of the Longyuan clan were almost wiped out by the group, how dare they underestimate this.

"If there is a slight crack, I will fill it up from the air!"

The Hongyuan people's law-making made a sound.

"Whoever dares to save him, I will kill him!"

The methods of the Fire Origin Clan and the Blood Origin Clan opened their mouths, and the voice contained monstrous hatred and cold determination.

The law-makers of the other core races sneered, although they felt offended, they really didn't dare to cause trouble at this time.

"All the high-level crafting methods have left, and a lot of front seats have been vacated, which is comfortable!"

"Yes, we have improved several rankings for free!"

"However, the first place is still vacant, and no one dares to sit there!"

Seeing that Ye Que was trapped, a lot of creations didn't have much thought, and started chatting.

"It's not that I don't dare, but that the first place is glory. If you don't become a creation, whoever goes up will be ashamed! This is the tradition of the road to the wilderness!"

There are other ways to murmur, with longing in their eyes.

"Hey! Liar Ye, where are you?"

Sheng Chuyin saw several ways of chasing and killing Ye Que, and started to return, feeling panicked.

She, who had always ignored her cousin, began to pay attention again.

The cousin didn't speak, but she didn't let her run around, which made her panic even more.

Rumble! !

Rumble! !

Ye Que bombarded desperately, even if he blew himself up, it was useless.

He leaned against the law wall, his face extremely ugly.

The time has come to the last ten minutes.

After more than ten minutes, the barren source road will be closed.

"Hey, this Ye Que is also a character, but unfortunately, in the end, he still didn't escape their pursuit."

A 50th rank super top **** shook his head and sighed.

"With the realm of the ninth-level gods, it is easy to destroy any gods, which is a pity."

Not to mention the gods, the quasi-dharma practitioners are also sighing.

"Hmph! I'm finally going to die!"

Long Yuanshi stood on the 91st place stele that he snatched, staring at Sheng Chuyin who was further ahead, with a gloomy face, still unwilling.

"Even if you die, I will squeeze out your value!"

He released a ray of law fluctuations, shaking Sheng Hatsune.

Sheng Chuyin opened her tearful eyes and said pleasantly, "Liar Ye?"

"The one surnamed Ye is dead!"

Long Yuanshi wanted to kill people, and his sudden words shocked Sheng Chuyin to stand on the spot.

"Shut up!"

The cousin was on the stone tablet next to her, and she gave a cold drink, and the law of shaking the Longyuan stone fluctuated.

"Cousin, is he dead? Do you know all this?"

Sheng Hatsune's voice drew her attention back.

She looked at Sheng Hatsune, her body trembled.

The angry and cold eyes made her feel the alienation and strangeness from Sheng Hatsune for the first time.


She, who was a top-notch fourth-order manufacturing method, actually hesitated.

Seeing this scene, many practitioners shook their heads and discussed heatedly.

"This is the first time I've seen Sheng Chuxue flustered."

"Sheng Hatsune will probably hate her for the rest of her life."

"It's enough to prove Ye Que's position in Sheng Chuyin's heart."

"That's good, after we die, we can also get closer to Sheng Hatsune."

They were discussing heatedly, and Long Yuanshi laughed wildly when he heard it: "Sheng Chuyin, he is indeed dead! He provoked me, he must die! Sheng Chuxue has been watching coldly, she has been hindering you!"

Let's make a mess, let's make a mess together.

His heart was laughing wildly.

Rumble! !

Ye Que's face was as gloomy as water.

He punched the law wall, feeling unwilling.

"Now, do you regret it?"

Long Yuanshi laughed out loud.

In the depths, there was the faint cry of Sheng Hatsune.

The practitioners didn't feel much about Ye Que's death. Counting the time, there were only ten seconds left.

It's time to focus on yourself.

Everyone calmed down and waited for the closure of the barren source road.

"Hahahaha! Everything is over!"

Looking at Ye Que inside the law wall, Long Yuanshi slowly sat cross-legged on the stone tablet and laughed.

Time, only a few seconds left.

Even if he opened the law wall, Ye Que would have no time to find a place, and he would surely die.

However, his expression was a little weird.

Because when he saw Ye Que's face, it turned from gloomy and ugly to expressionless, and even had a look of teasing.

Before he could say more, Ye Que said, "Yes, everything is over!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head again, looked into the deepest place, and said in a more teasing tone, "This number one position is not bad!"

Long Yuanshi:? ? ?

Bloodborne family law:? ? ?

The method of fire source clan:? ? ?

The Hongyuan people's method:? ? ?

Other ways of making are also taken aback.

Sheng Chuxue froze for a moment, then suddenly looked at the number one in the deepest place.

That is the exclusive seat of seven thousand years of creation.

It is also a position of glory that Zaofa dare not touch.

But at this moment, there was one more person beside the seat.

It's Ye Que! !

He hangs in the void, like a **** descending, with deep mysteries and great wisdom hidden in his eyes, and he has a godly temperament that controls everything and overrides everything.

He slowly walked up to the stele, sat on the throne, overlooking the many ways of making in the distance, and said indifferently: "Thank you for your hard work!"

Everyone had goosebumps and their souls were trembling.

"How is this going?!!"

Long Yuanshi didn't dare to accept it, and shouted hysterically.

"It's a clone!!"

Sheng Chuxue shuddered all over, and her hairs stood on end.

This Ye Que had fooled everyone from the very beginning.

"What we've been stuck with has always been his avatar! He's been acting from the very beginning, making us believe that avatar is the deity! He confuses us, he's been waiting for this moment!"

The Hongyuan people's method of making vibrato.

They looked at the law wall.

The Ye Que inside had been slowly split until it disappeared.

"After so much thanks, why didn't you remember your lesson this time?"

Ye Que sat on the throne of the first place, with the spirit of turning his hands into clouds and his hands into rain.

As his words spread out, everyone's minds were shaken, and the road to the barren source began to be closed.

The majesty of the true **** descended, obliterating those who did not enter the stone tablet.

"Everyone, see you in the square!"

Ye Que smiled proudly and disappeared.


Long Yuanshi grabbed his hair and roared angrily.

Not only did he not catch Ye Que, but hundreds of gods of the same clan were also wiped out.

Now, let Ye Que ascend to the first throne.

His mentality collapsed, and he felt that he was being pinched in the palm of the opponent's palm, sexually casually.

swipe swipe—

Everyone disappears.

When it appeared again, it was in the square.

But this time, the only focus was on Ye Que.

Because of him, he stood at the front of the square, where the seven thousand-year-old creation once stood.

And standing behind him is a large number of top-notch methods.

These guys are completely dumbfounded.

Especially Long Yuanshi, people are almost stupid.

"Ah~ I haven't seen you for a few seconds. It's like three autumns. Fortunately, we meet again. Everyone is destined for me!"

Ye Que turned around with a smile, and opened his hands, as if embracing everything, but in fact he was so cheap that he could not pay for his life.

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