God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1292: Half day's danger

Now everyone is pushing the wall down.

There are a bunch of people with malicious intentions.

How could the Longyuan clan and others not know, but there is no way.

Ye Que killed like crazy, forcing them to join forces.

This time, Long Yuanshi no longer had the arrogance and high-spiritedness of the past, but was terrified and angry inside.

Time passed bit by bit.

The gods of various races were harvested wave after wave by Ye Que.

Fortunately, these guys protected the remaining gods gathered in time, otherwise Ye Que would have wiped them all out.

call out-

Ye Que turned into a streak of blood and went straight to the deepest point.

Along the way, many quasi-dharma masters are not fighting fiercely.

It is estimated that they are all in collusion.

If anyone dares to make trouble later, they will definitely join hands.

Fortunately, these guys didn't take the initiative to cause trouble, allowing Ye Que to pass safely.

"There are so many empty seats! By the way, where did the high-level construction method and that creation go?"

Ye Que narrowed his eyes. When he was hunted down, he didn't see these high-end combat power.

"Huh? Ye Que! How dare you come here!"

He was discovered by the Longyuan Clan's creation method.

"I'm here to find my long-lost grandson, none of your business!"

He turned and ran.

"We've found him, it's in the deepest part, hurry up and stop him, if we can't kill him, we have to trap him!"

Make a sound transmission.

"Go! This time, he must be restricted to death!"

Long Yuanshi spoke in a cold voice.

Needless to say, the rest of the method also knows how to do it.

This time, Ye Que must be killed.


More than a dozen statues made Dharma and blocked them from the outside.

Ye Que sneered: "You want to kill me?"

"Your ability is special. You can be resurrected after death! But there are only three and a half days left. As long as we trap you, even if you can be resurrected, the power of the true **** can destroy you!"

The law-makers changed their minds and no longer decided to kill, but to trap.


The sea of ​​laws turned into walls, blocking the deepest road, and many magical and secret techniques approached Ye Que faintly like bright rays of light.

Ye ischemia's veins were fully opened, and the ten principles turned into two wings, and quickly flew outside.

"It's useless! This time, I won't let you escape again!"

Zao Fa stepped on the top of the sea, his divine eyes fixed on Ye Que.

Not long after Ye Que flew, Long Yuanshi and others blocked him.

"You're pretending again? Everyone, don't kill him, stop him! All stop him!"

These guys finally changed their plan.

Many laws, supernatural powers and secret techniques turned into translucent walls, tightly blocking the front and back of the barren road.

"All advance!"

Long Yuanshi drank coldly, and let everyone slowly block him, and then completely trapped Ye Que.

"You pig brains are finally flexible!"

Ye Que smiled coldly.

"It's hard to fly even with wings, you will surely die today!"

Long Yuanshi shouted coldly and angrily.

The rumbling sound reverberated in all directions, and the power of many laws and secret arts talents weighed countless billions, blocking Ye Que tightly.

"After three and a half days, the road to the barren source will be closed. We only need to trap you for three and a half days. No matter how strong you are, you will be obliterated by the power of the true god!"

Long Yuanshi was unwilling.

I wanted to catch him alive, but the other party was too cunning, and if he allowed it to act recklessly, the loss would be even greater.

Moreover, even if the other party is allowed to go out alive, they have no legitimate reason to deal with it.

On the road to wasteland, fighting and killing is normal.

According to the rules, Ye Que did nothing wrong.

So, simply kill the opponent here.

"Three and a half days?"

Ye Que sighed, then sneered: "Then let's try it!"

He directly opened the heart of good fortune, and used infinite energy to forcefully break through.

Even if they blew themselves up, even if they died together, they still had to go out.

"Looking for death! Shoot them all!"

Long Yuanshi took the lead in attacking, and the sea of ​​laws turned into a huge sword that held up to the sky, and slashed at Ye Que.

The rest of the creation methods were also shot, the bright light of the law, and the heavy Yiwanjun secret technique, rumbled on him.

A big battle broke out.

"It's blocked, it's hard for him to break through, and he's probably gone."

"Even if he can't die inside, he's still trapped. After three and a half days, the power of the true **** will sweep through, soaking..."

The other law-makers watched the show, and they didn't have much pity or pity for this genius with seven thousand years of creation qualifications.

"Leaf Liar!"

Sheng Hatsune squatted on the stone tablet, lowered his head and pouted, looking very disappointed.

She was in the deepest place and couldn't see Ye Que's situation.

Her cousin saw Ye Que's situation, but didn't say much.

Because it's useless to say it.

Looking at the eyes of the dozen or so statues, it looks like someone has dug up their ancestral graves, who would dare to stop them?

"The major high-level creations and the first creations have gone to the barren source secret realm, and no one can stop these people."

The cousin hesitated, although she didn't approve of Ye Que in her heart, but seeing Sheng Chuyin's appearance, her heart softened.

It's just that it's too late to act now.

Long Yuanshi and the others went crazy and wanted to kill Ye Que. If she stopped, she might be killed too.


The cousin shook her head, waiting for the road to the barren source to be closed.

The experience this time is simply a mess, no one can conduct real experience under such circumstances.

Everyone can save their lives, which is considered good.

"Two days have passed!"

"Hahaha, Ye Que, Ye Que, even if you don't die now, what can you do to me?"

Long Yuanshi laughed wildly. Although he still regretted in his heart and was horrified by Ye Que's killing methods, but now that he could witness Ye Que being trapped to death, he could vent part of his inner anger.

"You killed all the gods of my clan! Ye Que, Ye Que! I will treat you well!"

According to the Hongyuan method, the eyes are always red.

They are the worst.

Of the gods that came in, none remained, all of them were slaughtered by Ye Que.

When the barren source road is closed, it is estimated that the Hongyuan clan will collapse.

The Fire Origin Clan and the Blood Origin Clan didn't say a word, but the situation wasn't much better. There were only five or six of their gods left, a miserable group.

Of the more than 300 gods of the Longyuan clan, only 21 survived, which is the worst one.

This was all done by Ye Que.

But now, Ye Que was penetrated by many laws and secret techniques, and he couldn't even move forward, let alone break through.

"Having so many gods buried with me, I think it's worth it!"

Ye Que has been trying to break out of the siege, and his ferocious energy has never let up.

However, his breakout was too pale.

It doesn't work at all.

Blocked by so many methods, he was powerless.

Time gradually came to the last day.

"My heart of creation can only last for half a day."

Ye Que suppressed the heaviness in his heart, and continued to break through with a blank expression.

"Everyone, continue to attack for a long time, consume him all the time, and then completely block him. For the last half day, everyone, find the stone tablet as soon as possible and sit down!"

Long Yuanshi spoke.

With a unified time, everyone will no longer be overwhelmed and focus on killing Ye Que.

Half a day passed quickly.

And there was only half a day left before the closure of the barren source road.


The Longyuan Stone poured a large amount of the sea of ​​law into the wall of law to make it stronger.

Boom boom boom.

Many methods have been created with great effort, and a large number of laws, secrets, talents, and other means are blessed on the wall.

The wall is translucent.

When they flew away, they were still staring at Ye Que.

Ye Que also heaved a sigh of relief.

Because the heart of creation just happened to be closed.

"Now, there is only half a day left for me to break through."

Ye Que's face was ugly, he punched tentatively, and the wall of law remained motionless.

Storm of Laws, Millions of Secret Techniques, smashed down in an instant.

The wall of law still didn't budge.

"Wait to die!"

Long Yuanshi looked for the location, fixed his eyes on Ye Que, and smiled coldly.

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